Monday, June 2, 2008
New Blog Address
OK Element Church, you can now find me at Please make sure and change it in your favorites. This post will stay at the top here so you have the link. Thanks for following along.
Sermon Bumper
Hey Element Church! Here is the sermon bumper we used this week for our sermon. Enjoy.
Not what you think though. TRICKED YA! We aren't REALLY moving to the new location YET. However, Adam and I did take the first load of Element stuff over there today. Here a couple of pics. The move has begun!
Building Prayer
Hey Element Church! Our contractor is REALLY hoping/expecting a demo permit today. Also, he and one of the building owners are meeting with a city official about a site plan/building permit so PLEASE PRAY! If you are getting this later in the day then pray retro-actively, lol.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sunday Rumination (6-01-08)
Hey Element Church! WOW! June. Today was a great day. Had a few bumps in the road but all in all was another awesome day at church. Here is my ruminations from the day.
--- 498 this morning. 2nd service was PACKED. 10 people on the front row. I am STOKED we had so many but HATE it when people have to sit in the front. Both services are filling up. If we have any seats it's in first service. (I wish e:coustic would have worked. We need the "ability" to grow)
--- We took aim at abortion today. I was VERY excited about the message. Mostly because I really felt like God helped me learn some stuff that I got to share. People seemed to respond well. Abortion isn't an issue that hits a lot of families. We'll see how people respond to issues that hit a little closer. lol
--- I hadn't planned on this at all but I REALLY felt led at the end of first service to ask for any women who had been through an abortion and wanted prayer to raise their hands. 4 women in first service and 6 or 7 men and women did in 2nd service. We had a good moment of prayer for all of them.
--- "God loves the women who aborted her child just as much as he loved the child she aborted." I said that today. I REALLY feel like we need to say that more as Christians. People need to know that we don't just stand up for the unborn, we will stand WITH the women who aborted their babies with the love of Jesus. There IS healing. There IS forgiveness. There IS hope. There IS restoration. Do I believe it's wrong? YES! Do I believe Jesus can forgive? ABSOLUTELY!
--- The band stinkin' KILLED it today! (And by killed I mean good...REALLY GOOD)
--- We have unbelievable volunteers. CRAZY what gets done from 6 AM to 12:30 PM.
--- Continue to pray with us for God's timing in our building. Just waiting still!
--- Next week will be interesting. Alcohol. I heard one pastor preach a message last year and his title "Can a Christian drink a cold beer? (because we all know it's a sin to drink a warm one)" Thought that was funny. Not sure what my title will be. Here are some I'm working on...
- "How can it get better than this?"
- "WASSSSSUP and other silly things you might say when drinking!"
- "Tastes great...less thrilling"
- "The Kings name isn't Bud"
- "Pure Rocky Mountain stream water...Not sure Coors is what God had in mind."
LOL totally don't know where that came from. That's a random Sunday afternoon from Jeff for ya.
--- Getting ready to go hang out with friends tonight. I look forward to Sunday nights every week. That's about it.
--- Four blogs I am really looking forward to doing this week that I'll bust out starting tomorrow hopefully. Have an awesome week!
Following Christ,
--- 498 this morning. 2nd service was PACKED. 10 people on the front row. I am STOKED we had so many but HATE it when people have to sit in the front. Both services are filling up. If we have any seats it's in first service. (I wish e:coustic would have worked. We need the "ability" to grow)
--- We took aim at abortion today. I was VERY excited about the message. Mostly because I really felt like God helped me learn some stuff that I got to share. People seemed to respond well. Abortion isn't an issue that hits a lot of families. We'll see how people respond to issues that hit a little closer. lol
--- I hadn't planned on this at all but I REALLY felt led at the end of first service to ask for any women who had been through an abortion and wanted prayer to raise their hands. 4 women in first service and 6 or 7 men and women did in 2nd service. We had a good moment of prayer for all of them.
--- "God loves the women who aborted her child just as much as he loved the child she aborted." I said that today. I REALLY feel like we need to say that more as Christians. People need to know that we don't just stand up for the unborn, we will stand WITH the women who aborted their babies with the love of Jesus. There IS healing. There IS forgiveness. There IS hope. There IS restoration. Do I believe it's wrong? YES! Do I believe Jesus can forgive? ABSOLUTELY!
--- The band stinkin' KILLED it today! (And by killed I mean good...REALLY GOOD)
--- We have unbelievable volunteers. CRAZY what gets done from 6 AM to 12:30 PM.
--- Continue to pray with us for God's timing in our building. Just waiting still!
--- Next week will be interesting. Alcohol. I heard one pastor preach a message last year and his title "Can a Christian drink a cold beer? (because we all know it's a sin to drink a warm one)" Thought that was funny. Not sure what my title will be. Here are some I'm working on...
- "How can it get better than this?"
- "WASSSSSUP and other silly things you might say when drinking!"
- "Tastes great...less thrilling"
- "The Kings name isn't Bud"
- "Pure Rocky Mountain stream water...Not sure Coors is what God had in mind."
LOL totally don't know where that came from. That's a random Sunday afternoon from Jeff for ya.
--- Getting ready to go hang out with friends tonight. I look forward to Sunday nights every week. That's about it.
--- Four blogs I am really looking forward to doing this week that I'll bust out starting tomorrow hopefully. Have an awesome week!
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Sunday Rumination,
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hey Element Church! Don't forget that we start our new series this week. I am STOKED for these sermons. (SCARED OUT OF MY MIND TOO) But stoked!
Here is a post from a pastor that I feel VERY similar too when it comes to preaching.
I am JUST as nervous each week when I preach. Whether it's for 50 people or 500. I used to not be able to eat anything before I preached. Now I have ONE donut and that's about too much. But if I don't eat I get a horrible headache before church is over. Anyway, random glimpse into me right there. Pastor Furticks blog cracked me up cause it's exactly how I feel. If you see me on Sundays after set up, you see me wandering around aimlessly a lot, or sitting by myself. We are a weird bunch, us pastors!
Following Christ,
Here is a post from a pastor that I feel VERY similar too when it comes to preaching.
I am JUST as nervous each week when I preach. Whether it's for 50 people or 500. I used to not be able to eat anything before I preached. Now I have ONE donut and that's about too much. But if I don't eat I get a horrible headache before church is over. Anyway, random glimpse into me right there. Pastor Furticks blog cracked me up cause it's exactly how I feel. If you see me on Sundays after set up, you see me wandering around aimlessly a lot, or sitting by myself. We are a weird bunch, us pastors!
Following Christ,
Building Update
Hey Element Church! Well, to say I am frustrated would be the understatement of the year. To say I've been worried about the progress of the building would be just short of where my frustration is at. We signed the lease on May 1st and were given two months of free use to begin the remodel of the space. As of today, we still have no permit to demo or build. Things were going SO smooth and God was opening EVERY door and then BAM...we hit a snag. I've had some heart to hearts with God about this in my prayer life recently and then He did what He should have done and SLAPPED me upside the head with a reminder. I need to beware what I preach on cause then I'm held accountable to it. lol
Philippians 4:6 says "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and THANK HIM for everything He has done." Don't we typically forget the thanking part? I know I do sometimes. The reason we worry is that we DON'T remember OR thank God like we should. When we thank Him we are forced to remember all the things He has done. Yesterday I was REALLY challenged with this. Here is what I wrote in my journal.
"Lord, I don't know what's going on with the building but I trust You. If this is Your timing, we will wait patiently. If this is a hindrance, Lord I ask that you move it on our behalf. Your will be done. I'm frustrated but I don't want to worry. I need to follow Philippians 4:6."
So I did. I followed Philippians 4:6. Here is what I realized. At this point, I'm worrying and frustrated over ONE need. "Get the permit and start working on the building" So I wrote that need down: "Get in the building" Then I wrote down all the things God has done JUST with this building. 1. A GREAT Christian realtor who helped us through the process. 2. Our GREAT Christian contractor donating his time and doing ALL he can to get us in. 3. The book that God put on my desk that helped prepare me for the decisions that would have to be made concerning the building. 4. The support of the people of Element Church. AMAZING! 5. ONE CHECK for $20,000 6. Two free months of use. (They could have gave us NONE...HELLO!) 7. 450 people coming to church so we NEED a new facility. 8. Consistent giving that enables us to GET a building. 9. The timing of the owners calling me and OFFERING us the building. 10. A staff that didn't waiver to follow me in this decision. I stopped there but there is more. I realized, that God has ALREADY done so much WHY SHOULD I WORRY ABOUT ONE MORE THING? Anyway, God's been teaching me through this.
Element Church...the timing of things with this facility may not be ours, BUT I will trust God that it's His. He is not caught off guard. He is not waiting by the phone hoping the city calls. He is not wondering what will happen. HE KNOWS...HE CARES...and HE WILL GET US IN! Amen?
Philippians 4:6 says "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and THANK HIM for everything He has done." Don't we typically forget the thanking part? I know I do sometimes. The reason we worry is that we DON'T remember OR thank God like we should. When we thank Him we are forced to remember all the things He has done. Yesterday I was REALLY challenged with this. Here is what I wrote in my journal.
"Lord, I don't know what's going on with the building but I trust You. If this is Your timing, we will wait patiently. If this is a hindrance, Lord I ask that you move it on our behalf. Your will be done. I'm frustrated but I don't want to worry. I need to follow Philippians 4:6."
So I did. I followed Philippians 4:6. Here is what I realized. At this point, I'm worrying and frustrated over ONE need. "Get the permit and start working on the building" So I wrote that need down: "Get in the building" Then I wrote down all the things God has done JUST with this building. 1. A GREAT Christian realtor who helped us through the process. 2. Our GREAT Christian contractor donating his time and doing ALL he can to get us in. 3. The book that God put on my desk that helped prepare me for the decisions that would have to be made concerning the building. 4. The support of the people of Element Church. AMAZING! 5. ONE CHECK for $20,000 6. Two free months of use. (They could have gave us NONE...HELLO!) 7. 450 people coming to church so we NEED a new facility. 8. Consistent giving that enables us to GET a building. 9. The timing of the owners calling me and OFFERING us the building. 10. A staff that didn't waiver to follow me in this decision. I stopped there but there is more. I realized, that God has ALREADY done so much WHY SHOULD I WORRY ABOUT ONE MORE THING? Anyway, God's been teaching me through this.
Element Church...the timing of things with this facility may not be ours, BUT I will trust God that it's His. He is not caught off guard. He is not waiting by the phone hoping the city calls. He is not wondering what will happen. HE KNOWS...HE CARES...and HE WILL GET US IN! Amen?
Element Church,
Thursday, May 29, 2008
WiBo Speaker #3
Hey Element Church! Installment #3 of the Whiteboard sessions overview.
Tim Stevens: Tim is the executive pastor at Granger Community Church. He just recently released a book called Pop Goes the Church, that is receiving quite a bit of buzz around the church world from those who agree AND disagree. Here are some thoughts I took away from what Tim shared. (The non quotes are my spin)
"Most churches aren't impacting their communities."
"Many churches are getting in the way of the Gospel..." instead of advancing it. WOW!
"Spiritual interest is rapidly growing in our culture..." yet we are doing a great job of continuing to reach the "churched" and not the "un-churched" or "de-churched".
"As a church, we're answering questions no one is asking!" He talked greatly about how we do not allow a culture of questions in our churches AND how we are giving answers to questions no one is asking. People come questioning real life issues and many times we skirt them for our "greater" answers on theology.
He shared John 1:14 from The Message Bible. Cool way to word what Jesus did. It's what our churches should be doing. "14 The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." Moving into the neighborhood. IMPACT!
"We need to be using culture to raise the questions and use the Bible to answer them." If we watch culture (what movies, music, media) is saying, we will find the questions people are asking. We can then address them through Scripture.
He talked A LOT about using media (movie clips, music, tv) etc. in our services to raise the questions. I appreciated his honesty on being careful to find the line of what is "just using a clip" and "what legitimately raises a question" that we can answer through Scripture. Using things that people are familiar with (ie. movies, tv, music). This is NOT a new idea by the way. What IS new I believe is the intentionality of using pop culture to help us find the questions that need to be answered. The cry of the culture. Thought it was good stuff.
Spoke on Acts 17 where Paul used popular lyrics from a poet and philosopher of his time, as well as the statue of "the unknown" god to answer his cultures questions. Leveraging culture, increasing impact.
"We need to leverage the culture (to our benefit) or risk losing your impact."
"What do people think about our churches. Can they ask questions or do they just get answers?"
This session REALLY challenged me to know more about what the culture is asking. What are the heartbeats of our culture. What are people struggling with? Wrestling with? How can we leverage our culture to maximize our impact? Are people allowed to question? Without questions there are no answers.
Tim Stevens: Tim is the executive pastor at Granger Community Church. He just recently released a book called Pop Goes the Church, that is receiving quite a bit of buzz around the church world from those who agree AND disagree. Here are some thoughts I took away from what Tim shared. (The non quotes are my spin)
"Most churches aren't impacting their communities."
"Many churches are getting in the way of the Gospel..." instead of advancing it. WOW!
"Spiritual interest is rapidly growing in our culture..." yet we are doing a great job of continuing to reach the "churched" and not the "un-churched" or "de-churched".
