Tuesday, April 24, 2007

General Update

This last weekend our whole team was together. "I've seen a lot of things in my time...but that...was....AWESOME!" lol I think we have a great team. Three out of the four staff couples are already here in Cheyenne. Adam (worship leader) and Amber came to Cheyenne on Thursday and stayed through Monday morning. We had an awesome time dreaming, planning, praying, worrying (do a lot of that as a church planter I found out), celebrating and growing. We made some great progress in the search for a meeting location and pretty much decided on the theatre in the mall. The pluses outweight the positives and it fits the feel of Element. Please continue to pray that all goes well with that. Pray for the theatre manager that we can serve him and be a blessing to him. Adam and Amber found an apartment and secured it for their move here in 1 month. PRAISE GOD! He is faithful to provide. We had a great Life Group on Sunday night. The first time Adam and Amber were able to be here for that. Had a new family and new faces at Life Group. Please continue to pray for Grant as he seeks God for direction and vision with Elements Life Group ministry. Pray for Keenan and Katrina as well as they seek for vision in youth and kids ministry stuff. Pray for Adam that God would clarify vision for worship at Element and to provide teams for these guy's as well. Thanks to all who are praying for us. Your prayers are felt.

Following Christ,


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