Monday, August 13, 2007


MAN! I've been thinking a lot about systems today. Doing A LOT of reading on systems. Researching systems. First of all, before anyone says, "The Holy Spirit grows a church!", let me say that I believe the Holy Spirit grows a church. BUT, show me a church without systems and I'll show you a church that probably isn't growing. What we are doing that got us to 60 people will not take us to 120. What gets us to 120 won't get us to 240. You get the picture. So tomorrow at staff meeting we're talking systems.

--- What is the next step for FTG's (First Time Guests)?
--- When someone begins serving what's the next step?
--- How do we keep multiplying Life Groups?
--- How do we get people plugged into volunteering?
--- How do we begin to multiply leaders?
--- How do we do follow up and when do we need volunteers to do it for/with us?
--- How do we train Life Group leaders?

Moses had to deal with it. (read this) He had to eventually bring alongside some men to listen to the people. Deal with issues. Judge what was going on.

The early church dealt with it. (read this) The apostles could only do so much. They had to decide that their most important task was to preach, teach and direct. They needed others to do the tasks of ministry.

Moses needed systems or he would wear himself and the people out. He was capped on what he could do. The apostles needed systems, the result? The word of God CONTINUED to be spread and the number of believers greatly increased. What if they wouldn't have developed systems? Would the word of God NOT have spread rapidly. Would the believers not have GREATLY increased.

Element Church needs systems. Everything needs to have a process to get us to the next step. To get us to the next level. I've REALLY been feeling that lately.

I think many churches lack systems. SO, they get to the level their system can handle and they stop growing, they are capped. We must do our part to enable the ability to grow and the Holy Spirit will send the growth. I'm still learning this but I HAVE to learn it because I want the Gospel to spread and believers to increase RAPIDLY.

Following Christ,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Creating Community by Andy Stanley- Awesome place to start- nuff said.