"As a church, we're answering questions no one is asking!" He talked greatly about how we do not allow a culture of questions in our churches AND how we are giving answers to questions no one is asking. People come questioning real life issues and many times we skirt them for our "greater" answers on theology.
He shared John 1:14 from The Message Bible. Cool way to word what Jesus did. It's what our churches should be doing. "14 The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." Moving into the neighborhood. IMPACT!
"We need to be using culture to raise the questions and use the Bible to answer them." If we watch culture (what movies, music, media) is saying, we will find the questions people are asking. We can then address them through Scripture.
He talked A LOT about using media (movie clips, music, tv) etc. in our services to raise the questions. I appreciated his honesty on being careful to find the line of what is "just using a clip" and "what legitimately raises a question" that we can answer through Scripture. Using things that people are familiar with (ie. movies, tv, music). This is NOT a new idea by the way. What IS new I believe is the intentionality of using pop culture to help us find the questions that need to be answered. The cry of the culture. Thought it was good stuff.
Spoke on Acts 17 where Paul used popular lyrics from a poet and philosopher of his time, as well as the statue of "the unknown" god to answer his cultures questions. Leveraging culture, increasing impact.
"We need to leverage the culture (to our benefit) or risk losing your impact."
"What do people think about our churches. Can they ask questions or do they just get answers?"
This session REALLY challenged me to know more about what the culture is asking. What are the heartbeats of our culture. What are people struggling with? Wrestling with? How can we leverage our culture to maximize our impact? Are people allowed to question? Without questions there are no answers.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Untouchables Sermons
Hey Element Church! A couple things about Untouchables. First off, please pray. We are tackling 4 VERY tough subjects. I want the Bible to drive our discussion and not JUST opinion. The WORD is where we find our source of Truth. I have some strong opinions on each of these subjects, as I know all of you do as well. My goal for this series is that we could all walk away closer to Jesus and with a deeper understanding and conviction of what we believe and where we stand with these subjects.
Second, I wanted to share the order in which we are taking on these topics. I know some of you have specific subjects you want to invite people to hear. So here they are.
June 1st: Abortion
June 8th: Drinking
June 15th: Homosexuality
June 22nd: Divorce
June 29th: Q&A (we'll be setting up an email address for you to send in questions to) That will be a fun Sunday.
There ya go. Have an AWESOME day. Working on my messages right now. I'm getting pumped.
Second, I wanted to share the order in which we are taking on these topics. I know some of you have specific subjects you want to invite people to hear. So here they are.
June 1st: Abortion
June 8th: Drinking
June 15th: Homosexuality
June 22nd: Divorce
June 29th: Q&A (we'll be setting up an email address for you to send in questions to) That will be a fun Sunday.
There ya go. Have an AWESOME day. Working on my messages right now. I'm getting pumped.
WiBo Speaker #2
Hey Element Church! Again, Adam and I went to a pastors conference in Washington, D.C. called Whiteboard. It was the perfect format. One day, eight speakers with 30 minutes a piece. Each were asked to share one compelling thought, idea, philosophy to the pastors.
Vince Antonucci: Vince pastors Forefront Church in Virginia Beach, VA. He has an INCREDIBLE passion for reaching lost people. He has an evangelists heart and the majority of Forefront Church (around 70%) came from an un-churched and un-christian background. Here are some things I took from Vince's talk.
Vince received Christ as his Savior when he was 20 years old. He said that until he was 20 he had never heard about the Jesus of the Bible or the Gospel message about him. As far as he knew he had NEVER met a Christian, and if he had they never said they were or said anything about Jesus. He made this quote "How is it that in America for 20 years I had never heard about Jesus?"
"The total number of people going to church today is 8 million less than what it was 20 years ago." (Not per capita, TOTAL)
Speaking of church growth: "We're reaching people, we're just not reaching lost people."
"We get the honor of being the answer to Jesus' mission and prayer: 'To seek and to save that which was lost.'"
"The church is too content with seeking and saving those who are already saved." WOW!
"Reaching the lost made Jesus' heart beat fast. It made Paul's heart beat fast. Does it make yours? What makes your heart beat fast?"
"If you're not close to people who are far from God, you're not as close to God as you think you are." That my friends, is a POWERFUL statement.
Vince Antonucci: Vince pastors Forefront Church in Virginia Beach, VA. He has an INCREDIBLE passion for reaching lost people. He has an evangelists heart and the majority of Forefront Church (around 70%) came from an un-churched and un-christian background. Here are some things I took from Vince's talk.
Vince received Christ as his Savior when he was 20 years old. He said that until he was 20 he had never heard about the Jesus of the Bible or the Gospel message about him. As far as he knew he had NEVER met a Christian, and if he had they never said they were or said anything about Jesus. He made this quote "How is it that in America for 20 years I had never heard about Jesus?"
"The total number of people going to church today is 8 million less than what it was 20 years ago." (Not per capita, TOTAL)
Speaking of church growth: "We're reaching people, we're just not reaching lost people."
"We get the honor of being the answer to Jesus' mission and prayer: 'To seek and to save that which was lost.'"
"The church is too content with seeking and saving those who are already saved." WOW!
"Reaching the lost made Jesus' heart beat fast. It made Paul's heart beat fast. Does it make yours? What makes your heart beat fast?"
"If you're not close to people who are far from God, you're not as close to God as you think you are." That my friends, is a POWERFUL statement.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Untouchables promo
Hey Element Church! Here is the Untouchables promo video. It's not in full quality because of the upload to Google Video, but you get the idea. We're themeing the series around the gangsters of old who were "untouchable". Thought we pulled off the idea with this video. I think the production by Adam was GREAT! Here it is.
Missions Video
Hey Element Church! This is the missions video from Aaron Brakefield that we couldn't show Sunday. If you want to see more from their mission field you can watch it.
Sunday Rumination (5-25-08)
Hey Element Church! First off, let me say "THANK YOU!" to our veterans and those who are currently serving in the military. Also, a thank you to our fallen soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We were able to worship God yesterday because of the lives of soldiers who fought on our behalf. From the Revolutionary War to the current war in Iraq men and women have fought and died for us. Regardless of where you stand on war in general or the current war, you are able to have AND share your opinion because of the men and women who fought for you!! Their sacrifice and commitment blows me away!
--- I took the afternoon off yesterday and didn't blog. I actually played Xbox instead. lol
--- 463 in church yesterday. 2nd service was VERY full. I was pleasantly surprised with the Memorial weekend #'s.
--- We had several first time guests today. One thing we have asked for since we started Unplugged almost one year ago was that God would bring us someone new every week. We have yet to have ONE Sunday where we didn't have one at least one first time guest. PTL
--- We finished off our Little Rascals series yesterday. I can honestly say that this was one of the MOST challenging sermon series' I've ever done. It was so close to home and God challenged Sabrina and I GREATLY through this series. I want to be the BEST parent I possibly can.
--- We had Aaron Brakefield and his wife Christina with us yesterday. Aaron has a wonderful ministry to teenagers in Brazil. I HIGHLY believe in what they are doing on the mission field. I believe we had some new people step up to support them financially. Element is also going to support the Brakefields through our general fund.
--- Our missions philosophy is and always will be Cheyenne first and foreign second. The Brakefields and their youth center WILL be a foreign mission Element takes on. I'll get a video we didn't have time to show yesterday at church up later. Aaron put it together as a highlight of their youth center. Take some time to watch it if you'd like when it's up.
--- No e:coustic was...a relief. I actually got to greet people after the 9 AM service. There was one couple who had been coming for 2 months that I had never met. That's crazy!
--- If there is one phrase that can sum up our time recently at Element it is "Technical difficulties". I swear if we solve one problem 5 more are created. We FINALLY defeated the buzz demon in our sound system yesterday by using the projector we bought for e:coustic instead of the theater projector. It was AMAZING! BUT, we created several other sound problems in the process. Now we have a microphone demon. My wireless mic was wiggin' out BIG TIME!
--- Untouchables is next. This is going to be a challenging series too! Taking on some VERY difficult subjects. I'll get the video promo up later that Adam made. I think production wise it is his BEST! We're themeing the series around the old gangster stuff. Guys who were "untouchable". I think we captured that through the video.
Alright, got stuff to do. I need to do this on Sunday afternoon like I normally do. Much easier than when the fam is all awake.
Following Christ,
--- I took the afternoon off yesterday and didn't blog. I actually played Xbox instead. lol
--- 463 in church yesterday. 2nd service was VERY full. I was pleasantly surprised with the Memorial weekend #'s.
--- We had several first time guests today. One thing we have asked for since we started Unplugged almost one year ago was that God would bring us someone new every week. We have yet to have ONE Sunday where we didn't have one at least one first time guest. PTL
--- We finished off our Little Rascals series yesterday. I can honestly say that this was one of the MOST challenging sermon series' I've ever done. It was so close to home and God challenged Sabrina and I GREATLY through this series. I want to be the BEST parent I possibly can.
--- We had Aaron Brakefield and his wife Christina with us yesterday. Aaron has a wonderful ministry to teenagers in Brazil. I HIGHLY believe in what they are doing on the mission field. I believe we had some new people step up to support them financially. Element is also going to support the Brakefields through our general fund.
--- Our missions philosophy is and always will be Cheyenne first and foreign second. The Brakefields and their youth center WILL be a foreign mission Element takes on. I'll get a video we didn't have time to show yesterday at church up later. Aaron put it together as a highlight of their youth center. Take some time to watch it if you'd like when it's up.
--- No e:coustic was...a relief. I actually got to greet people after the 9 AM service. There was one couple who had been coming for 2 months that I had never met. That's crazy!
--- If there is one phrase that can sum up our time recently at Element it is "Technical difficulties". I swear if we solve one problem 5 more are created. We FINALLY defeated the buzz demon in our sound system yesterday by using the projector we bought for e:coustic instead of the theater projector. It was AMAZING! BUT, we created several other sound problems in the process. Now we have a microphone demon. My wireless mic was wiggin' out BIG TIME!
--- Untouchables is next. This is going to be a challenging series too! Taking on some VERY difficult subjects. I'll get the video promo up later that Adam made. I think production wise it is his BEST! We're themeing the series around the old gangster stuff. Guys who were "untouchable". I think we captured that through the video.
Alright, got stuff to do. I need to do this on Sunday afternoon like I normally do. Much easier than when the fam is all awake.
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Sunday Rumination,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Quick Saturday Reminders!
Hey Element Church! If you can come early to help set up that would be AWESOME! The few new ones who helped last week ROCKED! Each volunteer adds so much to getting the morning done.
NO ECOUSTIC tomorrow! Don't forget that. Just back to 9 am and 10:30 am.
If you can come to 9 AM please do that. That is the area with the most available seats. That's it. I'm excited for tomorrow!
Following Christ,
NO ECOUSTIC tomorrow! Don't forget that. Just back to 9 am and 10:30 am.
If you can come to 9 AM please do that. That is the area with the most available seats. That's it. I'm excited for tomorrow!
Following Christ,
Friday, May 23, 2008
We should go to the Pentagon!
Hey Element Church! Those are famous last words. Almost DEADLY last words. I'll get to that in a second.
We spent the ENTIRE day in Washington D. C. today. I think Adam and I could start a Speed Tour business here and make a KILLING. We got into D.C. about 10:30 and went to the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, lunch with one of Adam's friends, White House, National Air and Space Museum, Union Station, Ebeneezer's Coffee shop and the Pentagon. Below is a slide show of pics I took on my phone today. Here are a few thoughts on the day.
I am BLOWN AWAY at the sacrifice men and women have made to defend our country and provide us with what we know today as FREEDOM. It STINKIN' TICKS ME OFF (LOL) that some people today are trying to change what men and women died for to satisfy their lusts and desires. What our country was established to be is so far from what it is. In my LOUD yet humble opinion. The WWII Memorial and Vietnam Memorial was VERY cool.
It was weird being in D.C. To know that people who started our country were there. Amazing. Didn't seem real all day.
D.C. is the stupidest city I've ever walked or driven in. ABSOLUTELY and THOROUGHLY confusing! I can't tell you how many times we were lost. It is THE CRAZIEST place to get around in. Adam and I wasted at LEAST 1 - 2 hours trying to figure out where we were at and how we get to the next place.
We had visited everything we wanted to and Adam was like "We should go to the Pentagon!" We bought a one day pass on the Metro and it went right to the Pentagon so as our last site to see we headed there. We got off the Metro and went up the escalator. Little did we know that we actually came out of the ground and we were standing NEXT TO the Pentagon. Security everywhere. A guy about 10 feet away was a big ole' security guard standing with an AK47. We started walking to where we could take a picture. Adam pulled out the camera, we thought we could see where one of the jets hit the building. The following conversation happened:
Adam: I'm gonna get a picture of that right there. (pulls out camera)
Mr. AK47: (steps out from behind a bullet proof security thingy. Yes that's the official name 'security thingy'. With AK47 CLEARLY showing) HEY YOU CAN'T TAKE ANY PICTURES!
Jeff and Adam: (Now need a new pair of shorts)
Adam: Umm, no.
Jeff: (What I wanted to say was "Yeah, we heard you the first time when I messed my shorts!") But what I really said was "We didn't know you couldn't take pictures."
Mr. AK47: (With gun still CLEARLY showing in front of him) "Yeah, that's why I warned you."
