Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day Of School

Today is Jonah's first day of school. It's weird that we now have kids in school. Crazy. Mariah starts pre-school next week. Walking through the halls of Dildine Elementary yesterday I told Sabrina "I fought like mad to get out of places like this, now I'm taking my boy to it." I hope Jonah enjoys school and applies himself better than I did. I didn't put much stock into education. Jonah is excited and I'm excited for him. I pray that God uses him to be a leader in his school. I pray every day that the lives of my kids would reflect that of God's Son, Jesus. That other students would follow Jonah, Mariah, Makalah and Jaydah as they follow Christ. Jonah has a leader personality that will attract people to him (plus he has his dad's devastating good looks). Seriously though, God can do GREAT things through children. I hope he does through mine. I hope I'm the kind of father they want to emulate and follow. I hope I can give sound advice and counsel as they begin to face the temptations of the day. Now I'm gonna get emotional. First day of school. I pray it is the beginning of many years where God can redeem people.

Following Christ,


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