Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gas Buy Down

A few updates on the gas buy down:

--- God is all over this. From the energy and support of the GM at the gas station to the instant pick up on the news station and newspaper, to the volunteer support that has come in.

--- Friday night during the 10 o'clock news I am going to be interviewed live at the gas station about our event. Please pray for me. I'm already nervous. lol I want Element to be portrayed positively as a servant showing God's love in a practical way. This opportunity to be live on the only local news station is HUGE for us. They will also be filming live on Saturday at the event.

--- We are running one standard black and white ad in the Friday morning paper, we'll be on the news Friday night, in the paper sometime this week as a news story and maybe more than that. We've handed out hundreds of invite cards and the gas station is putting on it's reader board info about the event.

--- We have 19 volunteers that have committed to serving on Saturday. 8 - 10 more volunteers that we are hoping to be there. 24 people is what I would consider "good" coverage to make sure things run smoothly. The more we have the more bases we can cover. Right now we will have 8 people pumping gas on 8 pumps. 6 people directing traffic. 4 people washing windshields and if possible Grant, Keenan and I will be connecting with people as much as we can. A few more volunteers would only help. We'll use everyone who shows up. If we have extra we'll give people breaks every once in a while.
--- PRAY PRAY PRAY If this generates the buzz I think it will then we should get some connections out of it. Priority #1: Serve. If we aren't servants to Cheyenne then I want out. Priority #2: Promote Element Church. Priority #3: Because we served and promoted Element Church we will connect some people with Life and hopefully get them involved in our church somehow.

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