Wow, today was exciting. It seems there aren't enough hours in the day to get done what we need to get done for Sunday. Today we got to go set up all of our e:worship stuff in the main auditorium. It was a BLAST! Made me ready to get it on on Sunday. From the time we started backing the trailer up to the time we had everything set up it was 1 hour and 5 minutes. That was a killer time and we were going very slow. Now that we know how it goes in we should shave a bunch of time off that. It took us 35 minutes to tear down and load the trailer. Again that is going slow. I am very excited about how well everything worked. We are gonna be last minute on projector issues. We did not buy a projector for e:worship since we are able to use the theatres, HOWEVER, as of today we did not have the proper connection to hook up our laptops to their projector. Tomorrow we think we'll have it solved. MAN, I am so excited for Sunday. The e:kidz area is gonna be a total blind set up. We didn't have time to get in their today. I think it will be ok. Our sound system sounds GREAT in there. Adam fabricated a stage for us which gets us off the floor and more level with the people. That was HUGE. If we didn't have the stage I think it would look tacky with us all the way on the floor. There are some pictures below. We are dead center on the front row, but according to the picture it looks like we aren't centered with the screen. May need to adjust that. We are going to record the whole service on Sunday and I'll get some highlights up on the blog Sunday. Tomorrow and Saturday we'll be tying up loose ends and then gearing up for Sunday morning. WOW, we are really doing this! Love it.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,

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