This is the final top story that KGWN News Channel 5 showed about our event. This time they didn't mention our church name but the previous two nights they did. By this point I think people knew who we were. We are grateful to the news station for such great coverage and believe God really had a hand in what coverage we got.
Following Christ,
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
You ever plan things thinking it would be "fun" then realize "What were were we thinking"? We planned a huge weekend this past weekend. But MAN did it go well. Starting Saturday with the gas buy down and ending last night with an Element Memorial Day BBQ at our house we made some great connections. It was CRAZY busy but I'd do it all over again.
Grant had to work yesterday morning with his frito lay gig. He wore his Element volunteer t-shirt and headed out to deliver chips. Working actually turned out to be a blessing. People were talking all over about the gas buy down and when they saw his shirt it opened up conversations. One lady in particular at Albertson's struck up a conversation. Don't know exactly how it went but something to the effect of "Thank you so much for doing what you did. My granddaughter was one of the last ones you guy's let through the line. They have had some medical issues lately and this .50 cents off meant a lot to them." Grant said "I bet that was 'so and so'" and remembered the names of a young lady and friend who were some of the last through the line. It was this ladies granddaughter and she was blown away. WAY TO GO GRANT! Community Connections Pastor at it's greatest. lol
Saturday Night we turned around and had a UFC fight night at our house. We had Almost 30 people here. One of the families who came turned around Sunday night and attended our Memorial Day BBQ. They are a young couple with 2 children. They filled out a connection card to start receiving info about Element.
Sunday night we had 35 people at our house for our BBQ. It was a lot of fun. People who were already connected to Element provided all the food and we invited folks who have yet to connect to attend. One young couple we have been working on literally from the day we arrived here attended last night and they said they had a great time. They are a good Christian couple from the Air Force who cannot find a church home. They said last night how great it was to be able and hang out with good Christian people. They also filled out a connection card and said after they get back from vacation next week they'd be at our events.
Church planting is a blast! And WOW is it stressful, scary and challenging. I've been more busy than I ever was at an established church. The gravity of the task sometimes seems overwhelming but it's in those moments that the presence of God overwhelms as well. Grant and I have talked several times about how BIG this is and how we can't imagine NOT doing it. I hope 10 years from now Element is still buying gas for people but instead of .50 cents at 2 hours what if we did it for an entire day, or paid $1 or gave it away? HA, that would be sweet.
We're heading down to Denver today to go to the Cardinals vs. Rockies game with my Dad. Jonah has a b-ball game tonight here in Cheyenne. We'll get a good day of rest and fun in today and hit the church planting trail again tomorrow.
Following Christ,
Grant had to work yesterday morning with his frito lay gig. He wore his Element volunteer t-shirt and headed out to deliver chips. Working actually turned out to be a blessing. People were talking all over about the gas buy down and when they saw his shirt it opened up conversations. One lady in particular at Albertson's struck up a conversation. Don't know exactly how it went but something to the effect of "Thank you so much for doing what you did. My granddaughter was one of the last ones you guy's let through the line. They have had some medical issues lately and this .50 cents off meant a lot to them." Grant said "I bet that was 'so and so'" and remembered the names of a young lady and friend who were some of the last through the line. It was this ladies granddaughter and she was blown away. WAY TO GO GRANT! Community Connections Pastor at it's greatest. lol
Saturday Night we turned around and had a UFC fight night at our house. We had Almost 30 people here. One of the families who came turned around Sunday night and attended our Memorial Day BBQ. They are a young couple with 2 children. They filled out a connection card to start receiving info about Element.
Sunday night we had 35 people at our house for our BBQ. It was a lot of fun. People who were already connected to Element provided all the food and we invited folks who have yet to connect to attend. One young couple we have been working on literally from the day we arrived here attended last night and they said they had a great time. They are a good Christian couple from the Air Force who cannot find a church home. They said last night how great it was to be able and hang out with good Christian people. They also filled out a connection card and said after they get back from vacation next week they'd be at our events.
