Sunday, January 20, 2008

Element Church: Rumination Addtions (1-20-08)

It's so hard for me to take naps on Sunday. I am typically SO tired I can hardly keep my eyes open but then I lay down and either pick apart the Sunday finding any faults (I know, I shouldn't do that) or I'm celebrating the AMAZING things God is doing. So here are a few things I thought before I dozed off for a bit.

--- Two new tithe cards were turned in today. That makes a total of 42. I seriously think God is doing some amazing things financially through Elementers in this series. (And I'm not talking about giving them more money but setting them FREE FROM IT)

--- One more Element Gives Back story was turned in to the offering today. Visit to see all the updates.

--- Twelve first time guest cards were turned in today. Two return guests and a couple of regular attender cards wanting information.

--- My lips were SO CHAPPED by worship time during the second that I had to call General down to borrow his chapstick. (Yeah, we're that close!) Grant is a walking pharmacy. If you are at church and ever need medicine of any kind, chapstick, eyedrops, and possibly an IV DRIP, just go see him. He seriously has the mother load of that kind of stuff! He saved me today!

--- Gonna gather with some friends as usual tonight. Love Sunday night wind downs with them. It's almost like another Life Group.

Following Christ,


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