Thursday, April 3, 2008

Top 10 part 1

Hey Element Church! It's been 10 months since we did our first major servant project and started our Unplugged services (June of 07). With that I wanted to offer my Element Top 10 moments. I'll link you to a few of my archived blogs from my Top 10. It's amazing where God has brought us in 10 months, and I think it's fun to remember what has happened. So, without further adieu, the Element Top 10. Drum roll please....

#10 Starting Life Group and finding our office and finding the theater all in the same month. Here is a link to a blog on our Life Group. 13 people came. I remember how excited I was. It seemed like FOREVER before people came to our group. Here is a link to finding our office. MAN, God provided a great space for us. I think it was and is HUGE to start with an office as soon as possible. And Here is a link to our first tour through the theater. My comments are funny in light what we're going through now.

#9 Egg Hunt Cancelled! In April of 07' we were going to serve at the city egg hunt by providing inflatable games. This would have been our first face into the city. We put an ad in the paper and were REALLY excited about serving and then it got canceled. We were very bummed. Here, here and here are a some posts on it. And look at how GREAT this years event was.

#8 Christmas Outreach. This outreach wasn't as "flashy" as some of the other things we have done but that wasn't the point. I was SO excited to actually help out 4 specific moms and their families over Christmas. They were all blown away. Read about it here and here. 8 moms this year? 12? I hope to go all out again for some families.

#7 First Element Wedding. This was so much fun and it made it so much better to have my boy Grant help perform the ceremony. Read about it here.

This is hard. Didn't know how hard it would be to pick 10. I'll give you four more tomorrow. My top 2 are SET! Easy to name my top 2. But you'll wait.

What are your favorite Element moments?

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