Monday, May 7, 2007


Our office is all painted and ready for new carpet. Sabrina and Terri worked crazy hard the last 3 days to get it all done. Props to them for their incredibly hard work. Friday night Keenan and Nate came out to help as well. I'll get some pictures up of the office later today. We love our office. Really feel like it's a God thing that we got it. Wednesday there is an office here in town having an auction selling off all their office furniture. We're really praying that we can find a lot of our items at that auction.

Life Group last night was great. We had another new face there last night. They seemed to really enjoy the group. We feel if someone just gets to Life Group they won't want to miss it. Our discussion time always seems to be very insightful and our "hang out" time went till 9 PM last night. Really connecting with one another. This summer we're going to go either to our office or another smaller location to meet. Our basement is going to be too small once another couple or two comes.

Super Day is coming up one June 23rd. It's a city event that the Parks and Recreation department puts on. Thousands (like over 10,000) people come out to this event. God has opened the door for us to be a feature event at Super Day. We are providing inflatable games to the event. We just found out that our church name will be in the promo brochure that the city puts together. Pete from Fun on the Go said that the line literally goes across the park for inflatable games. It's going to be a great way to get our name out there that we are here to serve.

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