Thursday, May 17, 2007

On The News

I need to get on here and update more. There are a ton of things to share about what God is doing. This one is cool. We are doing the .50 cent gas buy down coming up on Memorial Day weekend. We don't really have the money to do the buy down PLUS promote it with advertising. One of my sphere of influence interviews was with the GM of KGWN CBS news station here in town (Joan Turner Doyle). I thought "What's the worst that could happen if I email her with our event and ask if they could cover it." The next day she emailed me back (knowing who I was cause I interviewed her) wished us luck with the church and said she had forwarded the info on to the news director. Wednesday on our way back from Minneapolis (another post for another day) I got a call from Robert Geha who about a news story they want to do with the gas buy down. From what I understand I will be going in to the studio next week for an interview then they will come live on Saturday to cover our event. That same day the newspaper called and wanted info on the gas buy down. On Monday of this week, Grant, Terri and I met with the GM of Big Oil that will be hosting our event. She was amazing. They are so excited to partner with us in this and she wants to do it again sometime. We made business size invite cards and people are handing those out. God just seems to be all over this event and we can't wait to see what he does as a result of it. No one here has heard of anyone doing something like this, LET ALONE a church! That's why we are here. Pray for DIVINE connections at the event. I can't imagine doing anything else than this right now.

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