Church planting is a blast! And WOW is it stressful, scary and challenging. I've been more busy than I ever was at an established church. The gravity of the task sometimes seems overwhelming but it's in those moments that the presence of God overwhelms as well. Grant and I have talked several times about how BIG this is and how we can't imagine NOT doing it. I hope 10 years from now Element is still buying gas for people but instead of .50 cents at 2 hours what if we did it for an entire day, or paid $1 or gave it away? HA, that would be sweet.
We're heading down to Denver today to go to the Cardinals vs. Rockies game with my Dad. Jonah has a b-ball game tonight here in Cheyenne. We'll get a good day of rest and fun in today and hit the church planting trail again tomorrow.
Following Christ,
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Guy's I can't describe what happened today. We serve an AMAZING God! Today could not have gone better. Here is a timeline of the event:
11:45 AM we showed up at Big D Exxon gas station
12:00 PM met with Volunteers to hand out element shirts, instructions and any supplies. Our volunteers ROCKED IT OUT today. I don't know if there would be better volunteers anywhere than the ones we had today. We had 13 come from HPCC to help us and 11 of our own Element folks.
12:15 PM first customer gets in line.
12:30 PM MAYHEM car, after car, after car began lining up. It quickly became a traffic nightmare. We didn't have time to even prepare our trafficers to direct people so folks made up their own system. That was not good. The cops showed up quickly and we had an ex Sheriff on our volunteer team.
12:45 PM Rod Warne (ex sheriff) and Keenan Fitzgerald (student ministry) quickly formulated a plan and within minutes we were streamlined. Those 2 guy's SAVED us today. We funneled everyone down 1 block from the station, around a corner another block and then lined up in a huge parking lot behind the gas station.
12:50 PM Opened the pumps. Because of the quick traffic organization we were able to funnel people quickly to the pumps. The traffic guy's were informing everyone when they got up to the station not to pull up to a pump until told to by me. That was also a big deal for us. We did not let individuals just line up behind each other at the pumps. They would get to the station lot I would wait for the go from a volunteer watching for open pumps and we directed them to a pump. People were actually "amazed" at our organization. I was VERY PROUD of or team to say the least.
1:15 PM KGWN News 5 shows up. They put lapel mics on a couple of the volunteers while we worked. They interviewed people in line and some volunteers. It should be the top story again tonight which will make 3 nights in a row.
2:00 PM We had to have run over 100 cars through the first hour. We were rollin'.
3:00 PM Shut off the line so no one else gets in. At 3 PM we had 25 more cars in line and we served all of them.
Out of over 200 vehicles we only had 3 complaints. 2 were in the first 5 minutes with the traffic problem a couple of folks got mad. One guy wanted to fill his 100 gallon drum he brought in the back of a pickup. I wouldn't let him and he felt we weren't a good church. lol That's putting it mildly. For over 200 cars only 3 complaints aint bad. We received praise, after praise, after praise from people who were amazed at how well the process went.
Dozens of great conversations. Many MANY people saying they want to check out our church. Several people were so grateful saying things like "You don't know how much this helps for you to do this." "We're blown away at your acts of kindness." etc.
We prayed as a group afterword that God would be seen in our service. We hope this moves people closer to Him. If that means the come to Element, praise God. If they go to another Bible believing church and find Him, praise God. It's not about us!
I did a video recap. Check it out below. Thanks for all your prayers. My mind can't even contain right now what all happened today. If you have any questions please ask me.
Filling up,
11:45 AM we showed up at Big D Exxon gas station
12:00 PM met with Volunteers to hand out element shirts, instructions and any supplies. Our volunteers ROCKED IT OUT today. I don't know if there would be better volunteers anywhere than the ones we had today. We had 13 come from HPCC to help us and 11 of our own Element folks.
12:15 PM first customer gets in line.
