Friday, May 30, 2008


Hey Element Church! Don't forget that we start our new series this week. I am STOKED for these sermons. (SCARED OUT OF MY MIND TOO) But stoked!

Here is a post from a pastor that I feel VERY similar too when it comes to preaching.

I am JUST as nervous each week when I preach. Whether it's for 50 people or 500. I used to not be able to eat anything before I preached. Now I have ONE donut and that's about too much. But if I don't eat I get a horrible headache before church is over. Anyway, random glimpse into me right there. Pastor Furticks blog cracked me up cause it's exactly how I feel. If you see me on Sundays after set up, you see me wandering around aimlessly a lot, or sitting by myself. We are a weird bunch, us pastors!

Following Christ,


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