Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Rumination (12-16-07)

Another great Sunday at Element Church! We have such awesome people that come. Look forward to it every week. Well, we have our staff Christmas party tonight at 5:30 so I wanted to get some rumination in, maybe catch a quick nap, and then head out to the party. I may post some more thoughts tonight so this won't be as long as it normally is. (You're probably glad about that)

--- 214 in attendance today. Good to be over 200 again. That next growth barrier is going to be 250. I believe the breakdown was 77 in the first service and 137 in the second. We took the pipe and drape down in between the two services to make room for #2. We're going to need people to start attending the 9 AM service or we'll outgrow the 10:30. By the way, that would be a GREAT problem to have. I hope everyone knows that we post #'s whether they are "good" or "bad". We obviously want to see more and more people come, not so we can break a certain barrier, but so that more people can connect with Life in Christ! #'s are ok. God cares about who is in church, and so do we! We will, and HAVE, put 100% of our energy into church regardless of how many people come.

--- Offering will be posted tomorrow. I do know we got about $1000 of offering through the mail this week, so that's a good sign. The offering will be tallied tomorrow by the tellers. I'll post that then.

--- 10:30 sermon flowed great for me. Our first week at two services I felt like the 10:30 was a dud. Last week they literally felt exactly the same. This week, I didn't feel bad about either but I just loved the way it felt in 10:30. I felt much more connected to the word in 10:30. It's impossible for me not to compare how each service feels.

--- Adam and the band did what had to be the best version of O Come Let Us Adore Him that I've ever heard. They rocked it out man. What a blessing we have in the leaders and volunteers that serve at Element Church.

--- If you don't currently serve at Element, I encourage you to do so. I get paid for what I do, but I truly believe that if I weren't a pastor, I would love serving at church. I just love what the local church does. It is the hope of the world. For some reason, God chooses to leave HIS most important message and tasks to a group of people called "The Church". Why wouldn't we want to be a part of that? There are lots of areas to get plugged in at Element, and we'd love to help you do that.

--- I serve with the greatest staff in the world. I get to hang out with them tonight at our Christmas party and hopefully show them how grateful I am to serve with them. I know there will be a time when we start adding to the team, but I can't imagine serving with anyone better than the guys I serve with now. Grant, Adam, Curtis, Heather and Terri, you guys are incredible.

--- That's it for now. Check Adams blog later for the set list. We had a great worship set today and the band, as usual, ROCKED!

I'll post some more thoughts later. Maybe I'll do a weekend wrapup. Don't forget, if you want to get anything for the adopt a moms we're supporting please do so soon! I love being your pastor.

Following Christ,


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