Friday, April 18, 2008

Sermon Series Sneak Peek

Hey Element Church! If you're on the "inside" here you get the heads up on what's coming next. We're announcing our next sermon series Sunday, but you find out today. I'm super excited about this series. It's called "Little Rascals: From Diapers to Diplomas". It will be my first time EVER talking about parenting. I know not everyone is a parent and we will be intentional about making sure that each sermon can relate to everyone in all stages of life. I am DEFINITELY not the perfect parent and in already preparing for this series am being challenged. If you're an Elementer and a parent, you need to be at this series. If you're an Elementer and NOT a parent, you know parents and you need to be at this series. Anyway, here are the graphics for the series. Enjoy.

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