Hey Element Church! I know many of you are wondering on when work will begin on remodel. Many of you outside of Element I know would like to see the facility as well. Below I've put the video tour we showed this past Sunday. Then I'd like to offer people the chance to join The Climb as well. So three things to talk about here.
#1 Facility update. We are waiting on permits at this point. We can't demo or build without the proper permission from the city. We'd love to do the demo this Saturday. If we do, we'll let you know through the blog, and if you signed up we'll call you. I am VERY anxious to get this thing rollin' as I know you are too. We want to do things right, so patience is a priority right now.
#2 Video Tour: Check it out below.
#3 The Climb: The Climb is our four month drive to raise money to renno

vate our new facility into our worship center. Our goal is to raise $100,000. It is your opportunity to partner financially with Element Church and the Kingdom to help impact our city. We do not own the building, AND we don't plan on being there forever. This is not our final destination. Therefore, we are not going to make this building OUR building. It will be presentable, usable and inviting but it will NOT become our idol. We need to pour money into people and not facilities so we are going to do things in a way that reflects that as best possible. It may mean we don't do certain things, or upgrade certain items. We MUST remember it is NOT about the building. There will probably be a day when God calls us to buy land and build, but that time is not yet. So, you can click on the logo to the right if you'd like to give financially to The Climb. (Follow The Climb links on our web-site) Please pray about what God can do through you over the next four months. Don't look at your budget but ask God "What do you want to do through me?" and then trust him for it. If you're an Elementer you can fill out a pledge card at church and turn it in on May 18th.
Following Christ,
1 comment:
Sweet digs! Praise God for what he is doing through your ministry.
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