HOLY COW! That dude wasn't messing around. Needless to say, we did NOT get any pictures of the Pentagon. Overall it was a very fun day. Cool to see all the history and sites. The navigating was insane. Don't wish that on anyone. Adam should have some stuff up soon too. I think he's blogging in the other bed. LOL Can't wait for Sunday. I miss my family and I miss Cheyenne! Here are the pics. Click on the slideshow to view them from my online album.
Still Alive With Clean Shorts,
We spent the ENTIRE day in Washington D. C. today. I think Adam and I could start a Speed Tour business here and make a KILLING. We got into D.C. about 10:30 and went to the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, lunch with one of Adam's friends, White House, National Air and Space Museum, Union Station, Ebeneezer's Coffee shop and the Pentagon. Below is a slide show of pics I took on my phone today. Here are a few thoughts on the day.
I am BLOWN AWAY at the sacrifice men and women have made to defend our country and provide us with what we know today as FREEDOM. It STINKIN' TICKS ME OFF (LOL) that some people today are trying to change what men and women died for to satisfy their lusts and desires. What our country was established to be is so far from what it is. In my LOUD yet humble opinion. The WWII Memorial and Vietnam Memorial was VERY cool.
It was weird being in D.C. To know that people who started our country were there. Amazing. Didn't seem real all day.
D.C. is the stupidest city I've ever walked or driven in. ABSOLUTELY and THOROUGHLY confusing! I can't tell you how many times we were lost. It is THE CRAZIEST place to get around in. Adam and I wasted at LEAST 1 - 2 hours trying to figure out where we were at and how we get to the next place.
We had visited everything we wanted to and Adam was like "We should go to the Pentagon!" We bought a one day pass on the Metro and it went right to the Pentagon so as our last site to see we headed there. We got off the Metro and went up the escalator. Little did we know that we actually came out of the ground and we were standing NEXT TO the Pentagon. Security everywhere. A guy about 10 feet away was a big ole' security guard standing with an AK47. We started walking to where we could take a picture. Adam pulled out the camera, we thought we could see where one of the jets hit the building. The following conversation happened:
Adam: I'm gonna get a picture of that right there. (pulls out camera)
Mr. AK47: (steps out from behind a bullet proof security thingy. Yes that's the official name 'security thingy'. With AK47 CLEARLY showing) HEY YOU CAN'T TAKE ANY PICTURES!
Jeff and Adam: (Now need a new pair of shorts)
Adam: Umm, no.
Jeff: (What I wanted to say was "Yeah, we heard you the first time when I messed my shorts!") But what I really said was "We didn't know you couldn't take pictures."
Mr. AK47: (With gun still CLEARLY showing in front of him) "Yeah, that's why I warned you."
HOLY COW! That dude wasn't messing around. Needless to say, we did NOT get any pictures of the Pentagon. Overall it was a very fun day. Cool to see all the history and sites. The navigating was insane. Don't wish that on anyone. Adam should have some stuff up soon too. I think he's blogging in the other bed. LOL Can't wait for Sunday. I miss my family and I miss Cheyenne! Here are the pics. Click on the slideshow to view them from my online album.
Still Alive With Clean Shorts,
Thursday, May 22, 2008
WiBo Pics
Here are some pics of the weekend from my Blackberry.
I knew it was going to be a good hotel when I saw next to the coffee pot that Starbucks was being served.

Here is Adam talking "tech" to one of the computer guys. Little did he know I can answer ALL of his questions. You notice there is NO ONE in the conference hall? Adam and I walked right past two security guards like we owned the place and got our seats. We kept saying "I can't believe no one is in here. What is everyone waiting for?" We were looking at the video cameras, sound stuff, computer stuff and stage set up. Then at about 10 till 9 the lead guy made an announcement "Hey guys we're going to open the doors in about 5 minutes so man your stations." We weren't supposed to even be in there. NO idea how we just walked in. I guess we just look official.

They had a guy there taking notes on a whiteboard for each speaker. Here are a couple of them. It was pretty cool.

That is a picture of my ticket to Indiana Jones. It cost 10 STINKIN' dollars. When the ticket lady said $10 I said "$10? What the world?" She said "The world cost $10 enjoy your show." And handed me this packet of chewy nerds. $10 and STINKIN' CHEWY NERDS? My ticket was about as big as the package. That is supposed to make me feel better about $10. Wasn't even that great of a theater. Not even stadium seating.
I knew it was going to be a good hotel when I saw next to the coffee pot that Starbucks was being served.

Here is Adam talking "tech" to one of the computer guys. Little did he know I can answer ALL of his questions. You notice there is NO ONE in the conference hall? Adam and I walked right past two security guards like we owned the place and got our seats. We kept saying "I can't believe no one is in here. What is everyone waiting for?" We were looking at the video cameras, sound stuff, computer stuff and stage set up. Then at about 10 till 9 the lead guy made an announcement "Hey guys we're going to open the doors in about 5 minutes so man your stations." We weren't supposed to even be in there. NO idea how we just walked in. I guess we just look official.

They had a guy there taking notes on a whiteboard for each speaker. Here are a couple of them. It was pretty cool.

That is a picture of my ticket to Indiana Jones. It cost 10 STINKIN' dollars. When the ticket lady said $10 I said "$10? What the world?" She said "The world cost $10 enjoy your show." And handed me this packet of chewy nerds. $10 and STINKIN' CHEWY NERDS? My ticket was about as big as the package. That is supposed to make me feel better about $10. Wasn't even that great of a theater. Not even stadium seating.

WiBo Speaker #1
Right before the event started today, I wrote in my journal: "Lord, expand our vision!" MAN did he do that. None more than the first speaker.
Mark Batterson was first up this morning. Mark and National Community Church have a VERY cool story. If you get a chance to find out about their history please do. Mark also wrote the book "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" which our Lead Team is reading right now. That had to be intimidating setting the stage for the whole day with these phenomenal speakers. He did a great job! Here are some quotes I took from him.
"The longer I'm in ministry and the longer I lead, the more I covet the favor of God."
"Your best thought on your best day is about 13.2 billion light years short of God's" (Isa. 55:8-9) Comparing our thoughts to the expanse of the universe.
"The moment we think we have God all figured out is the moment we lose our spiritual curiosity." May we never be satisfied with just the knowledge we already have about God. NO ONE has Him all figured out. NO ONE!
"Your dreams are too small. We confess our sins to God but when was the last time you confessed your small dreams to Him?"
"At some point we stop doing ministry out of imagination and start doing it out of memory" (When we do it out of memory we end up doing what we've always done. We lose creativity and risk)
"I'd rather have one God idea than 1,000 good ideas and you don't get that one God idea from a speaker."
"If there ever was a dreamer his name was Jesus." (The Great Commission was a dream) Then he said this (great line) "You have been grafted into THE dreamer!"
That's it from speaker #1. Blog more later. (This may be a week long thing)
Still Processing,
Mark Batterson was first up this morning. Mark and National Community Church have a VERY cool story. If you get a chance to find out about their history please do. Mark also wrote the book "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" which our Lead Team is reading right now. That had to be intimidating setting the stage for the whole day with these phenomenal speakers. He did a great job! Here are some quotes I took from him.
"The longer I'm in ministry and the longer I lead, the more I covet the favor of God."
"Your best thought on your best day is about 13.2 billion light years short of God's" (Isa. 55:8-9) Comparing our thoughts to the expanse of the universe.
"The moment we think we have God all figured out is the moment we lose our spiritual curiosity." May we never be satisfied with just the knowledge we already have about God. NO ONE has Him all figured out. NO ONE!
"Your dreams are too small. We confess our sins to God but when was the last time you confessed your small dreams to Him?"
"At some point we stop doing ministry out of imagination and start doing it out of memory" (When we do it out of memory we end up doing what we've always done. We lose creativity and risk)
"I'd rather have one God idea than 1,000 good ideas and you don't get that one God idea from a speaker."
"If there ever was a dreamer his name was Jesus." (The Great Commission was a dream) Then he said this (great line) "You have been grafted into THE dreamer!"
That's it from speaker #1. Blog more later. (This may be a week long thing)
Still Processing,
Hey Element Church! To say my mind is about to explode would be an understatement. UNBELIEVABLE conference! Talk about expanding your vision. MAN. Both Adam and I are reeling tonight. We haven't even hardly talked about it cause we're still trying to process everything. The format was amazing. Ben Arment did a phenomenal job putting this thing together. It's amazing what the blogworld can do for things. What literally (as far as I understand) was an idea Ben blogged one day, turned into a conference with 800 pastors in attendance and 8 of today's greatest communicators sharing 30 minutes a piece. Each one shared their "one compelling idea". The format is perfect. I hope they do it again next year. I felt it was so beneficial to get 8 guys' 30 minutes of their best stuff in one day rather than a couple guys talking for an hour and a half and you attend 2-3 days. I took MASSIVE notes and will be blogging on what hit me from each speaker. We paid $99 to attend this bad boy. Worth every penny!
Adam and I went and saw Indiana Jones tonight. Definitely not the best of the series but it wasn't horrible. Typical Indiana Jones. I was hoping it would be a bit better but a good flick to go and just relax and not think about anything for a while.
Adam has some new pics up and some thoughts. Amazing day! Can't wait to get back to tornado infested Cheyenne. Looking forward to Sunday.
Adam and I went and saw Indiana Jones tonight. Definitely not the best of the series but it wasn't horrible. Typical Indiana Jones. I was hoping it would be a bit better but a good flick to go and just relax and not think about anything for a while.
Adam has some new pics up and some thoughts. Amazing day! Can't wait to get back to tornado infested Cheyenne. Looking forward to Sunday.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
"I don't want to have a romantic dinner with you Jeff!"
LOL That is one quote already from the weekend. Adam said that to me as we were restaurant shopping. We were in Reston Town Center looking for a place to eat and EVERY place looked like it would be a place you'd take your girlfriend to ask you to marry you. Candlelight. Quiet. Intimate. Three words we DID NOT want to define our dinner together. Thankfully we found a Chicago style restaurant called Uno Chicago Grill. It was phenomenal. Right in the heart of Reston Town Center. Nachos were amazing. And no romance at ALL! LOL
"I wish our eyes had zoom!" Another quote from Adam as we were driving to the airport from Denver. He wanted to see a hot air balloon off in the distance.
"That's 'so and so'(fill in the blank)" We are seriously too starstruck. It's sad! We've learned over the past year SO MUCH from some of the guys we're seeing here.
"This is CRAZY!" That's been my continuing line. So weird to me that we are on the East Coast of the USA. I'm sheltered. HA!
Ok, more quotes to come I'm sure.
"I wish our eyes had zoom!" Another quote from Adam as we were driving to the airport from Denver. He wanted to see a hot air balloon off in the distance.
"That's 'so and so'(fill in the blank)" We are seriously too starstruck. It's sad! We've learned over the past year SO MUCH from some of the guys we're seeing here.
"This is CRAZY!" That's been my continuing line. So weird to me that we are on the East Coast of the USA. I'm sheltered. HA!
Ok, more quotes to come I'm sure.
You're not from here are ya?
Hey Element Church! We've arrived in Washington D.C. I REALLY wish I could share this with my wife. We love coming to places like this. Went to Pennsylvania together 2 years ago and had had a BLAST! Both Adam and I did much better and enjoyed much better the flight today, compared to our last flight. Although I do miss having Permagrin with us. Adam and I have got to stick out like a sore thumb here. We're walking around with our eyes as big as big as baseballs. The difference in culture from Wyoming to DC amazes me. We're in the same country, yet it's SO different here. Beautiful! (that's not what's different, cause Wyoming is definitely beautiful) To say I am excited for Whiteboard Sessions is an understatement. I am SO pumped to be challenged tomorrow. We are staying in an AWESOME hotel. Terri did a FANTASTIC job setting up all the details for us on this trip. Adam and I drove into Reston Town Center, where the conference is tomorrow, and had dinner. We then went to where the conference was held. I felt like a fish out of water. Saw some of the guys who I follow on a regular basis in the blog world. Some GREAT church leaders. Made me feel pretty small. lol Like a fish out of water. We're chillin' now watching the American Idol finale. Gonna head to the conference early. I think Adam got some pictures up already. Here is a link to his blog. We'll both be blogging our thoughts on the conference tomorrow. There are 8 pastors sharing in this one day conference. Each get 30 minutes a piece. It is going to be info overload and I AM PUMPED! I love learning. Love being challenged. Love being stretched. Alright, be watching for more from D.C.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hey Element Church! God really helped me with a verse I read in Philippians a few days ago and I thought I'd share it with you today.
Philippians 4:6-7 says this "6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
A couple things from these two verses that I felt God really helped me in.
#1 Don't worry about anything. Why? Because you can pray! I don't know why that jumped out at me so much. I think so often we forget who we are praying to. The reason Paul says not to worry is because we can talk to God about our worries. You have a need? Pray. You have a fear? Pray. Have a concern? Pray. A wayward child? Pray. I wonder if we don't stop worrying because we don't trust who we are praying to. I want my trust level to be SO HIGH with God that if a worry creeps in, I can pray and TRUST God has it under control! REGARDLESS of the outcome.
