Friday, December 7, 2007

Did you shovel?

It snowed today which meant for all you Elementers you had your first chance to shovel, not only YOUR driveway, but your neighbors. That was the challenge at least.

This morning I took Jonah outside and we began shoveling. I started with our neighbors sidewalk and driveway. It was very nice to tell Jonah "We're doing this just to be kind to our neighbor." Our neighbor was not home and has no idea we shoveled. Later in the day I went out front and Jonah, all by himself, was over there doing his best to shovel off the new dusting of snow that had fell. Loved seeing that. I want to raise children who WANT to serve and give.

As we were shoveling this thought/question entered my heart and mind again. Is being out here with Jonah about him really helping remove snow? NO! He doesn't accomplish much snow removal. I have to go back and shovel over his rough spots. What's it about then? It's about BEING WITH ME, and me being with Him. We need to remember that when God asks us to do something. It's more about BEING with Him than us HELPING Him. When Jonah is out there it's about him learning, bonding, loving. It's not about snow removal. When I'm "out" with God, it's about learning, bonding, loving. That is the MAIN GOAL anyway. At least how I see it.

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