Forgot to share about Adam preaching on Sunday. He did an awesome job teaching on our core value of "worship". It was VERY weird being there at church and not preaching. I listened to Grants sermon the other day as well and wow is he continuing to grow as a speaker and did great teaching on our core value of "family". Talking with my mom the other day of where God has brought Grant from. That's a blog or two in itself. Not to take away from what Grant spoke on or any other topic but Adam probably had the toughest subject to cover. First of all worship is a very broad subject. Second it's VERY important to the church as a whole. Nothing has divided the church more in recent years than worship. I felt Adam did a great job of not talking about our style of worship - feel - look - but the HEART of worship! A few things Adam talked about that I thought was REALLY good. (None of these are direct quotes)
--- The Father is looking for worshipers who will worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4). Paul said our SPIRITual act of worship is to offer our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to HIM. That's worship. Giving of MYSELF. In John 4 Jesus said to the woman at the well essentially "Your worshiping this God that you don't even know." We've got to worship God in TRUTH. Worshiping for who He is. In His awesomeness, holiness and POWER.
--- Be careful that we don't worship worship instead of worship God. So easy to worship the kind of worship we like. Or the place, sound, leader of worship. "I wish we had worship like camp...conference...that church."
--- Worship is only strange to those who are unfamiliar with God. If I KNOW God I want to worship Him.
Worship at Element Church will look different at different times. Typically it will be loud, fresh and modern. But we don't want to be bound to a style or sound. Some Sunday's we'll pull out a djembe and acoustic guitar to do an Unplugged set. Some times we'll sing more older songs and others all new. It's going to look different but the God we sing to remains the same. Worship METHODS change, but the God we worship remains the same.
This should be a whole other blog but churches need to realize that worship begins in the parking lot. "Worship" is not JUST the singing portion of church. When our greeters shake hands we are worshiping. When ushers ush they are worshiping. Etc. Another time for that discussion.
Anyway, Good job Adam and good job Grant on sharing your hearts. Love you guys.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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