Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Night (afternoon) Rumination: 12-9-07

WOW! What a day. (This is going to be a weird reference so be forewarned) I've never done drugs but I know what it's look to be high and then crash. Sundays are like that. Sundays are exhilarating and exhausting all in one. I absolutely love Sunday mornings. The day starts early for me (4 AM) and by the time I get home, email the first time guests, chill with family and/or friends I am just crashed. The morning is a high. I love seeing people come in those doors, worship, listen, fellowship. Nothing like it man! I thought I'd write while I'm watching football cause after 7 PM on Sundays I'm pretty much useless.

--- RECORD ATTENDANCE TODAY! I believe Grant said 235. If not it was 234. Needless to say it was a GREAT turnout! I believe we had 90 in the first service and 145 in the 2nd. I'll correct that if I'm wrong. Grant takes out the duplicate attenders as well (volunteers who attend both services).

It was a very confirming day for me today. Questions were answered like "Did we make the right move in 2 services?" "Did we do it too soon?" Today confirmed that we needed to do it. That it was the right decision. We couldn't have had a service for 235 people before. Having two services enables that. What's next? Only God knows. I see big things I'll tell you that! God's not done.

--- Offering isn't counted until Mondays now so I'll report that tomorrow!

--- The big question for our Christmas series is "Why did Jesus come?" The big idea today was "He came to increase our faith." We looked in John 4, the story of the Officials son that Jesus healed. Talked about the progress of faith in that story and how Jesus does the same with us. We had 15 -20 people raise their hands saying they've trusted in Jesus for "saving" faith but there are areas of their lives in which they need to "believe" in Jesus. Need to increase their faith. It was a great response and a message that spoke to and challenged me as well. Those are the good ones.

--- No first time decisions today but I just felt like the sermon connected with some people who were already followers of Christ in a good way. Got lots of comments from people that they were challenged. Lots of "Thank yous" for what was said.

--- I referred to a story in Mark 9 today about a dad who came to Jesus for his son to be healed. You can read it here if you want. The dad asks Jesus "If you can, would you heal my son?" Jesus says "If I CAN? Anything is possible if you just believe." The dads response "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." Seemed like that story connected with some people. I admitted in my own life that I find myself like that sometimes. "I DO believe, help me overcome my areas of unbelief." There are times I so desperately want to believe God FOR something or IN something and I feel like that dad. "I DO believe, but I'm struggling in this area." Jesus wants to help us overcome our unbelief. That's why He came!

--- Adam pulled me aside before we started and prayed over me. Really felt that helped. He just felt led to do that. I reported last week how I felt about the 2nd service sermon. This week I felt like it flowed very well in both and the connection to the people seemed MUCH better for me. Thanks Adam!

--- Set up was frustrating today. Some people didn't come that we "assumed" would be there. I ran sound today for one service which is a strain. I had to set my mic, get down to the platform and run back up to the sound board. Keenan stepped in for first service and did a great job! Thanks Keenan! We got it all up, we were about 15-20 minutes behind schedule. Just one or two people not there really backs us up. We had a good crew stay after to help tear down. If you are an Elementer and are looking for a place to plug in and serve in a way that would REALLY help us. Be a part of the set up crew. The guys and gals that come now do a BANG UP job but they need some help!

--- The "spirit" of worship was at an all time high in 2nd service today. Not sure what it was but it just seemed to connect at a different level. The band, once again, did an outstanding job. Added a new vocalist to the band today. (Thanks Lee!) Lee also brought me REAL White Castles home from Chicago after Thanksgiving. GO LEE!

--- Did I mention I love this?!

--- Held The Tour today (our first one). The Tour is our newcomers luncheon. We had 30 - 40 people come for lunch and some Element vision casting. For our first one, excluding a few early hiccups, I thought it went great. Thanks to those of you who came as our guinea pigs. We shared some of our history of Element Church. Introduced all the staff. Shared about e:kidz and Fusion ministries. Grant and Adam both shared from their hearts about their specific ministries. I then talked about some key things all Elementers should know. About our essential ministries (Worship Experience, Life Groups, and Outreach). About our Vision: That God would so impact the Cheyenne area through Element Church that if it were gone the community would miss it. And shared some stuff on my heart. I really felt like it went well. You'll have to ask one of the attenders their opinion.

--- All Elementers don't forget the moms we are adopting. Please join us in making this a special Christmas for them. They are registered at Wal-Mart and Target under First Name (Element) and Last Name (Church). We also have some non-registered items that you can get a list of at the e:connect table.

--- If you get a chance to go to a movie at the Carmike, please tell any of the workers that you are from Element Church and say "Thank you!" They bend over backwards for us. We could not do what we do or have done what we've done without them. We are going to honor all the employees with a good Christmas gift.

Thanks to all who follow! Elementers, you are AMAZING! Keep coming and invite someone with you. I love serving with and for you.

Following Christ,


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