Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Series!

Hey Element Church! Tomorrow we start a new sermon series and I am REALLY excited about it. It actually has been weird preparing for it. It is a totally different feel from the previous two series'. Heroes, I hope will be inspiring and motivating for us to awaken the Hero within. Lurking inside all of us are Heroes of the faith. As we take an inside look at some Biblical heroes, what I hope we will see is that they were just like us. They were ordinary people living extraordinary lives because they believed in an EXTRAORDINARY GOD! We've got a worship song that is the theme for the series that is ROCKIN' MY WORLD right now! It's a song that I feel is exactly where Element is at. Adam has worked REALLY hard on a cool set design. As a portable, new and growing church we try to do some cool set designs on a budget. I think Adam could write a book called "Set Designs On A Budget". This one (I think he got it done) is going to be a cool fit for Heroes. Come as we look inside the lives of people like Esther, Caleb, Gideon, Jesus (Easter DUH), and one person who the Bible doesn't even give a name!

Following Christ


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