Friday, March 30, 2007

The Beginning

January 10th of 2006 I had done my morning devos and began reading in the book "The Barbarian Way" by Erwin McManus. I came across a statement that would forever change my future. Erwin said "God is not there to provide for us creature comforts, but to put us where we will do Him the most good." That statement seemed to leap off the page to me. I stopped reading and said "Lord, if I've had any cooling off in my own life I want a fresh touch." I think I would have heard God's call before that day, but on that day I began praying "Lord, wherever you want me I will go. I want to do you the most good, not just receive from you creature comforts." I literally prayed that for weeks. Later that month I sensed God was preparing my heart for something new. I told Sabrina "I think God's gonna call us into a lead pastor role." We continued praying for God's direction not knowing what would happen. If God wanted us in Gillette we'd have stayed. If He wanted us somewhere else we were ready to go. A few weeks went by and again during my morning devotions I felt strongly the city of Cheyenne on my heart. I told Sabrina again, "Man, I really feel like God is preparing us for Cheyenne." Big problem though, Cheyenne had no church asking me to come. For the next few days we prayed about planting a church in Cheyenne. On February 28th of 2006 I was reading in my normal devotions and was in Isaiah. I remember that morning praying "Lord, if you want us to go to Cheyenne I need confirmation from You.!" I came to Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT) which says "But forget all that. It is nothing compared to what I am going to do, for I am about to do a brand new thing. Do you not see it, it has already begun. I will make a pathway in the wilderness for my people to come home, and will make rivers for them in the desert." It was as if God was speaking straight to my heart. I told Sabrina "We're going to Cheyenne." The rest...well you know... is history! (That's the short version)

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