Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Few things...

3:00 PM on Friday I am being interviewed by the news station for the buydown to show on the ten o'clock news. They don't have any camera crews that night or they would do it live again. The news will also be out Saturday to cover the buydown.

We had purchased and planned an 8,000 piece mailer to go out to everyone 18 - 45 years of age in Cheyenne inviting them to our launch. Well, the mailing house dropped the ball big time and didn't get it done. This throws a HUGE wrench in our plans. We HAVE to get this thing out. It is a MAJOR part of our promotion for launch and the only promo (besides buydown) that we are doing with our church name on it. We are finding out tomorrow if we can fix the problem through another company. Please pray that God gives us direction on what to do. You can view the postcards below.

Can't wait for this Sunday. The Search video is absolutely off the HOOK (really cool for you older folks) this week. It is unbelievably moving, powerful, and heavy stuff. If you're an Element goer, you won't want to miss this Sunday. I'll have to share about the service when it's done. If you can watch the service online next week, you'll want to.

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