12:30 PM MAYHEM car, after car, after car began lining up. It quickly became a traffic nightmare. We didn't have time to even prepare our trafficers to direct people so folks made up their own system. That was not good. The cops showed up quickly and we had an ex Sheriff on our volunteer team.
12:45 PM Rod Warne (ex sheriff) and Keenan Fitzgerald (student ministry) quickly formulated a plan and within minutes we were streamlined. Those 2 guy's SAVED us today. We funneled everyone down 1 block from the station, around a corner another block and then lined up in a huge parking lot behind the gas station.
12:50 PM Opened the pumps. Because of the quick traffic organization we were able to funnel people quickly to the pumps. The traffic guy's were informing everyone when they got up to the station not to pull up to a pump until told to by me. That was also a big deal for us. We did not let individuals just line up behind each other at the pumps. They would get to the station lot I would wait for the go from a volunteer watching for open pumps and we directed them to a pump. People were actually "amazed" at our organization. I was VERY PROUD of or team to say the least.
1:15 PM KGWN News 5 shows up. They put lapel mics on a couple of the volunteers while we worked. They interviewed people in line and some volunteers. It should be the top story again tonight which will make 3 nights in a row.
2:00 PM We had to have run over 100 cars through the first hour. We were rollin'.
3:00 PM Shut off the line so no one else gets in. At 3 PM we had 25 more cars in line and we served all of them.
Out of over 200 vehicles we only had 3 complaints. 2 were in the first 5 minutes with the traffic problem a couple of folks got mad. One guy wanted to fill his 100 gallon drum he brought in the back of a pickup. I wouldn't let him and he felt we weren't a good church. lol That's putting it mildly. For over 200 cars only 3 complaints aint bad. We received praise, after praise, after praise from people who were amazed at how well the process went.
Dozens of great conversations. Many MANY people saying they want to check out our church. Several people were so grateful saying things like "You don't know how much this helps for you to do this." "We're blown away at your acts of kindness." etc.
We prayed as a group afterword that God would be seen in our service. We hope this moves people closer to Him. If that means the come to Element, praise God. If they go to another Bible believing church and find Him, praise God. It's not about us!
I did a video recap. Check it out below. Thanks for all your prayers. My mind can't even contain right now what all happened today. If you have any questions please ask me.
Filling up,
Top Story 2
Friday night we were once again the top story on News Channel 5's 10 PM news cast. Bob Geha came to the gas station and did a live interview with me at the top of the show and then we ended the show with a 1 minute recap. Again, Bob and the news station have been great to pick this up as a newsworthy story. Today at 1 PM the news station again will be covering the event and we expect to be on the news tonight as a story again. I was able to share on the news about why we are doing this. That we want to be servants to the community and that it's a practical way to show God's love. Our team prayed last evening at the gas station for God's safety, to help with connnections and for things to run as smoothly as possible. We really hope this makes an impact to the people we come across today. Below is the video of last nights news cast. The first segment they were having some video trouble but the audio worked.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Top Story
HOLY COW...We were the TOP STORY on the only local news station here in Cheyenne tonight. KGWN News 5 picked up our gas buy down story as soon as I shared the info with them. Robert Geha spearheaded the coverage for us and has been great getting us exposure. Today we had a walk through with the GM of Big D Exxon. News 5 sent a videographer out to get some shots of us for the story. I had no clue they were going to interview me on the spot there and air it tonight. Well, we sat down to watch the news that we set to record and what was the top story?...ELEMENT CHURCH. I couldn't stop laughing. I've been nervous all day about not being a total DORK on tv. Gas prices have been THE top story every night this week, so for us to be doing this on Saturday it made a natural top story on the news. I couldn't believe it. Tomorrow morning in the paper we have a simple ad running, tomorrow night we will be doing a live interview on the news then on Saturday I believe they will be covering the actual MAYHEM that ensues. LOL, this is gonna be crazy. Watch the video and I put the ad we are running in the paper as well. Pray for us. We think we have enough volunteers. The gas station has been PHENOMENAL and the news station has been more than gracious. Like I said before, I think God is all over this for us. We (I) feel TOTALLY unprepared for this...I wouldn't have it any other way! We need God to be prepared and I believe he is.