#2 Tell God what you need... We're good at that. We're GREAT at it actually. Most of our prayers revolve around us asking God for something. Asking God to make everything right in our lives. Asking him to weight everything in our advantage. What I think we struggle with sometimes is giving ample time to thank God for what he's done. That in itself can help take worry away. When we thank God for what He's done it helps us get through those worrisome moments because we KNOW what He is capable of. We need to be habitual about asking AND thanking in our prayers.
#3 THEN... Then is a keyword in many verses. THEN you will experience peace. When? When we don't worry but pray, and in our prayers tell God what we need AND thank Him for what He's done. THEN we'll have peace. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT UP TO ME TO GET IT DONE! My hope is in the LORD the maker of Heaven and earth. Now that can bring peace. And what will that peace do?
#4 HIS peace will guard your hearts and minds... from what? This is good. WORRY! It's a cyclical. Worry should lead us to prayer which leads us to peace which keeps us from worry!
There you go. Don't know if that helps anyone but wanted to share it!
Following Christ,
Philippians 4:6-7 says this "6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
A couple things from these two verses that I felt God really helped me in.
#1 Don't worry about anything. Why? Because you can pray! I don't know why that jumped out at me so much. I think so often we forget who we are praying to. The reason Paul says not to worry is because we can talk to God about our worries. You have a need? Pray. You have a fear? Pray. Have a concern? Pray. A wayward child? Pray. I wonder if we don't stop worrying because we don't trust who we are praying to. I want my trust level to be SO HIGH with God that if a worry creeps in, I can pray and TRUST God has it under control! REGARDLESS of the outcome.
#2 Tell God what you need... We're good at that. We're GREAT at it actually. Most of our prayers revolve around us asking God for something. Asking God to make everything right in our lives. Asking him to weight everything in our advantage. What I think we struggle with sometimes is giving ample time to thank God for what he's done. That in itself can help take worry away. When we thank God for what He's done it helps us get through those worrisome moments because we KNOW what He is capable of. We need to be habitual about asking AND thanking in our prayers.
#3 THEN... Then is a keyword in many verses. THEN you will experience peace. When? When we don't worry but pray, and in our prayers tell God what we need AND thank Him for what He's done. THEN we'll have peace. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT UP TO ME TO GET IT DONE! My hope is in the LORD the maker of Heaven and earth. Now that can bring peace. And what will that peace do?
#4 HIS peace will guard your hearts and minds... from what? This is good. WORRY! It's a cyclical. Worry should lead us to prayer which leads us to peace which keeps us from worry!
There you go. Don't know if that helps anyone but wanted to share it!
Following Christ,
Monday Musings
I know, I need to quit naming things. Still waiting on the word for the permit. We're trusting we'll get the demo permit this week. With that, we are going ahead and planning on demo Saturday at 9 AM. Terri will be contacting everyone who signed up if we do have it. Adam and I are flying back Saturday and arriving in Denver around 9 AM. So we'll get here ASAP to join the fun! Framers and sheet rockers will soon follow that! Pray that we get that permit!
I'm SUPER excited about my message this week. I usually don't finalize it until Wednesday but with leaving Wednesday for D.C. I tried to get as much of it finalized today. I'll be sharing the top things I want my kids to leave home with. We'll be dissecting a Scripture I feel God gave me in my morning devotions last week. As I began writing down the things I want my kids to have when they leave home, it reminded me of what I had read. I know it's Memorial Day weekend, but if you are going to be in town I encourage you to be there!
Getting everything done for the week in two days is tough! Pray that we get everything ready and have a safe trip!
Following Christ,
I'm SUPER excited about my message this week. I usually don't finalize it until Wednesday but with leaving Wednesday for D.C. I tried to get as much of it finalized today. I'll be sharing the top things I want my kids to leave home with. We'll be dissecting a Scripture I feel God gave me in my morning devotions last week. As I began writing down the things I want my kids to have when they leave home, it reminded me of what I had read. I know it's Memorial Day weekend, but if you are going to be in town I encourage you to be there!
Getting everything done for the week in two days is tough! Pray that we get everything ready and have a safe trip!
Following Christ,
Building Update
Hey Element Church! Just talked to our contractor and he is hoping to give me a call today to meet him down at the city to pay for our building permit and HOPEFULLY get the demo permit today!! PRAY PRAY PRAY! If we get the demo permit, we will most likely get in there this weekend to start working. Just wanted to put that out there in the blogosphere so you Elementers and others alike can join us in prayer today. The contractor said the electrician told him his drawings would be done today. Let's approach the throne of grace with confidence together!!! Amen? (And you thought I only said that from the pulpit)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Rumination (5-18-08)
Hey Element Church! Got a birthday party to get to with our kids and need to leave at 2:30. Currently 2:06 so this may be a shortened Rumination.
--- I felt GREAT this morning! Got a very good nights rest and woke up ready to rumble. Compared to last week I felt 1000 times better.
--- 452 in church today! We are consistently hitting that mark. I know everyone says when summer hits that church attendance goes down. Why don't we break that norm! I am believing for growth through summer. Who's joining me?
--- We made the announcement today that it was the FINAL service for e:coustic. We've said from day one that if a ministry wasn't bearing fruit we'd prune it (that's politically correct for CUT IT OFF!) LOL We made the decision Monday at our Lead Team meeting. The fruit didn't justify the energy, time and commitment of having it. That's the reason why. We had 23 last week in there, I think 19 this week!?? Adam said he started the service today with the band, sound team and light guy. That's not good! I don't feel like we missed the voice of God. The whole lead team felt God was asking us to do it, and maybe that's all God wanted. To see if we'd obey. I was hoping for a better response but it just didn't happen. I'm not sure anyone new connected through that service, it was all just transfer from e:worship. Anyway, we made the decision and it's done!
--- If you're an Elementer I again encourage you to come to the 9 AM service. It, by far, has the most room to grow. Also, if we start filling up again I encourage Elementers to sit down after worship starts. Leave seats for newcomers before we sit!!
--- I have some MAJOR suggestions for church planters who are considering a staggered service. So many things we learned from doing this. Most of them are things NOT to do! lol
--- ALL HYMNS THIS WEEK! I thought Adam led the band to an absolute home run today. The Elemented up 5 hymns and rocked it out. I had such an awesome time of worship before I preached in the 9 am service. We sang All Hail the Power; Holy, Holy, Holy; Come Thou Fount; Fairest Lord Jesus; and Amazing Grace! There is such GREAT theology and teaching in the old hymns. I think we miss that in the newer songs. I love singing those songs with a new modern feel to them!
--- It was funny cause at least one of our band members didn't know many (if any) of those songs. We get so worked up about "traditional" vs. "modern" and they wouldn't have known which category they were in. If we'd just shut up and worship (I know oxymoron) we'd enjoy church a lot more.
--- I really felt like today's message was very good for ME! It was right where Sabrina and I are at in parenting. Very challenging for us.
--- I haven't felt like I connected like I could yet in this series. Don't know what it is, just haven't felt great about it. I think pastors go through that in spurts. You "feel" on and then you don't. What's great is typically whether I think it was good or not, God still uses it and people tell me they got something out of it. We can't always trust our feelings.
--- We launched the "Untouchables" promo today. It was one of Adam's BEST video productions since we started I thought. I'm PUMPED for that series. Make sure and begin inviting people to it!
--- Took up our Climb pledges today. We'll update you on that later this week! We're trying to raise $100,000. We encourage you to partner with us.
--- Adam and I are going to a Conference in Washington D.C. this Wednesday. We're going to hear from some GREAT pastors and communicators. Check it out here. Can't wait to be stretched!
Alright, that's about it. Gotta wake everyone up from their nap and get ready for the party! Thanks Element Church for letting me lead you! You are a blessing.
Following Christ,
--- I felt GREAT this morning! Got a very good nights rest and woke up ready to rumble. Compared to last week I felt 1000 times better.
--- 452 in church today! We are consistently hitting that mark. I know everyone says when summer hits that church attendance goes down. Why don't we break that norm! I am believing for growth through summer. Who's joining me?
--- We made the announcement today that it was the FINAL service for e:coustic. We've said from day one that if a ministry wasn't bearing fruit we'd prune it (that's politically correct for CUT IT OFF!) LOL We made the decision Monday at our Lead Team meeting. The fruit didn't justify the energy, time and commitment of having it. That's the reason why. We had 23 last week in there, I think 19 this week!?? Adam said he started the service today with the band, sound team and light guy. That's not good! I don't feel like we missed the voice of God. The whole lead team felt God was asking us to do it, and maybe that's all God wanted. To see if we'd obey. I was hoping for a better response but it just didn't happen. I'm not sure anyone new connected through that service, it was all just transfer from e:worship. Anyway, we made the decision and it's done!
--- If you're an Elementer I again encourage you to come to the 9 AM service. It, by far, has the most room to grow. Also, if we start filling up again I encourage Elementers to sit down after worship starts. Leave seats for newcomers before we sit!!
--- I have some MAJOR suggestions for church planters who are considering a staggered service. So many things we learned from doing this. Most of them are things NOT to do! lol
--- ALL HYMNS THIS WEEK! I thought Adam led the band to an absolute home run today. The Elemented up 5 hymns and rocked it out. I had such an awesome time of worship before I preached in the 9 am service. We sang All Hail the Power; Holy, Holy, Holy; Come Thou Fount; Fairest Lord Jesus; and Amazing Grace! There is such GREAT theology and teaching in the old hymns. I think we miss that in the newer songs. I love singing those songs with a new modern feel to them!
--- It was funny cause at least one of our band members didn't know many (if any) of those songs. We get so worked up about "traditional" vs. "modern" and they wouldn't have known which category they were in. If we'd just shut up and worship (I know oxymoron) we'd enjoy church a lot more.
--- I really felt like today's message was very good for ME! It was right where Sabrina and I are at in parenting. Very challenging for us.
--- I haven't felt like I connected like I could yet in this series. Don't know what it is, just haven't felt great about it. I think pastors go through that in spurts. You "feel" on and then you don't. What's great is typically whether I think it was good or not, God still uses it and people tell me they got something out of it. We can't always trust our feelings.
--- We launched the "Untouchables" promo today. It was one of Adam's BEST video productions since we started I thought. I'm PUMPED for that series. Make sure and begin inviting people to it!
--- Took up our Climb pledges today. We'll update you on that later this week! We're trying to raise $100,000. We encourage you to partner with us.
--- Adam and I are going to a Conference in Washington D.C. this Wednesday. We're going to hear from some GREAT pastors and communicators. Check it out here. Can't wait to be stretched!
Alright, that's about it. Gotta wake everyone up from their nap and get ready for the party! Thanks Element Church for letting me lead you! You are a blessing.
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Challenged Pt. 2
I feel a blog streak coming on. Read THIS before continuing. Today, as I was praying about this leadership stuff I REALLY sought God on some help in the area of leadership. As soon as I prayed it I was reminded of a conversation Adam and I had yesterday. Adam had just watched Evan Almighty (great flick) and was commenting on an awesome line from that movie. (I then heard Jen Thomas quote the same thing today) God (played by Morgan Freeman) told Evans wife "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?" WOW! When I pray for leadership, does God just give it? Or does He give me opportunities to lead as He wants me too. HA! Now that's crazy. I think so often we pray for something thinking He'll just ZAP us with what we ask, when in reality He may just give us the opportunity to do what we prayed for. I tend to think that everything we need is already within us, it just needs to be awakened, or needs the opportunity to rise from within. If you are a believer, the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD lives within you and HE holds ALL that we'll ever need. Sure, there is divine cooperation where we must act, interact, and react with the Spirit. Sure, there are different personalities, different gifts, different purposes for different people. BUT, I KNOW that when God is moving on my heart to ask for something, he might just want me to act when the opportunity arises. Hmmm, a little something to ruminate on. lol
Element Church,
Ever go through stretches in life where you REALLY feel challenged? Not challenged like "Man, this is a challenge!" But challenged like "Man, something needs to change". Not anything bad. Not something sinful, just change. For the better. Well, regardless whether you have, I'm going through that right now. I am feeling very, VERY challenged in my leadership skills. I want to be able to lead Element Church to wherever God wants to take it. I know that God is NOT limited in what He can do. However, I do believe that as the leader of one of His churches I can limit where He wants to take Element Church. That is convicting and challenging! I want to be the leader that God wants for this church. I don't want to limit any direction, plan, vision or dream God has. That in mind, sure seems like in my daily prayer and Bible time God has REALLY been leading me this direction. It's making me ask some SERIOUS questions about how I'm leading and how I want our team to lead. We've grown SO rapidly (not complaining) that I feel my leadership hasn't caught up. And that is probably totally my fault. I don't EVER want my pastoring or our ministry to go through the motions. I don't EVER want us to take lightly the way we present the Gospel. The way we worship. The way we serve. I don't EVER want to stop serving in incredibly creative and relevant ways. And I don't EVER EVER EVER want to hold back my WICKED AWESOME team of staff, our volunteers or Element Church. I've been processing some things in my head about how I can make this next level of leadership. Adam and I are headed to a conference in D.C. next week and we've already planned on processing some of these issues. Anyway, that was heavy on my heart and mind and had to get it off. Unfortunately, you caught it! I LOVE Element Church! I LOVE serving in ministry! I LOVE leading my team. I just want to do it in the fullest extent of God's dreaming, not mine. And God can dream big...look at the universe. lol
Blog Link
Hey Element Church! I am so proud of our student ministry we have at Element Church and the leadership God has placed there. I'm SUPER pumped to see where Fusion goes now that Curtis and Andy can give more focused time to their respective groups (Varsity and JV). Fusion I believe is living out Paul's charge to Timothy of "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set forth an example...!" Every month Varsity Fusion does a RAK with the students. Here is a link to the latest RAK on the Fusion blog. GREAT JOB FUSION! If you have a child in 6th - 12th grade, let me implore you to get them involved in Elements student ministry. I can't wait until my own kids are under the leadership and example of couples like Curtis and Heather and Andy and Aubrey!
