Monday, July 23, 2007

Kirby Vacuum Salesman

(My head is about to explode from some cold I got and I'm doped up on cold medicine so bear with me) I got home from the office today at about 5:15 PM and walked in the door to see a young lady trying to sell my wife a Kirby vacuum. I guess that Kirby only sells door to door. If you buy one it's from them. For 1 hour she tried to convince my wife of how incredible this vacuum was. She told about all the gadgets, the price you'd spend on buying vacuums your whole life, the different features, etc. It turned out to be an big STINKIN' WASTE of our time. I kinda feel like we in the church do that sometimes. We dink around with church trying to convince that Jesus is the product for them, we tell of all the "gadgets" you get with Christianity, how well it works, how it's all we need. And all we really do sometimes is waste people's time. Now, I believe that Jesus is EXACTLY what we need, that Christianity works, that it is the HOPE OF THE WORLD. I can talk until I'm blue in the face though, AND IF I DON'T SHOW IT WORKS FOR ME WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT IT? Jesus demands our ALL OR NOTHING. He says I will totally transform your life. I am all you need, and we tell the world that and then go out and find our life, our satisfaction, our fulfillment in everything BUT him. We end up like Kirby vacuum salesman. Sitting in people's lives wasting their time trying to sell a product. Maybe if the church started LIVING the product people would want to try it. Ok, my rant is over. I'm speaking to myself as much as anyone!

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