Being Stretched!
Being Stretched!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Gas Buy Down
A few updates on the gas buy down:
--- God is all over this. From the energy and support of the GM at the gas station to the instant pick up on the news station and newspaper, to the volunteer support that has come in.
--- Friday night during the 10 o'clock news I am going to be interviewed live at the gas station about our event. Please pray for me. I'm already nervous. lol I want Element to be portrayed positively as a servant showing God's love in a practical way. This opportunity to be live on the only local news station is HUGE for us. They will also be filming live on Saturday at the event.
--- We are running one standard black and white ad in the Friday morning paper, we'll be on the news Friday night, in the paper sometime this week as a news story and maybe more than that. We've handed out hundreds of invite cards and the gas station is putting on it's reader board info about the event.
--- We have 19 volunteers that have committed to serving on Saturday. 8 - 10 more volunteers that we are hoping to be there. 24 people is what I would consider "good" coverage to make sure things run smoothly. The more we have the more bases we can cover. Right now we will have 8 people pumping gas on 8 pumps. 6 people directing traffic. 4 people washing windshields and if possible Grant, Keenan and I will be connecting with people as much as we can. A few more volunteers would only help. We'll use everyone who shows up. If we have extra we'll give people breaks every once in a while.
--- PRAY PRAY PRAY If this generates the buzz I think it will then we should get some connections out of it. Priority #1: Serve. If we aren't servants to Cheyenne then I want out. Priority #2: Promote Element Church. Priority #3: Because we served and promoted Element Church we will connect some people with Life and hopefully get them involved in our church somehow.
What Is It All About Anyway?
I preached Sunday at HPCC and my sermon was titled "So, Who's It All About Anyway?" We journeyed our way through some of the stories in the Gospels of Jesus and the disciples and how He was constantly trying to show them Who it's all about. I believe if we can figure out who it's all about our life changes. Christ was always trying to show them "Guy's, it's NOT about you. If you get who it's about it will revolutionize your life." Well, a follow up sermon to that could be "So, What Is It All About Anyway?" If I really figure out who it's about then I'll also know what it's about. I am reading in the prophets right now for my quiet time (as quiet as it can be with 4 kids running around). I just finished Amos and came across a passage where God was chastising Israel for NOT knowing WHAT it's all about, and they didn't know WHAT it's about because they abandoned the WHO (not the band). lol Amos 5:21-24 says “I hate all your show and pretense— the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won’t even notice all your choice peace offerings. Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living." (bold and italics added) So, what is it all about anyway? Is it about what songs are sung? Is it about what traditions we hold dear? Is it about our preference and our desire? According to God that is NOT what it is all about. I understand those things CAN be important and we do all have preferences, but GOD IS NOT CONCERNED WITH MY PREFERENCE, he's concerned with my heart. God uses some strong words here "I hate..." "I WILL NOT accept..." "I won't notice..." "Away with your..." "I will not listen..." Instead...a mighty flood of justice and an endless river of righteous living. A mighty flood is not a one time missions offering. A mighty flood means I continue, and continue, and continue to do good and to offer justice and mercy to my community. A flood builds momentum and gets bigger. It doesn't stop doing good to those around me. An endless river is not a one time right decision. It is a daily, consistent, perpetual living in the power of the Holy Spirit to do what is right. Guy's, when I figure out WHO it's all about I can live out WHAT it's all about! Now that dog will hunt. (or that would be a good sermon)
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Monday, May 21, 2007
Momma Church
