Sunday, June 17, 2007

Our church!

Couldn't go to sleep again last night. (same as last Saturday) The brain shut off button was malfunctioning. My mind races with the "what ifs" of Sunday. Not nervous what ifs but excited ones. Got up this morning to do my devotions and started 1 Corinthians. Read out of my Oswald Chambers devo and started praying. Something struck me as I was praying. Today at Unplugged we are talking about vision. What is God's vision for Element Church? So as I was praying I said something to the effect of "Lord, I pray I would communicate in such a way that people would catch the vision of OUR CHURCH." We have an "our" church now. That blew me away. For so long it's been "the church" but now we have an "our". People came last week. New people are coming this week. That blows me away! That God could stir the heart of people in Gillette and Sheridan in all stages and walks of life to start this thing called Element Church in a city 4 hours away and people in Cheyenne are looking for something to belong to and they become part of our church. Now before someone reminds me "It's not our church it's Gods". I hope you know what I mean. We are a group of people who are taking ownership of this "new thing" God wants to begin. WOW! Our church. It's not just me anymore, or 8 couples on a team, it's become "our" now. I'm excited. Can't wait to worship with everyone this morning and share what's on my heart.

Following Christ


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