Friday, July 13, 2007

What does the Truth say about me?

Did some reading in my Bible this morning. Came across a verse I've probably read through on numerous occasions and today is the day it jumps out. Ever have that? I love that! Love how the Bible, even though read over dozens of times, can be BRAND NEW today! Check this verse out. It's the kind of verse that I think we can so often think doesn't apply to us. We almost skip it. It's easy to miss it.

3rd John verse 12: "Everyone speaks highly of Demetrius, as does the truth itself."

WOW! Did you catch it? I read that and got hit square in the mouth. John said at first what everyone already knew..."Everyone speaks highly of Demetrius...". They already knew that. If everyone is speaking highly of him, then his readers have heard him spoken highly of. Isn't this where we usually stop? "Man, everyone speaks highly of Bill Hybels." "Everyone speaks highly of Billy Graham." "Everyone speaks highly of Rick Warren." "Everyone speaks highly of (insert name)." John added what REALLY matters.

He may have well said "Even though everyone speaks highly of Demetrius, THAT'S NOT WHAT REALLY MATTERS, the TRUTH itself speaks highly of him."

What does the truth speak about me? We often chase the "Well spoken words of men" when we should be concerned with what the truth itself would speak.

Following Christ,


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