Proud Leader,
Proud Leader,
blog link,
church life,
Element Church,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hey Element Church! MANY of our regular and trusty set up crew is not going to be available on Sunday. If there are any of you Elementers out there who could sacrifice one week of sleeping in a bit to come at 6:30 AM to help set up that would be a HUGE help! We do a LOT of set up and with as many road crew members out that we'll have it is gonna leave a HUGE hole. If you can come and help please email me so we know who to expect. Also, there is a noon movie being shown this Sunday which means we are in for a super fast tear down. Anyone who can come back at 11:45 to help tear down or stay after 3rd service would be greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Andy got the job he was looking for today! God is good! The timings of events can only be credited to God. We're excited about Andy being here and God has opened up doors that enable him to give time to Element that he needs without forsaking taking care of his home FIRST! Thanks for your prayers.
Approaching the throne of grace with confidence
Hey Element Church! Andy joined us for his first staff meeting yesterday and then we met as a Lead Team (Grant, Adam, Curtis, Andy and myself) to discuss and plan some church stuff. It is great having Andy here and on the team. He and Curtis spent many hours prior to Andy moving here talking on the phone, planning, strategizing, etc. I commend Curtis for his hard work in making sure this transition is smooth. Andy will be leading JV Fusion tomorrow night! Anyway, I love the verse in Hebrews 4:16 that says "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." It's amazing to me that we can approach God's throne with confidence and not terror. (A healthy fear of God is needed. We should not be terrified of Him) Why can we approach with confidence? Yesterday I think we as a Lead Team experienced why.
Andy is coming to Element completely volunteer. That means he needs a good full time job with the right hours. Our staff meetings are Mondays, JV Fusion is Wednesday nights and obviously he needs to have weekends off, especially Sundays. Well, he received a job offer yesterday that was the pay he needed and the hours he needed, but he would most likely work EVERY Monday. Another job he applied for would give him Saturday - Monday off, still with the hours he needs and pay he needs but he hadn't heard back for his second interview yet. The first job offer HAD to know by today if Andy wanted the job. It was a tough decision time for Andy. He was leaning toward the Saturday - Monday off job but just didn't know if he could wait when this other was on the table. Before we broke the Lead Team meeting we prayed for Andy. Andy said his prayer was that if God didn't want him to say yes to the offer on the table for the other opportunity to call him back that day.
So, we approached the throne of grace with confidence. We prayed "Lord, if Andy is supposed to wait on taking this job offer we ask that TODAY the other place would call". During our prayer Andy received a phone call. We ended, he looked at his phone and said "That was them!" LOL "NO WAY!" I said. They called, WHILE WE WERE PRAYING FOR THEM TO CALL, and set up an interview this morning at 6:30 AM for Andy. SO, Andy could go to the interview and still have time to way the two options before making a decision.
Why can approach the throne of grace with confidence? I think it's found in the last part of the verse. Because we can find grace to help us in our time of need. It's the times we pray and receive answers like that, which allow us to approach God's throne with confidence. He hears us! He answers us! He takes care of us! Because of moments like those, it enables us to trust in Him when the answer may not come as quickly. Or the need is not filled right away. We will always remember the time God answered our prayer WHILE we were praying. Next time? We'll approach the throne of grace with confidence again! Praise the Lord.
Confidently Approaching,
Andy is coming to Element completely volunteer. That means he needs a good full time job with the right hours. Our staff meetings are Mondays, JV Fusion is Wednesday nights and obviously he needs to have weekends off, especially Sundays. Well, he received a job offer yesterday that was the pay he needed and the hours he needed, but he would most likely work EVERY Monday. Another job he applied for would give him Saturday - Monday off, still with the hours he needs and pay he needs but he hadn't heard back for his second interview yet. The first job offer HAD to know by today if Andy wanted the job. It was a tough decision time for Andy. He was leaning toward the Saturday - Monday off job but just didn't know if he could wait when this other was on the table. Before we broke the Lead Team meeting we prayed for Andy. Andy said his prayer was that if God didn't want him to say yes to the offer on the table for the other opportunity to call him back that day.
So, we approached the throne of grace with confidence. We prayed "Lord, if Andy is supposed to wait on taking this job offer we ask that TODAY the other place would call". During our prayer Andy received a phone call. We ended, he looked at his phone and said "That was them!" LOL "NO WAY!" I said. They called, WHILE WE WERE PRAYING FOR THEM TO CALL, and set up an interview this morning at 6:30 AM for Andy. SO, Andy could go to the interview and still have time to way the two options before making a decision.
Why can approach the throne of grace with confidence? I think it's found in the last part of the verse. Because we can find grace to help us in our time of need. It's the times we pray and receive answers like that, which allow us to approach God's throne with confidence. He hears us! He answers us! He takes care of us! Because of moments like those, it enables us to trust in Him when the answer may not come as quickly. Or the need is not filled right away. We will always remember the time God answered our prayer WHILE we were praying. Next time? We'll approach the throne of grace with confidence again! Praise the Lord.
Confidently Approaching,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up AKA Sunday Rumination (5-11-08)
Hey Element Church! I got the best nap in I've had in MONTHS today. MAN I needed that. I slept with Jonah in his room. He is in the basement so it was nice and cool, had the fan on high, loved it. lol Here are some thoughts on my weekend and ruminations on today.
Weekend Wrap up:
--- Jonah turned 7 Friday. Doesn't seem real. He's growing into a young man. That responsibility to me is HUGE.
--- We took him and some friends roller skating. He had a blast. I love the analogy of "giving good gifts" to your children and how God delights to give "good gifts" to His. By the way, God's good gifts are not worldly possessions, they are His Holy Spirit. That's all we need.
--- Jonah is a wild man. I'm amazed with all of his skating, skiing, snowboarding and general wackiness we've had NO broken bones.
--- I planned a surprise date for my wife and I on Friday afternoon. Scheduled babysitting and set up lunch and then we were going to take the Trolley Tour around Cheyenne. We got to the depot and it was SOLD OUT! That was a bummer. But we had a great time touring the Governor's Mansion and Wyoming State Museum. Something different for us to do.
--- Saturday we got to take the trolley tour. It was REALLY cool actually. Then we went to Olive Garden. Two days and two dates HOLY COW!
--- Guys, you planned and done your date yet? YOU NEED TO!
--- 449 today. Good numbers. Didn't know what to expect on our first Mothers Day!
--- HAPPY MOTHERS DAY by the way. Two ladies in my life and the two best moms in the world. My WONDERFUL wife Sabrina and my AMAZING mom Becky! I can't imagine life without either of them. Sabrina, you are the love of my life. Thank you for marrying me. Mom, what can I say, you were/are an incredible mother and now you've carried that into being an awesome grandmother. Thank you!
--- I felt horrible today. Just heaviness in my spirit all morning. I was struggling. Didn't feel like I really connected until 3rd service. I just didn't feel right for some reason. It was a tough morning.
--- Three services is getting hard. Just being honest. The early set up THEN preaching three times is what is tough. If it weren't for the set up I don't think three would be as heavy. Crazy.
--- ANDY IS HERE! (new youth pastor) So cool to have him here. Can't wait to see what Fusion does and how Andy and Curtis will flourish in their roles.
--- Be praying for our permits to come in. I REALLY want to start working in our building. Right no we are literally just waiting for permits.
--- The Climb commitments and offering is this Sunday. Be praying about what God can do through you.
--- The guys put together dinner and grilled out tonight for the ladies. We had a fun time hanging out.
--- This series is REALLY stretching me. Very challenging. Lots of views on parenting. I know that my opinion is not the only one.
--- Chillin' with my wife watching the Survivor finale. Blog more through the week!
Following Christ,
Weekend Wrap up:
--- Jonah turned 7 Friday. Doesn't seem real. He's growing into a young man. That responsibility to me is HUGE.
--- We took him and some friends roller skating. He had a blast. I love the analogy of "giving good gifts" to your children and how God delights to give "good gifts" to His. By the way, God's good gifts are not worldly possessions, they are His Holy Spirit. That's all we need.
--- Jonah is a wild man. I'm amazed with all of his skating, skiing, snowboarding and general wackiness we've had NO broken bones.
--- I planned a surprise date for my wife and I on Friday afternoon. Scheduled babysitting and set up lunch and then we were going to take the Trolley Tour around Cheyenne. We got to the depot and it was SOLD OUT! That was a bummer. But we had a great time touring the Governor's Mansion and Wyoming State Museum. Something different for us to do.
--- Saturday we got to take the trolley tour. It was REALLY cool actually. Then we went to Olive Garden. Two days and two dates HOLY COW!
--- Guys, you planned and done your date yet? YOU NEED TO!
--- 449 today. Good numbers. Didn't know what to expect on our first Mothers Day!
--- HAPPY MOTHERS DAY by the way. Two ladies in my life and the two best moms in the world. My WONDERFUL wife Sabrina and my AMAZING mom Becky! I can't imagine life without either of them. Sabrina, you are the love of my life. Thank you for marrying me. Mom, what can I say, you were/are an incredible mother and now you've carried that into being an awesome grandmother. Thank you!
--- I felt horrible today. Just heaviness in my spirit all morning. I was struggling. Didn't feel like I really connected until 3rd service. I just didn't feel right for some reason. It was a tough morning.
--- Three services is getting hard. Just being honest. The early set up THEN preaching three times is what is tough. If it weren't for the set up I don't think three would be as heavy. Crazy.
--- ANDY IS HERE! (new youth pastor) So cool to have him here. Can't wait to see what Fusion does and how Andy and Curtis will flourish in their roles.
--- Be praying for our permits to come in. I REALLY want to start working in our building. Right no we are literally just waiting for permits.
--- The Climb commitments and offering is this Sunday. Be praying about what God can do through you.
--- The guys put together dinner and grilled out tonight for the ladies. We had a fun time hanging out.
--- This series is REALLY stretching me. Very challenging. Lots of views on parenting. I know that my opinion is not the only one.
--- Chillin' with my wife watching the Survivor finale. Blog more through the week!
Following Christ,
Sunday Rumination,
Weekend Wrapup
Friday, May 9, 2008
"As late as you want..."
Today is Jonah's birthday. He's 7. WOW! Time flies. We had a party for him tonight at the skate rink with him and some of his friends. He had a BLAST! He's a stinkin' daredevil man. No fear of the wall, the floor or anything. Anyway, he asked how late he got to stay up on his birthday and I said "As late as you want!" I think he's most excited about that than anything. He normally goes to bed at 7 - 7:30 PM typically, it is 9:59 PM right now and he's watching a movie. Sabrina went to a girlfriends house to watch some movies. Jonah may outlast me. That will be funny. His goal is 1 AM. I'm pretty sure I can't last that long. We've always wanted to just let him go and see where and when he crashes. His energy level seems to NEVER run out. So, the wait is on. How late can he go?
Staying up,
Staying up,
Hey Element Church! What is IFT? Well, it's a new practice I hope to incorporate into office life and the life of our pastors. IFT stands for Impromptu Fun Time. Church life and office life has been CRAZY lately. I need to model for our team better the ability to just get away from work and have fun. THAT'S OK! We are not going to be a church staff or office that is ALWAYS just WORKING WORKING WORKING! There are seasons we go through that is CRAZY intense. For us, that season has been since October 7th, 2007. Seems like EVERY week is another major decision that could change Element forever. SO, yesterday I took Adam and Andy (new youth pastor) out for a movie. We went and saw Iron Man. By the way STINKIN' AWESOME movie! It was very cool just to get out of the regular grind of things and hang with the boys. Anyway, every so often we'll need an IFT. You need an IFT too! Don't be afraid in your family. Your life. Your day, just to get an IFT. It may not be a movie out but it can be 5 minutes of calling a friend. Calling your wife. Looking at pictures of your fam on the computer or in your wallet. Just a break from your day. It works! IFT, new vocabulary for Element Church.
Having Fun,
Having Fun,
church life,
Element Church,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Prayer Request
Hey Element Church! Just wanted to post this so you could join us in prayer. Andy, our new Fusion youth pastor, is applying for jobs around town. With needing certain church days and evenings off he is limited in what he can do and where he can apply. Also, finding a good paying job is key for the move of he and his wife to volunteer here at Element. Tomorrow morning he has an interview with the Wal-Mart Distribution Center, which has a certain shift that is perfect hours and pays a good wage too. Anyway, please pray that for Andy, that if it's the Lords will this would work out. Pray for provision for them in finding an apartment/home and jobs as well. You guys ROCK!
