Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday Sidenotes

I don't typically blog on Saturday but thought I would while I got a few thoughts running through my mind. Sitting here watching the NFL playoffs.

--- I'm STOKED about our new series coming up. After my devos this morning I went over my sermon and was REALLY excited about preaching tomorrow. I am SO excited about what God is going to teach us the next four weeks.

--- This verse that I read this morning in devos is what the next four weeks are going to be like. I literally laughed out loud when I read this today. Ecclesiastes 12:11 "The words of the wise are like cattle prods - painful but helpful. Their collected sayings are like a nail studded stick with which a shepherd drives the sheep." HA Hope we're ready. I think that's hilarious. You'd think it say "The words of the wise are like a soothing massage." Something good ya know? But nope! A CATTLE PROD, or nail studded stick. Sometimes what God has to say to us is VERY uncomfortable, but like a sheep and shepherd, it will keep us safe.

--- Be praying for us! Anytime we take on idols that the devil uses, he will not like it. For the next 8 weeks we are talking about money and sex. I have a feeling some people won't like it and I KNOW the devil won't. Pray for barriers to be torn down, for protection of Element Church and it's people, and for people to be SET FREE!

--- If you're an Elementer you won't want to miss church next Sunday. You shouldn't want to miss anyway (lol), but we're doing something next week that is going to be REALLY fun and memorable.

--- Adam is working on some GREAT worship sets for this month. Not sure I have permission to share this, but I'm the boss so I can do whatever I want...Adam is going to be doing some original stuff this month for worship. I love the fact that we can add our (Adams) original music to our worship service. Can't wait for the day that we can do our own worship album. How cool would that be? One of the songs we are doing is one of my favorites right now. really a GREAT song! I play keys on it! (lol just kidding, I play flute)

--- We're already doing some planning on next years Christmas Eve Eve service. Yes, Eve Eve. We're going to do a SWEET Christmas service on the 23rd and then we're going to do a SWEET service project on Christmas Eve. More about that to come!

Okay. Saturday sidenotes are done! Can't wait for tomorrow. PEACE

Following Christ,


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