Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

I got clever names for every day don't I? Here are a few thoughts running through my head this morning. Couple updates from yesterday.

--- We are launching 6 new Life Groups next week. I got the heads up from another Elementer last night of a small group they lead that we can adopt into our Life Group cluster. Haven't even told Grant that yet. Grant has done a GREAT job getting these groups ready to launch. I can't wait until we can bring the General on full time at Element.

--- As of yesterday we have about 70 people registered for the Dave Ramsay Financial Seminar on February 2nd. Our limit is 150 so if you have not registered yet you need to do that. Tickets ARE REQUIRED to attend but tickets ARE FREE! Element is providing the whole day, lunch, seminar for FREE as a service to our people and the community. We feel this is a VITAL need among people today. To receive financial freedom. You can register online here.

--- We had a GREAT staff meeting yesterday. It turned into a lengthy dream session for Adam, Grant and I that continued as we ran errands around town. We did some prospective looking at the facility we are planning on using for next years Christmas service. It's a "GO BIG OR GO HOME" type of dream for that service. Some of the dreams and visions God is giving us we'll be sharing at the end of this financial series.

--- One of the things on our plate right now is our next meeting location. We LOVE the theater but understand that it's growth potential is limited. Also, if what we are told is true, in the Spring/Summer many movies begin playing as early as 10 AM. Now, the current manager has been WONDERFUL to work with and already is moving movie times to accommodate us. The place we'd like to be is the East High School fine arts auditorium. Adam and I went and checked it out yesterday. WOW, the possibilities of ministry in that place are HUGE! According to the country school district facilities director, all we need to seriously look at using East is a custodian who is willing to work every Sunday. ONE CUSTODIAN away from our possible next venue and growth opportunity. The custodian that let us in to the auditorium I just flat out asked "Hey, would you be willing to work every Sunday if we used this place to meet in?" He said he would but has a 2nd job that keeps him from that. He then took us to the custodian break room where we basically met all the custodians who were there and the two head custodians. They echoed the same words "If we have someone willing to work every Sunday then it's a possibility." MAN! Both Adam and I left feeling "We don't even know how to pray for this." SO, PLEASE pray for God to move on our behalf for our next location.

The stage size, room size, lobby size, EVERYTHING seems to us to be the perfect place. We want God to approve. Even as I pray for my own life "Lord, put us where we can do YOU the most good." God might have something better than East High School up his sleeve and we don't even know about it yet.

That's some updates on the week. If you know of a school district custodian who would be willing to make some extra money each Sunday by opening up some doors, PLEASE let us know.

Following Christ,


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