We need everyone to pray for warm, dry weather this coming Saturday April 7th. We have the privelege of being servants at the Cheyenne city Easter Egg Hunt. 4 weeks ago I met with the director of the Parks and Recreation Dept. here in Cheyenne. I've been intervewing all sorts of leaders from different spheres of influence to help us discern what some of the biggest needs are in Cheyenne, and just grow more familiar with the city. I ended our conversation asking if there were ever events they needed volunteers at. His response was and emphatic "YES!". He gave me the number of the guy in charge of volunteers. I called him and volunteered our services at the egg hunt which they gratefully accepted. A day later I called back and asked if we could go one step further in serving the city and those families attending by offering free inflatable games for all the kids. They jumped on board immediately and really feel like this will be a great benefit to their event. 600 - 700 people attend the event. Fun On The Go just "happened" to have a trailer coming from Ft. Collins that day loaded with games. Also, we were going to need an insurance policy citing Cheyenne City as additional insured. Fun On The Go is donating their last policy they had for free. They are given a certain # per year. This is our first big "splash" into the community. We are running free ads through the week in the paper and one color paid ad on Wednesday. We also have connection cards that we will be giving out to people who are there at the games. The connection cards have info about Element Church. I've added a couple pictures of our connection cards. The weather looks like it will be good right now but we covet your prayers for GREAT weather so we can serve the city and the families who will be attending.
This is the front:

This is on the back:

I'm really enjoy reading your blog.
Since we don't always get to hear how all worked out, it's interesting to read about it. Love you and we're continuing to pray for you!!
love your blog and your ministry! Great idea on the event and I promise to pray for wonderful weather and great ministry opportunity!
Way Cool Jeff!!! I loved reading about all the ways God is providing and what He is speaking into your life. This is so awesome what God is doing. I will definitely pray for your weather there. Bless you brother!!
Wendy England
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