Sabrina, the family and I had the privilege of heading up to Gillette this weekend for the graduation of the some of the seniors we pastored in the youth ministry at HPCC. We attended the parties that were held on Saturday and then I had the opportunity to preach on Sunday. The opportunity to preach came out of a sad situation where Pastor Dan's mother in law passed away this past week so he was going to be out of town with his wife and family preparing and attending the funeral arrangements. Pastor Dan was and is a HUGE part of who I am today. His teaching and preaching on the plain Truth of God's Word and it's core doctrines drove me to a life of full surrender to Jesus Christ. HPCC was and is a HUGE part of who I am AND who our church is today. Element couldn't exist without our HPCC. I was reminded again as I spoke and helped out in the service how amazing the people are there. I don't know of another church that gives like HPCC. Two MAJOR financial things they did for us we could never repay with a thank you. The finance committee and church council agreed early on that they would pay my salary at the same rate for the first year of Element Church's existence. Then this past December a $100,000 donation was made to HPCC to use as they saw fit and they immediately turned around and voted to give it to Element. One more thing, so three major financial things. We then offered the opportunity for folks to give above and beyond their normal tithe to Element Church. If I remember correctly another $20k was given in pledges and one time gifts (It may have been more than that). I couldn't think of planting this church without HPCC and Pastor Dan behind us. Dan doesn't always think of himself as a good mentor or leader but God has used him and HPCC more than he will ever know I think. Anyway, it was a great weekend to be back at HPCC. Only makes me want more to get going here.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Good Gifts
Sunday, May 13th was our daughter Mariah's birthday. She turned 4. She REALLY wanted a Leapster. It's an educational electronic game thing. Kinda like a gameboy only all the games are educational and it's not really as cool as a gameboy. But for a 4 year old it's GREAT. Sabrina and I agreed that if we got her one it would be the only thing we got her. It's been a crazy month with MAJOR car trouble for us, a trip to Oklahoma and back, doctor bills, etc. God has wonderfully provided for us some amazing things but if we were going to get the Leapster this month we'd have to be careful what we did financially. We dipped into our small savings and got the Leapster. We couldn't wait to see her get it. We knew from one of the Grandma's she had got a leapster game to go in the Leapster. So I devised a plan to let her open the game and then tell her how sorry we were she didn't have the Leapster to play it. I strategically hid the Leapster we bought behind the couch and after all the things were opened I played the dumb dad and said "Oh, Mariah you missed a present back here!" She came around the corner and yelled "MY LEAPSTER, MY LEAPSTER!" She hugged it, kissed it, jumped up and down. We've all had those moments as kids that we remember. Immediately my thoughts went to what I read in Luke that morning for my quiet time. In Luke 11 Jesus says: If your child asks for a fish, do you give a snake? If they ask for an egg, do you give a scorpion? NO! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE will your heavenly Father give the HOLY SPIRIT to those who ask him. My heart leaped in that moment. If I get this much joy out of giving a stinkin' Leapster, what must our Father feel when we ask for His Spirit. Not when we ask for more money. Not when we ask for health. Not when we ask for a better job, better home, better friends, better possessions. FOR HIS SPIRIT! That's all that matters. And Jesus said HOW MUCH MORE will your Heavenly Father give it. He's saying as much as we LOVE to give to our children, GOD WANTS TO GIVE SO MUCH MORE!! I don't think we get it. We want all the possessions and God's waiting to give His own Spirit. THEN the possessions won't matter. And notice how Mariah responded to the Leapster. SHE WAS THRILLED! What's our response to what God gives? I know at times for me it hasn't been what it should. Anyway, another moment taught from a child.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
On The News
I need to get on here and update more. There are a ton of things to share about what God is doing. This one is cool. We are doing the .50 cent gas buy down coming up on Memorial Day weekend. We don't really have the money to do the buy down PLUS promote it with advertising. One of my sphere of influence interviews was with the GM of KGWN CBS news station here in town (Joan Turner Doyle). I thought "What's the worst that could happen if I email her with our event and ask if they could cover it." The next day she emailed me back (knowing who I was cause I interviewed her) wished us luck with the church and said she had forwarded the info on to the news director. Wednesday on our way back from Minneapolis (another post for another day) I got a call from Robert Geha who about a news story they want to do with the gas buy down. From what I understand I will be going in to the studio next week for an interview then they will come live on Saturday to cover our event. That same day the newspaper called and wanted info on the gas buy down. On Monday of this week, Grant, Terri and I met with the GM of Big Oil that will be hosting our event. She was amazing. They are so excited to partner with us in this and she wants to do it again sometime. We made business size invite cards and people are handing those out. God just seems to be all over this event and we can't wait to see what he does as a result of it. No one here has heard of anyone doing something like this, LET ALONE a church! That's why we are here. Pray for DIVINE connections at the event. I can't imagine doing anything else than this right now.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Gas Buy Down
