I knew it was going to be a good hotel when I saw next to the coffee pot that Starbucks was being served.

Here is Adam talking "tech" to one of the computer guys. Little did he know I can answer ALL of his questions. You notice there is NO ONE in the conference hall? Adam and I walked right past two security guards like we owned the place and got our seats. We kept saying "I can't believe no one is in here. What is everyone waiting for?" We were looking at the video cameras, sound stuff, computer stuff and stage set up. Then at about 10 till 9 the lead guy made an announcement "Hey guys we're going to open the doors in about 5 minutes so man your stations." We weren't supposed to even be in there. NO idea how we just walked in. I guess we just look official.

They had a guy there taking notes on a whiteboard for each speaker. Here are a couple of them. It was pretty cool.

That is a picture of my ticket to Indiana Jones. It cost 10 STINKIN' dollars. When the ticket lady said $10 I said "$10? What the world?" She said "The world cost $10 enjoy your show." And handed me this packet of chewy nerds. $10 and STINKIN' CHEWY NERDS? My ticket was about as big as the package. That is supposed to make me feel better about $10. Wasn't even that great of a theater. Not even stadium seating.

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