Element Church,
prayer request,
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hey Element Church! Just wanted to update you on The Climb totals. May 18th is the day we will be taking a special offering at Element for the Climb commitment cards and donations. However, we have already received over $27,000 from Elementers in actual donations and over $10,000 in pledges. PRAISE THE LORD! That $27,ooo was given through a few MAJOR donations. Amazing the generosity of God's people. You too can join The Climb as we take this mountain in the life of Element Church. Go to The Climb link on our web-site or get your commitment card at Element on Sunday. All we ask is that you pray and seek God in what He can do through you. Thanks Element for listening to the Lord.
Listening with you,
Listening with you,
church life,
Element Church,
The Climb,
The Climb (Building Update)
Hey Element Church! I know many of you are wondering on when work will begin on remodel. Many of you outside of Element I know would like to see the facility as well. Below I've put the video tour we showed this past Sunday. Then I'd like to offer people the chance to join The Climb as well. So three things to talk about here.
#1 Facility update. We are waiting on permits at this point. We can't demo or build without the proper permission from the city. We'd love to do the demo this Saturday. If we do, we'll let you know through the blog, and if you signed up we'll call you. I am VERY anxious to get this thing rollin' as I know you are too. We want to do things right, so patience is a priority right now.
#2 Video Tour: Check it out below.
#3 The Climb: The Climb is our four month drive to raise money to renno
vate our new facility into our worship center. Our goal is to raise $100,000. It is your opportunity to partner financially with Element Church and the Kingdom to help impact our city. We do not own the building, AND we don't plan on being there forever. This is not our final destination. Therefore, we are not going to make this building OUR building. It will be presentable, usable and inviting but it will NOT become our idol. We need to pour money into people and not facilities so we are going to do things in a way that reflects that as best possible. It may mean we don't do certain things, or upgrade certain items. We MUST remember it is NOT about the building. There will probably be a day when God calls us to buy land and build, but that time is not yet. So, you can click on the logo to the right if you'd like to give financially to The Climb. (Follow The Climb links on our web-site) Please pray about what God can do through you over the next four months. Don't look at your budget but ask God "What do you want to do through me?" and then trust him for it. If you're an Elementer you can fill out a pledge card at church and turn it in on May 18th.
Following Christ,
#1 Facility update. We are waiting on permits at this point. We can't demo or build without the proper permission from the city. We'd love to do the demo this Saturday. If we do, we'll let you know through the blog, and if you signed up we'll call you. I am VERY anxious to get this thing rollin' as I know you are too. We want to do things right, so patience is a priority right now.
#2 Video Tour: Check it out below.
#3 The Climb: The Climb is our four month drive to raise money to renno

Following Christ,
Building Update,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
The Climb,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Andy is here!
Hey Element Church! Our new Fusion JV youth pastor rolled into town today. Andy Hazelet makes his way here from Oklahoma after just graduating from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Andy is an AWESOME guy, one of my closest friends and a VERY gifted pastor. He's been helping lead a youth ministry in OK while going to school. We're glad he arrived safely. Please be praying for him as he tries to nail down a good job and find an apartment for he and his wife Aubrey. Aubrey is finishing out her job in OK this month and will join Andy and Element Church in June. We'll introduce Andy on Sunday.
RAK for May
Hey Element Church! Here is our RAK (Random Act of Kindness) challenge for the month of May. One of our core values and part of our DNA at Element Church is to serve our city. Because we can't always do big church wide service projects or events we try and give practical ideas each month to you to do. This month is to do something kind for the people that serve us every day. Whether it's having your kids take cookies to their school's teachers lounge with a thank you, getting pizza, cookies, or brownies for the fire department in your neighborhood, or buying donuts (LOL) for the police department (I couldn't resist), whatever it is and whoever it is that you can think of that serves our city, let's serve them. Here was our promo video for our RAK.
If you want, shoot us an email at to let us know what you did. Get your kids involved. Our kids are already excited about taking something to the Fire Station.
If you want, shoot us an email at to let us know what you did. Get your kids involved. Our kids are already excited about taking something to the Fire Station.
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunday Rumination (5-4-08)
Hey Element Church! I tried laying down for a nap as soon as I got home from church today but my brain wouldn't shut off. It takes me a while to unwind from Sunday morning. I wanted to rest before Partnership but just couldn't do it. I'm relaxing watching some NBA Playoffs. Got the FTG (First Time Guest) emails sent out and now I'm gonna blog. Gonna head out to Partnership here in about an hour. Here are my ruminations on the day.
--- This series is really stretching and challenging me. As soon as I started prep for this series, my parenting skills were put to the test. Jonah tried stealing something from a store. We got our first phone call from school for Jonah acting up. Jonah was thrown out of e:kidz one morning at church and the girls seem more clingy and whiny than ever.
--- I am VERY honest in saying that I have a TON to learn as a parent. I need to grow yet in so many areas. I make mistakes and am not perfect as a parent. This series is helping me as much as it will anyone.
--- Husbands when is the next date you're planning for your spouse?
--- 473 in church today.
--- Over $10,000 already pledged for The Climb today. $5000 already giving in cash. Please pray about what God can do through you. Our goal is $100,000! Let's pray for God to provide EVERYTHING we need. We'll be taking our official pledge offering on May 18th.
--- We're hoping to get in for demo this week! We announced in first service but I don't think we did in 2nd and 3rd to sign up if you can volunteer. If you are a willing and able volunteer and did NOT sign up at the e:connect table, please email us at
--- We're putting in for the building permit tomorrow.
--- We played an old school Will Smith music video today. "Parents Just Don't Understand" Brought back memories.
--- I am very opinionated on some parenting things, and there were a couple of silent moments today that made me wonder if anyone agreed with me. lol I fully know that not everything I believe in as a parent do others believe. And that's ok.
--- We got in on time today and had a GREAT set up! Setting up two worship centers and preaching three times is VERY tiring! We were done with 36 minutes to spare today, AND I ABOUT WENT CRAZY! I sat down and couldn't stop thinking about the service. I almost rather be working right up to start time. I'm a pacer, fidgiter and nervous wreck on Sundays. You may see me on Sundays wandering around the halls. In and out of the worship center. Up and down from my seat. That's the way I roll. I can't stay still on Sundays. AT ALL! I've been preaching for 8 years almost and am just as nervous each week as I was 8 years ago. CRAZY!
--- Got rid of the HORRID buzz today, only to deal with an annoying crackling. Once we figure one thing out, something else starts.
--- I preach WAY to stinkin' long in third service. I have MUCH more freedom so they get the extra goods. That middle service makes me feel so rushed. If I don't get out of there I won't make it in e:coustic. At the end of the service is when I really feel it. I just don't feel the freedom to slow down and let people meditate and ponder the Word. Gotta do what you gotta do.
--- I was doing GREAT on time until last week. Gotta get back on track.
--- Only seeing people after one service is still weird to me. Feel disconnected.
--- Day of Giving is Friday. Please stop by Lions Park this Friday and support the Day of Giving. Non perishable food. Leftover prescription drugs. Giving blood and marrow. Plus other stuff. Great way to serve the city.
--- Our new Random Act of Kindness was revealed today for the month. We are challenging you to do something for the service agencies of the community. The video showed me taking pizza to a local fire station. Do something for the firemen, policeman, teachers lounge, nurses/doctors, politicians, etc. Let's serve those who serve us everyday.
--- Alright, I'm getting ready to head out to Partnership Class. Hopefully we'll be bringing in our first ever Partners. We'll be offering a class each quarter for the first few years.
Following Christ,
--- This series is really stretching and challenging me. As soon as I started prep for this series, my parenting skills were put to the test. Jonah tried stealing something from a store. We got our first phone call from school for Jonah acting up. Jonah was thrown out of e:kidz one morning at church and the girls seem more clingy and whiny than ever.
--- I am VERY honest in saying that I have a TON to learn as a parent. I need to grow yet in so many areas. I make mistakes and am not perfect as a parent. This series is helping me as much as it will anyone.
--- Husbands when is the next date you're planning for your spouse?
--- 473 in church today.
--- Over $10,000 already pledged for The Climb today. $5000 already giving in cash. Please pray about what God can do through you. Our goal is $100,000! Let's pray for God to provide EVERYTHING we need. We'll be taking our official pledge offering on May 18th.
--- We're hoping to get in for demo this week! We announced in first service but I don't think we did in 2nd and 3rd to sign up if you can volunteer. If you are a willing and able volunteer and did NOT sign up at the e:connect table, please email us at
--- We're putting in for the building permit tomorrow.
--- We played an old school Will Smith music video today. "Parents Just Don't Understand" Brought back memories.
--- I am very opinionated on some parenting things, and there were a couple of silent moments today that made me wonder if anyone agreed with me. lol I fully know that not everything I believe in as a parent do others believe. And that's ok.
--- We got in on time today and had a GREAT set up! Setting up two worship centers and preaching three times is VERY tiring! We were done with 36 minutes to spare today, AND I ABOUT WENT CRAZY! I sat down and couldn't stop thinking about the service. I almost rather be working right up to start time. I'm a pacer, fidgiter and nervous wreck on Sundays. You may see me on Sundays wandering around the halls. In and out of the worship center. Up and down from my seat. That's the way I roll. I can't stay still on Sundays. AT ALL! I've been preaching for 8 years almost and am just as nervous each week as I was 8 years ago. CRAZY!
--- Got rid of the HORRID buzz today, only to deal with an annoying crackling. Once we figure one thing out, something else starts.
--- I preach WAY to stinkin' long in third service. I have MUCH more freedom so they get the extra goods. That middle service makes me feel so rushed. If I don't get out of there I won't make it in e:coustic. At the end of the service is when I really feel it. I just don't feel the freedom to slow down and let people meditate and ponder the Word. Gotta do what you gotta do.
--- I was doing GREAT on time until last week. Gotta get back on track.
--- Only seeing people after one service is still weird to me. Feel disconnected.
--- Day of Giving is Friday. Please stop by Lions Park this Friday and support the Day of Giving. Non perishable food. Leftover prescription drugs. Giving blood and marrow. Plus other stuff. Great way to serve the city.
--- Our new Random Act of Kindness was revealed today for the month. We are challenging you to do something for the service agencies of the community. The video showed me taking pizza to a local fire station. Do something for the firemen, policeman, teachers lounge, nurses/doctors, politicians, etc. Let's serve those who serve us everyday.
--- Alright, I'm getting ready to head out to Partnership Class. Hopefully we'll be bringing in our first ever Partners. We'll be offering a class each quarter for the first few years.
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Sunday Rumination,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Partnership Class
Hey Element Church! Our first ever partnership class is this Sunday from 4-6 PM. For a read on what a partner is read this post. Basically it's what we've traditionally known as members. We love the action implied in the word partner. A partner is involved in the ministry. Is invested into it. Is a shareholder into what goes on. While a member can be all that too, a member can also just be someone who belongs to a group and doesn't invest in it at all with time, talents or treasures. Anyway, if you're an Elementer I encourage you to attend and learn about how you can make the next step in Element as a partner. We ARE providing FREE childcare and we failed to announce or promote that very well. You can still attend, just email We'd love for you to be a partner at Element Church! By attending you don't automatically become a partner, you will have the choice to do that. We will be discussing such things as: Our denomination, where we came from, what we believe, our organizational structure, what it means to be a partner and the requirements to be a partner.
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
The Lease Is On!
Hey Element Church! WE SIGNED THE LEASE TODAY! Praise the Lord! Our contractor is putting in for the building permit and hopefully we'll be in there next week working. Amazing! We actually took the group that showed up for First Friday over to the building for a Tour and had an AWESOME time of praise and prayer over the building. Here are a couple of pictures. We have a video tour on Sunday for you to see and some information on joining The Climb. It was cool to worship and pray for the first time in this building. Can't wait to get to work!

Building Update,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
First Friday
Tomorrow night is First Friday! If you're an Elementer we encourage you to come out for this great time of praise and prayer. We dedicate the month to the Lord and ask for his blessing. We meet at our office (1011 E. Lincolnway) from 7 - 8 PM. You can park in the back parking lot and come in the back door.
Three for Thursday
Hey Element Church! This was my three for Tuesday, here is an update on those three things.
#1 No nightmares but it was a nightmare drive back from Gillette last night. The snow was so bad we almost turned around about 38 miles outside of Gillette. The event was great and the band STINKIN' ROCKED last night. I hope you realize how blessed you are to have Adam lead in worship and the band mates that serve each week. We were following the white line directly in front of our car for a couple hours it seemed. Just crazy swirling snow. It was weird to be back in Gillette at the student ministry I lead for so long. Travis is doing an AWESOME job leading Inside Out Student Ministries up there.
#2 WE GOT THE LEASE TODAY! WOHOOOO! They agreed to all of our requests. I need to read over the fine print tonight but our realtor says everything looks good. We should be signing tomorrow and the place is hours. We don't pay rent until July 1st so we have 2 months to begin work on it. Our contractor came by and he will be putting in for a building permit on Monday and we can begin demo next week on some walls. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE DOING THIS! Is what keeps going through my mind. We'll be presenting "The Climb" finance challenge on Sunday. We have some video to show you of inside the building and more details as well. There will be an opportunity for you to sign up to help volunteer as well. MAN, this is huge for us. God has provided in such wonderful ways, let's continue to serve and follow Him and seek Him with me on continuing to work miracles.
