Thursday, May 24, 2007

Top Story

HOLY COW...We were the TOP STORY on the only local news station here in Cheyenne tonight. KGWN News 5 picked up our gas buy down story as soon as I shared the info with them. Robert Geha spearheaded the coverage for us and has been great getting us exposure. Today we had a walk through with the GM of Big D Exxon. News 5 sent a videographer out to get some shots of us for the story. I had no clue they were going to interview me on the spot there and air it tonight. Well, we sat down to watch the news that we set to record and what was the top story?...ELEMENT CHURCH. I couldn't stop laughing. I've been nervous all day about not being a total DORK on tv. Gas prices have been THE top story every night this week, so for us to be doing this on Saturday it made a natural top story on the news. I couldn't believe it. Tomorrow morning in the paper we have a simple ad running, tomorrow night we will be doing a live interview on the news then on Saturday I believe they will be covering the actual MAYHEM that ensues. LOL, this is gonna be crazy. Watch the video and I put the ad we are running in the paper as well. Pray for us. We think we have enough volunteers. The gas station has been PHENOMENAL and the news station has been more than gracious. Like I said before, I think God is all over this for us. We (I) feel TOTALLY unprepared for this...I wouldn't have it any other way! We need God to be prepared and I believe he is.

Being Stretched!


1 comment:

Lora said...

HOW EXCITING!!! It's going to be awesome I can feel it. We'll be thinking of you!! Love you, Lora