Thursday, May 22, 2008


Hey Element Church! To say my mind is about to explode would be an understatement. UNBELIEVABLE conference! Talk about expanding your vision. MAN. Both Adam and I are reeling tonight. We haven't even hardly talked about it cause we're still trying to process everything. The format was amazing. Ben Arment did a phenomenal job putting this thing together. It's amazing what the blogworld can do for things. What literally (as far as I understand) was an idea Ben blogged one day, turned into a conference with 800 pastors in attendance and 8 of today's greatest communicators sharing 30 minutes a piece. Each one shared their "one compelling idea". The format is perfect. I hope they do it again next year. I felt it was so beneficial to get 8 guys' 30 minutes of their best stuff in one day rather than a couple guys talking for an hour and a half and you attend 2-3 days. I took MASSIVE notes and will be blogging on what hit me from each speaker. We paid $99 to attend this bad boy. Worth every penny!

Adam and I went and saw Indiana Jones tonight. Definitely not the best of the series but it wasn't horrible. Typical Indiana Jones. I was hoping it would be a bit better but a good flick to go and just relax and not think about anything for a while.

Adam has some new pics up and some thoughts. Amazing day! Can't wait to get back to tornado infested Cheyenne. Looking forward to Sunday.



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