IT IS ON! Saturday, May 26th from 1-3 PM at the Exxon Big D gas station here in Cheyenne. We will be buying down the price of gas by .50 cents per gallon. Wish I could fill up. God has really opened up the doors on this one. Some people will ask about the cost/reward on this one. How many people will come to church from this? Maybe NONE! But this is the type of event that puts us on the scene. It starts to tell people who we are and what we will do. It labels Element Church as a church who is willing to do something TOTALLY out of the ordinary to show God's love in practical ways. We have to get our church name out there somehow and we could pay LITERALLY thousands of dollars on advertisements or marketing to promote our church name. If I'm going to spend money I'd like to serve someone in the process. (Now there will be times when we just do an ad, but this is not one of those times) Since this is our first presence in the community it needs to be one of doing something for someone else. We've made some business cards to hand out (see below) with the intentionality of leaving off the location. This makes the person go to our website if they want to know where to get the cheap gas. We will do this on our press releases as well. I think this is a genius idea that we got from another church planter. People then see your web presence and can see what the church is about if they so choose. I'm fired up about this event. Please pray for good weather, for patient people, for the right amount of volunteers and for GOD APPOINTED CONNECTIONS. Pray that the right media outlets would pick this up to get our name out there. We'll keep you posted on how this goes and have some pictures and video to share as well. (For some reason the website doesn't show up on this image. It is correct on the card itself.)
Jonah went with me yesterday to the Soup Kitchen to help serve. Back in Gillette I had taken him one time to the soup kitchen and he hadn't stopped asking to go back since. Two weeks ago he asked if he could go with me here. He said "Dad, do you know what I like most about the soup kitchen?" Thinking he would say something totally different he said "Serving people." I immediately asked "What do we serve them." I of course expected him to spout out "Food." Instead he said something that made my heart leap. I don't know if he knew what he was saying but he, without hesitating said "Jesus!". He did AWESOME at the soup kitchen. He was in charge of serving the bread that was made. I really believe that little guy was serving Jesus yesterday. He ate lunch there, an ok ham and beans mixture in a bowl without complaining one bit. If you know Jonah you know he can be a hand full (or two hands full), but if you know Jonah you also know he can be one of the most tenderhearted and caring little boys there is. "We serve them Jesus." I hope we remember that every time we serve.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Church In A Box
Well, more like a trailer. Today we just got word from the North Central (I think that's correct) Conference of our denomination that they are letting us use a portable church trailer, filled with supplies, that they had used in their conference. We were expecting to lease it, their annual conference agreed to just let us have it for a year, then revisit that a year from now. This is a HUGE blessing for us. Not only will we not have to invest in a trailer right now but it is filled with all sorts of supplies that we won't have to invest in either. There are some sound system updates that we are making but for the most part everything in the trailer, we will use. It's little things like this that remind us of how God provides and is behind all of this. When finances are limited every little thing counts. Thanks to the North Central Conference.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Office pics
Sabrina and Terri got the office all painted and we expect to have the carpet finished tomorrow or the next day. They got the floor floated and leveled out for the new carpet today. Below are some pictures of the work that was done. Jonah was a BIG help for Sabrina and Terri. I think he wanted to be in every picture. Can't imagine where he got his need to be the center of attention. Once the carpet is done we'll get some fresh pictures of the finished office. We are going to an auction on Wednesday of an office that is getting rid of their stuff. They are moving into a brand new building so buying brand new furniture. Hopefully we can save some money and find some stuff at the auction.

