Saturday, April 7, 2007


Grant posted a GREAT blog today on the Element Connections blog about risk. I have been challenged by this for the last year now. What am I doing for the Lord? Am I being ALL that He wants me to be. And I'm not talking about in my ministry. As a neighbor. A friend. A husband and a dad. As a normal, everyday person, outside of church planting am I being who God wants me to be. Am I willing to take risks in my faith. I hope no matter how old I get, in fact, my hope for all believers is that no matter how mature we are in our faith, how young or old we are that there would be no risk too great if it is what our Lord wants us to do. Risk for risk sake can be self serving. "Look at me!" Risk for God's sake is Kingdom serving and might get me nothing in return. The reward for the risk might be ridicule, rejection, resentment (good 3 points there huh). Anyway, Grant did a great job. So check out his blog. What's the risk? HA, I'm so funny!

1 comment:

Grant Clark said...

Thanks for the kind words bro. I really enjoyed your blog about child-like faith. Ties in nicely with my next posting coming soon.