Thursday, March 13, 2008

Egg Drop Needs Filled

Hey Element Church! If I make it through this weekend it's going to be amazing. WOW do we have a lot in one weekend. Almost there! All the Egg Drop needs have been met and we are set and ready to go. We have a local concession wagon coming to sell refreshments (not sure if I shared that or not). Weather is going to be GREAT! (I'm trusting God. So should you. lol) I have thoughts of thoughts running through my head that I want and need to blog. With e:coustic, egg drop and Easter coming up, it's been a whirlwhind and the blogging has been lagging.

I love Element Church and can't wait for this weekend.

Following Christ,


1 comment:

The Little's said...

Hi Jeff! My family and I received a mailer about the egg drop and would love to attend...however, I have since lost that mailer and don't know what time to get there. My two kids are really excited. If you could let me know what time it is, that would be great. I understand you're busy, but we sure are looking forward to this as a family and thank you for all your efforts. Thanks again, Tia Little