Saturday, May 12, 2007

Gas Buy Down

IT IS ON! Saturday, May 26th from 1-3 PM at the Exxon Big D gas station here in Cheyenne. We will be buying down the price of gas by .50 cents per gallon. Wish I could fill up. God has really opened up the doors on this one. Some people will ask about the cost/reward on this one. How many people will come to church from this? Maybe NONE! But this is the type of event that puts us on the scene. It starts to tell people who we are and what we will do. It labels Element Church as a church who is willing to do something TOTALLY out of the ordinary to show God's love in practical ways. We have to get our church name out there somehow and we could pay LITERALLY thousands of dollars on advertisements or marketing to promote our church name. If I'm going to spend money I'd like to serve someone in the process. (Now there will be times when we just do an ad, but this is not one of those times) Since this is our first presence in the community it needs to be one of doing something for someone else. We've made some business cards to hand out (see below) with the intentionality of leaving off the location. This makes the person go to our website if they want to know where to get the cheap gas. We will do this on our press releases as well. I think this is a genius idea that we got from another church planter. People then see your web presence and can see what the church is about if they so choose. I'm fired up about this event. Please pray for good weather, for patient people, for the right amount of volunteers and for GOD APPOINTED CONNECTIONS. Pray that the right media outlets would pick this up to get our name out there. We'll keep you posted on how this goes and have some pictures and video to share as well. (For some reason the website doesn't show up on this image. It is correct on the card itself.)

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