Thursday, September 6, 2007

Really Cool!

Over a month ago I sent a press release to the local newspaper about this "new church" starting and the preview service we were getting ready to do...Nothing happened. A week ago I had Terri send another one I had written about this "new church" starting and the upcoming four preview services we were doing. And again...nothing! UNTIL today.

Adam and I were sitting in his office working over lunch on the video for preview service. (Adam was working...I was looking over his shoulder making him change things, HA) The phone rang and it was Brandon from the newspaper. Brandon in the lead reporter for the religion department at the paper. He asked if he could come and hang out with us during our previews, take some pictures and interview us. They want to do a FEATURE article on us and our new beginning for the paper. HOW COOL IS THAT? I'm not sure if it will be a feature for the "whole paper" or one for their religion section that runs on Saturdays, but either way it's free pub and an answer to prayer! God could not have treated us any better in this whole process. I shouldn't be, but I'm amazed at all he's given us. Wow!

Following Christ


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