New Life Group being started
This is cool to announce. One of the ladies (Katie) who started attending our Sunday night Life Group with her family is starting a new Life Group this week for women. She is going to head up a study through the book "Captivating" by John Eldridge and his wife. Today I received an email from her and she made up some cool invitation cards that the other women can hand out as invitations to attend the study. This hopefully is the start to Life Group multiplication. Part of our vision is to multiply ourselves. This includes personal evangelism, church planting, and the multiplying of Life Groups. It's great to have people joining the group that have a heart to expand the Kingdom and the church. To take initiative and do the things that need to be done. This Life Group is meeting on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM.
Our office is all painted and ready for new carpet. Sabrina and Terri worked crazy hard the last 3 days to get it all done. Props to them for their incredibly hard work. Friday night Keenan and Nate came out to help as well. I'll get some pictures up of the office later today. We love our office. Really feel like it's a God thing that we got it. Wednesday there is an office here in town having an auction selling off all their office furniture. We're really praying that we can find a lot of our items at that auction.
Life Group last night was great. We had another new face there last night. They seemed to really enjoy the group. We feel if someone just gets to Life Group they won't want to miss it. Our discussion time always seems to be very insightful and our "hang out" time went till 9 PM last night. Really connecting with one another. This summer we're going to go either to our office or another smaller location to meet. Our basement is going to be too small once another couple or two comes.
Super Day is coming up one June 23rd. It's a city event that the Parks and Recreation department puts on. Thousands (like over 10,000) people come out to this event. God has opened the door for us to be a feature event at Super Day. We are providing inflatable games to the event. We just found out that our church name will be in the promo brochure that the city puts together. Pete from Fun on the Go said that the line literally goes across the park for inflatable games. It's going to be a great way to get our name out there that we are here to serve.
Life Group last night was great. We had another new face there last night. They seemed to really enjoy the group. We feel if someone just gets to Life Group they won't want to miss it. Our discussion time always seems to be very insightful and our "hang out" time went till 9 PM last night. Really connecting with one another. This summer we're going to go either to our office or another smaller location to meet. Our basement is going to be too small once another couple or two comes.
Super Day is coming up one June 23rd. It's a city event that the Parks and Recreation department puts on. Thousands (like over 10,000) people come out to this event. God has opened the door for us to be a feature event at Super Day. We are providing inflatable games to the event. We just found out that our church name will be in the promo brochure that the city puts together. Pete from Fun on the Go said that the line literally goes across the park for inflatable games. It's going to be a great way to get our name out there that we are here to serve.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Fun vs. Blessed
MAN, I think if you read my blog you're gonna get sick of Soup Kitchen follow ups. Seems like each time I work there God reveals something new to me. As I'm washing dishes, scooping out some salad, or rolling silverware in napkins, God continues to teach me or reveal to me some things. As I was working yesterday I started thinking about something. As I looked at my life, as I watch other people in the church and other Christians I realized something at least about myself. We are WAY more likely to serve if it's fun. Generally in life we want everything to be fun. If it's not, we don't see it as a benefit. Don't see it as a blessing. But especially when it comes to serving, if I don't have fun it must not be for me. Doesn't that then make it not a serving experience. Serving is NOT for me, it's for THEM. It's for our God. I realized this... The soup kitchen isn't necessarily on my fun list, BUT it is ALWAYS a blessing. I leave blessed every time. I don't know how you couldn't leave blessed. I've also had fun but that's NOT the criteria for serving. Lot's of things in life aren't fun, but they can be a blessing. I'm sure it's not fun having a kidney replaced, but it's definitely a blessing. It's NEVER fun going to the dentist, but it's a blessing. It's not fun to be disciplined, but it's a blessing. All of us have things in life that as we look back, they were DEFINITELY not fun, but man were they a blessing. Now, I truly believe this. If I go into a serving experience with the attitude of "for them, not for me" I think we actually end up having fun. I haven't always thought that way in my life. Hmmm, maybe I used to think more of myself. How about you? Anyway, just some ramblings from a pastor. I wonder if I'll have something to say after every soup kitchen?
