Saturday, April 5, 2008

Top 10 part 2

YO Element Church! Here is #6 - 4. So hard to pick just 10 moments but I'm trying. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, thought it would be a good blog. And now...

#6 Our first preview service. Before we launched on October 7th of 2007, we did several preview services. Our first one was the first Sunday in July. A preview is just that, sneak peak at what the church will be like. It provides time for the church to "practice" what a Sunday will be like when they launch. Crazy to see our set up from then. We had to haul in every stage piece every week. You can read about it and look at pictures here, here and here.

#5 Two services. Funny how each decision we make gets bigger and bigger. Every decision, at the moment, seems like the biggest decision we've ever made. We actually struggled so much with going to two services. I can't imagine NOT doing two, and now we're doing three. If you'd have told me in November we'd be doing three by March, I would have needed a new pair of pants. You can read about two services here and here.

#4 Egg Drop and Easter: Ok, I'm running out of spots so I had to put two into one. Doing the egg drop and then the full house on Easter are tied for #4. Did I want to be this far by March in our church? YES! Was I shocked? YES! lol, every pastor wants their church to grow like this, but every pastor also knows that each church responds and moves at different paces. God has chosen to bless Element Church in the last 6 months. Here, here and here are Egg Drop and Easter thoughts.

Three through one coming soon!

Following Christ,


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