#3 First off, let me say I am SO thankful for Amber and her VERY hard work for setting up our prayer flight today! I'd do it again tomorrow if it were set up. I hope we're able to do it again next year. So THANK YOU AMBER! HOWEVER, If you're looking for an exhilarating way to lose your life, try flying on a day like today! Holy mackerel. We were able to fly over the city today and pray over it for the National Day of Prayer. If you live in Cheyenne, you know what it was like today. And we flew in a five seat plane around the city. Who needs six flags when you can do that. WOW! I LOVE flying but get nervous every time. It really made me nervous when the pilot referred to "It's gonna be a rodeo up there" We were the three amigos up there man. Grant sat shotgun up front, I was directly behind him facing backwards looking at Adam facing me in the backseat. The whole flight Grant had perma-grin. He's the ultimate optimist. I think Grant soaks up every moment of life and it's awesome. I'm convinced Grant could find happiness in a pile of poop...LITERALLY. If he could have, he would have asked the pilot to do loops. Which it felt like we almost did a couple of times. With perma-grin behind me I had vomitron in front of me. Adam admitted before take off that he gets motion sickness. Hmmm...Me thinks we have a problem. The first thirty seconds of the flight were bliss. The rest I was waiting to receive chunks in my lap. Adam was not feeling well. His face eventually turned white. His lips were white. He did not look good. I tapped perma-grin on the shoulder, pointed to vomitron and said "We need to set her down." For me, I prayed over the city in between my "PLEASE SAVE US LORD" prayers! Every dip that plane took my prayers changed to "HELP US LORD!"
Ok, enough drama. I really was blown away up there as we bounced around the air above Cheyenne. I seriously prayed this prayer for the whole flight (in between laughing at Grant, Adam and me) "Lord take this city. Lord take this city. Lord take this city" I thought how many of those houses, cars, business contained people who ABSOLUTELY needed Life in Jesus? We circled the Capitol at a steep banked turn. That was beautiful. Again I prayed "Lord take this city!" We flew over our new building "Lord take this city!" We flew over our house "Lord take this city!" You know what God wants? To take the city.
It took a while for Adam to recover and I think it took a while for Grant to get rid of his grin. It took me a while for my heart to stop racing. Again, thank you Amber for setting that all up. I tease about the flight, but we are BLOWN AWAY that you would set it up and think of us.
That's it! Three for Tuesday.
Still laughing,
#1 No nightmares but it was a nightmare drive back from Gillette last night. The snow was so bad we almost turned around about 38 miles outside of Gillette. The event was great and the band STINKIN' ROCKED last night. I hope you realize how blessed you are to have Adam lead in worship and the band mates that serve each week. We were following the white line directly in front of our car for a couple hours it seemed. Just crazy swirling snow. It was weird to be back in Gillette at the student ministry I lead for so long. Travis is doing an AWESOME job leading Inside Out Student Ministries up there.
#2 WE GOT THE LEASE TODAY! WOHOOOO! They agreed to all of our requests. I need to read over the fine print tonight but our realtor says everything looks good. We should be signing tomorrow and the place is hours. We don't pay rent until July 1st so we have 2 months to begin work on it. Our contractor came by and he will be putting in for a building permit on Monday and we can begin demo next week on some walls. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE DOING THIS! Is what keeps going through my mind. We'll be presenting "The Climb" finance challenge on Sunday. We have some video to show you of inside the building and more details as well. There will be an opportunity for you to sign up to help volunteer as well. MAN, this is huge for us. God has provided in such wonderful ways, let's continue to serve and follow Him and seek Him with me on continuing to work miracles.
#3 First off, let me say I am SO thankful for Amber and her VERY hard work for setting up our prayer flight today! I'd do it again tomorrow if it were set up. I hope we're able to do it again next year. So THANK YOU AMBER! HOWEVER, If you're looking for an exhilarating way to lose your life, try flying on a day like today! Holy mackerel. We were able to fly over the city today and pray over it for the National Day of Prayer. If you live in Cheyenne, you know what it was like today. And we flew in a five seat plane around the city. Who needs six flags when you can do that. WOW! I LOVE flying but get nervous every time. It really made me nervous when the pilot referred to "It's gonna be a rodeo up there" We were the three amigos up there man. Grant sat shotgun up front, I was directly behind him facing backwards looking at Adam facing me in the backseat. The whole flight Grant had perma-grin. He's the ultimate optimist. I think Grant soaks up every moment of life and it's awesome. I'm convinced Grant could find happiness in a pile of poop...LITERALLY. If he could have, he would have asked the pilot to do loops. Which it felt like we almost did a couple of times. With perma-grin behind me I had vomitron in front of me. Adam admitted before take off that he gets motion sickness. Hmmm...Me thinks we have a problem. The first thirty seconds of the flight were bliss. The rest I was waiting to receive chunks in my lap. Adam was not feeling well. His face eventually turned white. His lips were white. He did not look good. I tapped perma-grin on the shoulder, pointed to vomitron and said "We need to set her down." For me, I prayed over the city in between my "PLEASE SAVE US LORD" prayers! Every dip that plane took my prayers changed to "HELP US LORD!"
Ok, enough drama. I really was blown away up there as we bounced around the air above Cheyenne. I seriously prayed this prayer for the whole flight (in between laughing at Grant, Adam and me) "Lord take this city. Lord take this city. Lord take this city" I thought how many of those houses, cars, business contained people who ABSOLUTELY needed Life in Jesus? We circled the Capitol at a steep banked turn. That was beautiful. Again I prayed "Lord take this city!" We flew over our new building "Lord take this city!" We flew over our house "Lord take this city!" You know what God wants? To take the city.
It took a while for Adam to recover and I think it took a while for Grant to get rid of his grin. It took me a while for my heart to stop racing. Again, thank you Amber for setting that all up. I tease about the flight, but we are BLOWN AWAY that you would set it up and think of us.
That's it! Three for Tuesday.
Still laughing,
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Three for Tuesday
Hey Element Church! Three things I'll blog about in this post.
#1 I literally nightmared about Element THE ENTIRE NIGHT! It was horrible. Sweating, waking, getting up wondering if it was real. I had a dream that Adam intentionally sabotaged Sunday morning cause he was mad at me. We were yelling at each other in the worship center with people coming in for church. Worship was HORRIBLE, I didn't have my sermon prepared and people left in droves during my message. IT WAS SCARY! It seemed so real. I dream A LOT and I tend to dream more when BIG decisions come in ministry. I was that way in every other pastorate I've been in. I then woke up at 5:50 AM jumped out of bed and yelled "OH CRAP I'M LATE!" I TOTALLY thought it was Sunday morning and I'm supposed to meet the boys at the office for the trailer at 5:45 AM. I started to grab clothes and I said "WHAT DAY IS IT?" I could not remember what day it was. Thankfully my wife told me it was Tuesday or I may have driven all the way to the office. LOL CRAZY!
#2 We're praying and waiting for final word on the lease. Keep praying and we'll post as soon as we know. We have received $5,000 so far from two people that we're putting toward The Climb! I had a WONDERFUL conversation with an Elementer today who came into our office and handed me a check for $2000. They are SUCH a blessing as a part of our church, whether they gave ANY money they are worth a TON to us! You know who you are and I want you to know how much you are appreciated. Thank you for letting God work in and through you!
#3 Thursday the staff of Element has an AWESOME opportunity. An Elementer who works in the aeronautics division for the state has set up an opportunity for us to fly over Cheyenne on Thursday for the National Day Of Prayer and pray over the city. Each Capitol city of each state in the America is trying to have a fly over prayer. We get to participate in Cheyennes. How cool is that? This Elementer contacted a company to set all this up. The president of the company asked what pastor was flying. They said "The pastor of my church." "What church?" was the response. "Element" The president replied "Oh, you mean Jeff?" The Elementer asked how they knew me and this past Sunday was the president's first Sunday attending Element. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That just doesn't happen. Grant, Adam and I are planning on going up at this point. Curtis couldn't make it. He can pray as he flies his fancy helicopter all over the city. LOL I'm jealous and bitter if you didn't notice! Element needs a helicopter. HA!
I'm headed to Gillette with the band tomorrow to go up and serve our mother church! High Plains Community is a HUGE part in who we are. Element wouldn't exist without them. I'll blog on Thursday and post some pictures and/or vid of the event.
Following Christ,
#1 I literally nightmared about Element THE ENTIRE NIGHT! It was horrible. Sweating, waking, getting up wondering if it was real. I had a dream that Adam intentionally sabotaged Sunday morning cause he was mad at me. We were yelling at each other in the worship center with people coming in for church. Worship was HORRIBLE, I didn't have my sermon prepared and people left in droves during my message. IT WAS SCARY! It seemed so real. I dream A LOT and I tend to dream more when BIG decisions come in ministry. I was that way in every other pastorate I've been in. I then woke up at 5:50 AM jumped out of bed and yelled "OH CRAP I'M LATE!" I TOTALLY thought it was Sunday morning and I'm supposed to meet the boys at the office for the trailer at 5:45 AM. I started to grab clothes and I said "WHAT DAY IS IT?" I could not remember what day it was. Thankfully my wife told me it was Tuesday or I may have driven all the way to the office. LOL CRAZY!
#2 We're praying and waiting for final word on the lease. Keep praying and we'll post as soon as we know. We have received $5,000 so far from two people that we're putting toward The Climb! I had a WONDERFUL conversation with an Elementer today who came into our office and handed me a check for $2000. They are SUCH a blessing as a part of our church, whether they gave ANY money they are worth a TON to us! You know who you are and I want you to know how much you are appreciated. Thank you for letting God work in and through you!
#3 Thursday the staff of Element has an AWESOME opportunity. An Elementer who works in the aeronautics division for the state has set up an opportunity for us to fly over Cheyenne on Thursday for the National Day Of Prayer and pray over the city. Each Capitol city of each state in the America is trying to have a fly over prayer. We get to participate in Cheyennes. How cool is that? This Elementer contacted a company to set all this up. The president of the company asked what pastor was flying. They said "The pastor of my church." "What church?" was the response. "Element" The president replied "Oh, you mean Jeff?" The Elementer asked how they knew me and this past Sunday was the president's first Sunday attending Element. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That just doesn't happen. Grant, Adam and I are planning on going up at this point. Curtis couldn't make it. He can pray as he flies his fancy helicopter all over the city. LOL I'm jealous and bitter if you didn't notice! Element needs a helicopter. HA!
I'm headed to Gillette with the band tomorrow to go up and serve our mother church! High Plains Community is a HUGE part in who we are. Element wouldn't exist without them. I'll blog on Thursday and post some pictures and/or vid of the event.
Following Christ,
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Life Groups Serving
We had some Life Groups who served in some cool ways recently and though I'd share those quickly.
Some of Matt and Reagan Kauffman's Life Group served as Chaperone's at Prom this past Saturday night. I would never have thought of doing that and thought it was VERY cool. Way to go Matt and Reagan! I think they're just trying to re-live high school.
Adam leads the worship team each Thursday as a Life Group. Two Saturday's ago they played a gig for LifeChoice just before their Life Walk to raise money for the ministry. The band took out the whole set up and led worship for the walkers before the event. Life Choice is an incredible ministry serving women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies. We try and support them as much as we can. Then this Wednesday the whole band is driving up to Gillette to play for a youth outreach night at our "mother" church High Plains Community Church. Good job Adam!
Element Knitters. This is a ladies Life Group and they knit TONS of stuff and give it to the Safe House here in Cheyenne. They are continually serving by making and giving these items away. They make washcloths and put them in baggies with essential toiletries for the people at the Safe House. Great work ladies!
I know Grants group has served at the Comea House a couple times serving meals.
The staff really isn't a Life Group but we take turns each Friday serving lunch at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. My Friday is this Friday. I enjoy it every time I go! Good job staff! (Can I tell myself good job?)
Thought I'd update on that. Please try and get involved in the community Day of Giving May 9th here in Cheyenne. It's a great way to serve lots of different people!
Some of Matt and Reagan Kauffman's Life Group served as Chaperone's at Prom this past Saturday night. I would never have thought of doing that and thought it was VERY cool. Way to go Matt and Reagan! I think they're just trying to re-live high school.
Adam leads the worship team each Thursday as a Life Group. Two Saturday's ago they played a gig for LifeChoice just before their Life Walk to raise money for the ministry. The band took out the whole set up and led worship for the walkers before the event. Life Choice is an incredible ministry serving women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies. We try and support them as much as we can. Then this Wednesday the whole band is driving up to Gillette to play for a youth outreach night at our "mother" church High Plains Community Church. Good job Adam!
Element Knitters. This is a ladies Life Group and they knit TONS of stuff and give it to the Safe House here in Cheyenne. They are continually serving by making and giving these items away. They make washcloths and put them in baggies with essential toiletries for the people at the Safe House. Great work ladies!
I know Grants group has served at the Comea House a couple times serving meals.
The staff really isn't a Life Group but we take turns each Friday serving lunch at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. My Friday is this Friday. I enjoy it every time I go! Good job staff! (Can I tell myself good job?)
Thought I'd update on that. Please try and get involved in the community Day of Giving May 9th here in Cheyenne. It's a great way to serve lots of different people!
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Life Groups,
Building update
Hey Element Church! Just wanted to update where we're at with this building. First off, let me say I'm blown away at your support of us as your leaders! You guys are such a blessing to serve. I wouldn't want to take this mountain with anyone else but you guys!
