Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My first post

I'm a blogger! First it was text messaging. Swore I'd never do it. Talked about how stupid it was. Now I'm a text messager. Now blogging. "It'll never catch on!" Famous last words. Turns out blogging is a great way to share information with people. WHODA THUNK! There are several church planters out there blogging about there experience. I'm hooked to 2 or 3 blogs where these guy's have some incredible insight into chruch planting. My wife thinks that I have some "insights" people could learn from too. I'm not to sure about that, HOWEVER, I do know there are lot's of you out there (friends and family) that would like to know more about our church plant. Be updated on what's going on. Well, this is the easiest way I know how to do it. Instead of a newsletter, mass email, or snail mail, I'll just join the blogging world. Some days it might be as simple as "I spend time with my family at the park today". Other times I know it will be as exciting as "Someone experienced Life in Christ for the first time today." No matter what it is, I hope this keeps you connected to Element Church. Become an Element Insider today for only $19.95 a month. HA there is a fundraising solution. jk (text message for "just kidding") Enjoy! I'll try to update as much as I can. I'll even start at the beginning.

Following Christ



Anonymous said...

Yo buddy. Congrats on being sucked into the blogging world. I love it. Its really is a great way for your peeps to peep your life. :)

Momma M. said...

Cool! I will look forward to keeping in step with you - from far away! Sending much love and prayers!