Monday, July 16, 2007

Mountain Devos

Nothing like waking up in the mountains and reading God's Word outdoors in His creation. VERY COOL! I am in Revelation now in my study and looking forward to starting the Bible over again in Genesis. I wasn't always a "systematic" Bible reader but I think it's the only way to go. Start in Genesis and read through. Couple of reasons why.

1. You cant skip anything. We tend to read books that WE like and we miss the whole of Scripture. God has something for us in EVERY book. Yes, even Leviticus.

2. Familiarity. You get more familiar with the flow of the text. More familiar with the books, where they are, etc. when you read systematically.

3. You begin to see JESUS in all of Scripture. Some people don't read the OT, BUT the OT is ALL about Jesus. Read the prophets sometime and the Gospels together. WOW, it will give you a whole new perspective on the OT.

4. Pastor Dan says so. HA, just kidding. Although I started reading that way because of Pastor Dan's leadership. So now as a lead pastor...

5. Pastor Jeff says so.

One quick thing from Revelation 12 today. John says of the devil that he stands before our God day and night accusing those who are God's children. WOW. Read Revelation 12:10-11. PEACE

Roughin' it for Christ,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I were reading my devos in the mountains! You are right about the systematic had suggested that to Sab & me about a month ago and I really feel like I'm getting more out of my Bible reading than I was about 6 months ago! Thanks for the tip, Lead Pastor!