Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

Here are some highlights from this past weekend (and earlier).

--- Thursday we (Grant, Adam and I) went to lunch with Brandon from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle newspaper. Brandon is the religion and military reporter for the paper hear in town. He has come to all three of our September previews and will be doing a feature piece on us, our launch, as well as other faith based groups trying to engage the younger generation. Brandon wanted to get with us to ask some in depth questions about our church. Although "I believe" the paper is doing this simply as a news story about this new church, I also believe God is behind the entire thing as a way to help promote what we are doing. Please pray that disconnected people will be drawn to our church because of this article. Brandon is a GREAT guy so I would never expect anything BUT good, but please pray that we will be portrayed positively to the community.

--- Saturday we received our issue of the "Around Cheyenne Magazine". I would say all Cheyenne residents get a copy but for some reason Terri and Adam have never received one. I know most residents get one. They have a feature article each month called "Where to Worship?" We are that featured church this month. We are portrayed in a GREAT way and gives the dates of our remaining previews and launch Sunday. I'll try to scan the article in so you can download it and view it.

--- Sunday: 67 people in attendance. We had 49 in the e:worship auditorium. Our e:kidz volunteers and children made up the remainder of that number. Our offering yesterday was $904.80. I think we are seeing the bi-weekly tithe pandemic. LOL Most people get paid every 2 weeks so we see a BIG offering and a smaller offering. BUT let me say this. I AM ECSTATIC THAT WE HAVE ANY OFFERING! We have committed givers and that blows me away. People believe in what we are doing enough to give. WOW!

--- Sunday: I love our church service. I love the way it flows, the way it feels, the way it sets up the Word. Our worship time was phenomenal yesterday. Just totally sets up the Word. We had some fun in the sermon showed some funny videos, I told a few funny stories. Just was an all around GREAT service.

--- Sunday: We had I think 4 new families in the service yesterday. One family seemed VERY excited that we were in town. I'm going to try and connect with them this week. We had one return guest (couple) who came back from one of our September previews. Our prayer every week is that we have new faces. God has yet to say "No!" to that prayer request.

--- Sunday: I gave an invitation at the end of the service yesterday. I asked if anyone knew they weren't following Christ but wanted to to raise their hand. Two people raised their hand and then we turned the lights out so I couldn't see (due to stage lights) anyone to know if they would respond by raising hand again that they prayed to receive Jesus in their hearts. I trust that God's Spirit is speaking to them and working in their hearts today.

That's about it. Thanks for following along. I'll post the Sunday Gameplan later.

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