Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Element Church --- Personal Story

Hey Element Church. We got this email today from a regular attender at Element Church. I asked for permission to blog it and received such. I've edited a few things out to protect the innocent. This is an AWESOME story!

Pastor Jeff,
Something exciting happened to me this morning and I just had to share it.
First off, my husband and I have decided that Element Church is where we belong. We have ALWAYS had a passion for teenagers, and have been very active in youth group leadership - well - since we were teenagers ourselves. Sunday you mentioned your passion for teaching today's youth and expressed it exactly the way we have for the last 25 years of our marriage, we decided THIS is our church.

The other thing I have to share is even more exciting! I have been looking for a nice, used, queen size bed for my guest room. I am really thrifty, but I like quality. The other day I found an ad on Craigslist for a mattress in Greeley Colorado, for twenty bucks. After talking to the gal about it, I decided it would be worth the twenty bucks in gas to buy it. On the way to Greeley this morning I thought, "this mattress is going to be crap, you get what you pay for, turn around and don't waste the gas". But I felt the urge to move forward. I got to Greeley and found the [clear throat] dumpy basement apartment to look at the mattress. I was greeted by a very sweet little two year old with a binky in her mouth, I LOVE kids, and she wanted to show me her movies, so her mama showed me to the collection of DVDs while this sweet little one showed me each and every one. The mother commented that normally her little one is shy and I told her I have a grand daughter that age and just love being at her level. We talked a bit more, I looked at the mattress, found it to be above and beyond my high standards, and we proceeded to load it into my truck. I felt an nudge from the Lord to give her forty dollars, not twenty. Upon handing her the money she began crying and told me her mother had just told her that morning that an angel would be coming to visit today. She told me I was that angel. After a brief conversation, she rededicated her life to Christ with her little girl sitting on her lap smiling up at me!

I don't tell you this story to boast or brag (quite the opposite, as I am really shy), but to show you that the "Element Church Gives Back" continues even after we have used the money we received. God is honoring your committment and decision to turn the offering back over to the people of the church. Please pray for that young single mom and her daughter. Their names are Lindsey and Cienna.

Now that is cool! Thanks for sharing it with us.

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