#1 Our realtor stopped by the office today to update the progress. He actually advised me on Friday not to announce this to the church on Sunday. Did I listen? Of course not. lol He said things are looking good. The ownership group is meeting tomorrow to discuss the final details. Pray for God's will and provision please. We should have a final lease to sign by Wednesday or Thursday. I'll definitely let you know.
#2 "The Climb" That is what we will be calling your opportunity in joining us financially in taking this mountain. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to pay for the remodel and building costs as we move in. Maybe you happened upon this blog or you follow Element Church from a distance and would like to help support our move into this building. We'll announce the final details of The Climb on Sunday if, Lord willing, the lease goes through. If you're an Elementer, please be praying about what God would have you do financially to climb with us.
#3 I received a REALLY cool email today with some other confirmation of the opening of this building: "I also wanted to share with you that when you spoke of the new building, we listened intently. Then when you spoke the words "600 Carlson Ave" my mouth dropped. My coworker was in the process of leasing that exact space. She talked adamantly about her plans for her new business. They then realized that this space wasn't going to work for them and are moving on to securing a different location. It was wonderful to see how God had been working to allow that space to remain available for the church. I came to work this morning and told my coworker of your message on Sunday and she's excited. They are now planning to attend the parenting series next month."
This is NOT a done deal yet so PLEASE keep praying. I share these details at church and on this blog so you can join us in praying for God's provision and for His will. We will have an "even if" faith in all of this. "But even if He doesn't..." we will still follow, trust, love and serve our God! AMEN?
#1 Our realtor stopped by the office today to update the progress. He actually advised me on Friday not to announce this to the church on Sunday. Did I listen? Of course not. lol He said things are looking good. The ownership group is meeting tomorrow to discuss the final details. Pray for God's will and provision please. We should have a final lease to sign by Wednesday or Thursday. I'll definitely let you know.
#2 "The Climb" That is what we will be calling your opportunity in joining us financially in taking this mountain. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to pay for the remodel and building costs as we move in. Maybe you happened upon this blog or you follow Element Church from a distance and would like to help support our move into this building. We'll announce the final details of The Climb on Sunday if, Lord willing, the lease goes through. If you're an Elementer, please be praying about what God would have you do financially to climb with us.
#3 I received a REALLY cool email today with some other confirmation of the opening of this building: "I also wanted to share with you that when you spoke of the new building, we listened intently. Then when you spoke the words "600 Carlson Ave" my mouth dropped. My coworker was in the process of leasing that exact space. She talked adamantly about her plans for her new business. They then realized that this space wasn't going to work for them and are moving on to securing a different location. It was wonderful to see how God had been working to allow that space to remain available for the church. I came to work this morning and told my coworker of your message on Sunday and she's excited. They are now planning to attend the parenting series next month."
This is NOT a done deal yet so PLEASE keep praying. I share these details at church and on this blog so you can join us in praying for God's provision and for His will. We will have an "even if" faith in all of this. "But even if He doesn't..." we will still follow, trust, love and serve our God! AMEN?
church life,
church planting,
Element Church,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday Rumination (4-27-08)
Hey Element Church! Man oh man am I wiped today. I think three services affected more today than any other. Much of it had to do with just the heaviness of the message upon me today. The future for Element is SO exciting but the HUGENESS of what God is asking us to do is so far beyond me. We announced today two MAJOR pursuits in Element Church:
#1 August 1st we'll be bringing Pastor Grant on staff full time. Up until now Grant has worked for Frito Lay full time and donating his time to Element. That needs to change for Grant and for our church. We have grown so quickly that Grant can't keep up with the connecting and small groups and we can't go any longer without him being able to. SO, we are stepping out in faith to hire Grant full time. I CAN'T WAIT to have him in the office, ministering to YOU every day.
#2 We are in pursuit of a building to lease for the ongoing ministry of Element Church. WE NEED SPACE if we are to grow any more. God is HUGELY blessing us with people coming to Element and we don't want that to stop. This will be a HUGE step of faith, but one I think we have to take. We are working on a lease for about 16,000 square feet of space on 600 Carlson Ave. The worship center will hold 300 - 400 people. It would house our offices, kids and a MUCH NEEDED youth space. We'd have the ability to expand into existing empty space adjacent to what we'd be getting if needed. We have a local contractor who is donating his time to help lead the project. As a team of 6 last Spring we laid hands and prayed over the building for God to give it to us. Two months ago I received a phone call from an ownership group that heard we were needing space. They said "We have some space with think you'd be interested in." It was the building we prayed for. More details will be coming this Sunday. PRAY PRAY PRAY for God's will to be done in all of this. This is our mountain. I'm advancing onto it and need YOU to go wit me!!
Here is my other rumination on the day.
--- I am more tired today than maybe any other Sunday at Element. I am SPENT! Feel emotionally and physically drained. Wouldn't want it any other way. Typically means it was a good day at church.
--- The theater employee was 30 minutes late in opening the door this morning. That adds some stress.
--- Had MAJOR technical problems again today with audio/visual stuff. It's starting to REALLY bug me. Getting VERY distracting and I don't like it. Not sure what to do.
--- Adam played TWO originals today. He wrote the song Yearn a couple of years ago and is an AWESOME worship song. I think it's good enough to "make it". He then sang a new song he wrote today called "The Heart of a Warrior". It was based on my heart of a warrior sermon I did on March 30th. I LOVE the fact that we can do original music. Adam wrote another one inspired form our Eternity series that we'll bust out real soon. It too is AWESOME!
--- We'd love to do an Element Worship CD some day. Put some of our original stuff on it. That would be cool.
--- PACKED HOUSE TODAY! 505 in attendance. The Sunday I announced we were going to two services we were way down in attendance if I remember correctly. It was confirming to bust 500 again on the day we're announcing that we are pursuing a building.
--- This building scares me for a couple reasons. #1 I don't want to be about a building. We ARE NOT buying but leasing this space. It will be a 3 year lease. I FULLY expect to move in three years to another, larger location. Either that, or plant another church from Element. (Not me personally, but Element daughter a church) Maybe a video campus here in Cheyenne. (That is a whole other blog) #2 The risk! This is by far the BIGGEST decision I've EVER made in ministry. Moving here affected just my family. Moving now to a building affects our entire church. This is a financial risk for us. We have it made at the theater. But I don't want to "have it made". I want to anticipate God will show up when we need him. He won't lead us down a road He can't provide on. Financially this is a faith move for us.
--- 1st and 3rd service were full. In 3rd we had folks on the front row. I hate that. It's so uncomfortable. Heard one of the families on the front were first time guests too.
--- 55 in e:coustic today. That's up from previous weeks. That's good!
--- I preached on mission, vision and where we're going as a church today and how we'll get there. I want to blog a little this week about what I preached on. I think our decision making process is so helpful to what we do. Maybe it can help another pastor who reads this. Maybe not. I'll blog it anyway.
--- Partnership class this Sunday at 4 PM. Don't miss out on that. If you want to take the next step in Element to get more plugged in and be a part of what's going on you need to come to that.
--- Seriously, Elementers, you guys are the GREATEST! I absolutely love, LOVE leading this church! Can't imagine not doing this.
--- That's it for now. Blog more later.
Following Christ,
#1 August 1st we'll be bringing Pastor Grant on staff full time. Up until now Grant has worked for Frito Lay full time and donating his time to Element. That needs to change for Grant and for our church. We have grown so quickly that Grant can't keep up with the connecting and small groups and we can't go any longer without him being able to. SO, we are stepping out in faith to hire Grant full time. I CAN'T WAIT to have him in the office, ministering to YOU every day.
#2 We are in pursuit of a building to lease for the ongoing ministry of Element Church. WE NEED SPACE if we are to grow any more. God is HUGELY blessing us with people coming to Element and we don't want that to stop. This will be a HUGE step of faith, but one I think we have to take. We are working on a lease for about 16,000 square feet of space on 600 Carlson Ave. The worship center will hold 300 - 400 people. It would house our offices, kids and a MUCH NEEDED youth space. We'd have the ability to expand into existing empty space adjacent to what we'd be getting if needed. We have a local contractor who is donating his time to help lead the project. As a team of 6 last Spring we laid hands and prayed over the building for God to give it to us. Two months ago I received a phone call from an ownership group that heard we were needing space. They said "We have some space with think you'd be interested in." It was the building we prayed for. More details will be coming this Sunday. PRAY PRAY PRAY for God's will to be done in all of this. This is our mountain. I'm advancing onto it and need YOU to go wit me!!
Here is my other rumination on the day.
--- I am more tired today than maybe any other Sunday at Element. I am SPENT! Feel emotionally and physically drained. Wouldn't want it any other way. Typically means it was a good day at church.
--- The theater employee was 30 minutes late in opening the door this morning. That adds some stress.
--- Had MAJOR technical problems again today with audio/visual stuff. It's starting to REALLY bug me. Getting VERY distracting and I don't like it. Not sure what to do.
--- Adam played TWO originals today. He wrote the song Yearn a couple of years ago and is an AWESOME worship song. I think it's good enough to "make it". He then sang a new song he wrote today called "The Heart of a Warrior". It was based on my heart of a warrior sermon I did on March 30th. I LOVE the fact that we can do original music. Adam wrote another one inspired form our Eternity series that we'll bust out real soon. It too is AWESOME!
--- We'd love to do an Element Worship CD some day. Put some of our original stuff on it. That would be cool.
--- PACKED HOUSE TODAY! 505 in attendance. The Sunday I announced we were going to two services we were way down in attendance if I remember correctly. It was confirming to bust 500 again on the day we're announcing that we are pursuing a building.
--- This building scares me for a couple reasons. #1 I don't want to be about a building. We ARE NOT buying but leasing this space. It will be a 3 year lease. I FULLY expect to move in three years to another, larger location. Either that, or plant another church from Element. (Not me personally, but Element daughter a church) Maybe a video campus here in Cheyenne. (That is a whole other blog) #2 The risk! This is by far the BIGGEST decision I've EVER made in ministry. Moving here affected just my family. Moving now to a building affects our entire church. This is a financial risk for us. We have it made at the theater. But I don't want to "have it made". I want to anticipate God will show up when we need him. He won't lead us down a road He can't provide on. Financially this is a faith move for us.
--- 1st and 3rd service were full. In 3rd we had folks on the front row. I hate that. It's so uncomfortable. Heard one of the families on the front were first time guests too.
--- 55 in e:coustic today. That's up from previous weeks. That's good!
--- I preached on mission, vision and where we're going as a church today and how we'll get there. I want to blog a little this week about what I preached on. I think our decision making process is so helpful to what we do. Maybe it can help another pastor who reads this. Maybe not. I'll blog it anyway.
--- Partnership class this Sunday at 4 PM. Don't miss out on that. If you want to take the next step in Element to get more plugged in and be a part of what's going on you need to come to that.
--- Seriously, Elementers, you guys are the GREATEST! I absolutely love, LOVE leading this church! Can't imagine not doing this.
--- That's it for now. Blog more later.
Following Christ,
Friday, April 25, 2008
First steps
While at my grandma's house in St. Louis, our 4th child took her first steps. Jonah took his first steps at her house too many moons ago. Something magic about their house. We didn't have our video camera, but thanks to the beauty of technology I caught it on my Blackberry.
We get SO excited for steps our children take don't we? First smile...first roll over...first crawl...first words...first steps. All those steps of life we celebrate. How much more does God and His angels celebrate when we take steps in Him? Every step you take, every move you make (sounds like a song huh?) in God's direction He celebrates. Anyway, just thought of that. I love what I heard a pastor recently say and I've used it since. "Christianity is a series of steps" It really is. What is your next step in your faith? What is He asking of you?
Stepping toward Him,
We get SO excited for steps our children take don't we? First smile...first roll over...first crawl...first words...first steps. All those steps of life we celebrate. How much more does God and His angels celebrate when we take steps in Him? Every step you take, every move you make (sounds like a song huh?) in God's direction He celebrates. Anyway, just thought of that. I love what I heard a pastor recently say and I've used it since. "Christianity is a series of steps" It really is. What is your next step in your faith? What is He asking of you?
Stepping toward Him,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
This is how I feel about Sunday...

Ready to skate,
Back in the saddle
Hey Element Church! Our family made it back in town and I'm hitting the grindstone hard to catch up. I intended on doing a couple of blogs while I was away from our hotel room but I forgot my laptop charger so that didn't happen. I got some catching up to do. Some blogs rolling around in my head. Thank you for your prayers for us and our family. There were definitely felt and appreciated. We had a wonderful time celebrating the life of my grandpa. Numbers of people came to the family visitation on Monday and told my Grandma "I wouldn't have known the Lord if it weren't for your husband!" WOW! My grandpa had asked my dad to officiate the funeral and he did a fantastic job. I was so proud of my dad. I can't imagine doing my own father's funeral no matter how much he was ready to go. It's still your dad. We had some great laughs, good cries and memory sharing moments with all of our family. My grandparents were married for 65 years. I'm not sure you could remember life without your spouse after that long. Even though my grandma knows it was best for him to go, she was really struggling with the love of her life not around. My grandma had a stroke a few weeks ago and that is adding to her difficulties as well. She is VERY independent and will now rely on family to help her get around, get dressed and take care of her. Thank you for those who offered your kind words of condolences and support. You guy's are the greatest!
Following Christ,
Following Christ,
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