Thursday, August 2, 2007

Website Growth

Cool to see our website grow in usage. It's turned out to be a great tool for us. We've had MANY connections to our church through visits to our web. In July we went over 1000 hits to our web-site. I have no idea what normal usage is for a church but that is the most we've had. We hope to really utilize our web as a tool to reach more people. We're planning on offering video of our entire service each week through the web-site. That totally changes our connecting points with people. When inviting someone to church you can actually direct them to SEE what church is like. So many churches (even here in Cheyenne) that seem to have the finances and people to do it have VERY ineffective web-sites. Not everyone, but LOTS of peoples first impression of your church is your web page. It needs to represent who you are, the feel, and personality of your church. Anyway, I put a picture below of our web statistics since we started. Very cool to see the growth. (Of course I go to our web page 50 times a day. HA just kidding)

Following Christ,


1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Your Aug #'s are really low compared to July. What's up with that?

signed on 8/3/07