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Would you like to come speak to our small group?
Is there sugar in syrup?... THEN YES! This is a very cool story. When we moved here, Sabrina became a Tastefully Simple consultant. And yes, it is VERY tasteful and simple. You can order the food from her web-site. Great stuff. I was so SO proud of her for stepping out and taking the risk to start her own business in the midst of a move, a church plant and a new baby. She is doing a great job getting started. Well, tonight she had a party at our house that another lady in town, the lady from the Cheyenne Welcome Wagon hosted. This story is gonna get too long so I'm gonna cut it WAY short. After the party one of the ladies that attended started talking to me about the church plant. She asked if we were trying to meet people, if we were meeting together yet. I told her of our Life Group on Sunday night's and that we've met lots of people. She proceeded to tell me that they started a small group Bible Study when they moved here and they started connecting with other families that just couldn't find a church to fit in. I think 6 families/couples attend this small group. She then asked me "Would you like to come speak to our small group about your church?" I was floored! What an opportunity. As I understood it only 1 couple has found a church. They are ALL still looking. Anyway, if my wife hadn't taken the risk to do something WAY out of her comfort zone I never would have talked to this lady tonight and even had a chance to talk to her small group. She took a stack of my business cards and said she will "definitely" call me about speaking to their group. Now that is cool, I don't care who you are. God's timing is amazing! Be praying that I'll get this chance to share with them the mission, vision, and values of Element Church.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
Gas Pains
Price of gas got you down? Us too! And if we feel that way, we figure all of Cheyenne does as well. SO we are going to provide a gas buy down for the community. Grant has had 2 GREAT conversations with the managers of Big D Oil (gas stations) here in Cheyenne. They are totally on board with what we are doing. Saturday, May 26th, we'll be paying the price of gas down by 25 cents per gallon. We'll pump the gas and wash windshields. We'll then give them a connection card that will point them to our church web-site.
We got the idea from another church planter we met at church planters boot camp. I asked him what the return was on the investment. Did anyone come attend church out of it. He told me a great story. I won't take the time to tell you all the details but I'll give you the BIG stuff. The manager of the gas station was Indian and a Hindu. He loved the idea from day one. In the process of the gas buy down Mike (church planter) asked him if they went to church anywhere. He said "We don't but can we be a part of your church?" He was so blown away that a church would do something like that, that he brought his whole family to Elk Creek church. They got saved and are a major part of that churches launching process. They are bringing other family and friends who are being taught about Christ as well. Really cool. Anyway, we loved the idea from the day we heard about it and think it's a great way to serve the people of Cheyenne.
We could definitely use some help from anyone at HPCC who would want to come down for that day. We'll be doing the buy down in the afternoon. 1 - 3 PM or 1-5 PM. Something like that. Haven't nailed down timing details yet.
Following Christ,
We got the idea from another church planter we met at church planters boot camp. I asked him what the return was on the investment. Did anyone come attend church out of it. He told me a great story. I won't take the time to tell you all the details but I'll give you the BIG stuff. The manager of the gas station was Indian and a Hindu. He loved the idea from day one. In the process of the gas buy down Mike (church planter) asked him if they went to church anywhere. He said "We don't but can we be a part of your church?" He was so blown away that a church would do something like that, that he brought his whole family to Elk Creek church. They got saved and are a major part of that churches launching process. They are bringing other family and friends who are being taught about Christ as well. Really cool. Anyway, we loved the idea from the day we heard about it and think it's a great way to serve the people of Cheyenne.
We could definitely use some help from anyone at HPCC who would want to come down for that day. We'll be doing the buy down in the afternoon. 1 - 3 PM or 1-5 PM. Something like that. Haven't nailed down timing details yet.
Following Christ,
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