Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Devotional Thoughts...

Hey Element Church. I just finished John today in my devotional reading and thought I'd share some things I wrote down in my journal. I am and underliner and a writer. If I wrote down everything I underlined in Scripture I'd run out of paper quick, so I don't always journal what I underline. Anyway, I try to journal verses and thoughts that jump out at me more than others as I read that day. Here are some of my thoughts.

Matthew 1:21 --- Jesus came to save HIS people from their sins. No one else could do the job HE had to save HIS people. That is one of things that distinguishes Christianity from all other religions. (I was going to say "that is what distinguishes" but I know some goober would say "That is not the ONLY thing...")

Matthew 7:2 --- Jesus never said that we "can't" judge. He said that the standard we use in judging is the standard that will be used against us. I don't have the authority to condemn, but I can tell by someones actions whether they are a "good tree" or a "bad tree".

Matthew 7:5 --- Jesus never said we can't point out the speck in someone else's eye, he said that we must first make sure that our eye is clear. If Pastor Grant, who is of my closest friends, has a speck in his eye, not only do I have the right to point it out, I think I am obligated as his friend. As long as my eyes are free of the "plank". When someone says "YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME!" They are in one sense correct that I don't hold their final judgment, but I sure can judge whether their conduct is fruitful or unfruitful. I know some will disagree, but I think in some cases we are responsible to "judge" our brothers so as to help correct heir behavior.

Matthew 7:12 --- If we do this we'll obey all the law. So hard to do, yet so simple.

Matthew 15:8-9 --- Where so many people are at in their life.

Matthew 18:3 --- Faith like a child.

Matthew 20:1-16 --- Good parable on people who decide to follow Christ later in life. Their reward is STILL the same.

Matthew 24:44 --- When is Jesus coming back? Not sure, I know we just need to be ready.

Matthew 27:9 --- This amazes me. The value of Jesus came to 30 pieces of silver. THAT'S IT!

I wrote this in my journal "The stone was rolled away for the men to see it empty, not for Jesus to walk out. He didn't need help to walk out, HE JUST LEFT!"

I'll catch up on Mark and John later.

Following Christ,


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