Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Untouchables Sermons

Hey Element Church! A couple things about Untouchables. First off, please pray. We are tackling 4 VERY tough subjects. I want the Bible to drive our discussion and not JUST opinion. The WORD is where we find our source of Truth. I have some strong opinions on each of these subjects, as I know all of you do as well. My goal for this series is that we could all walk away closer to Jesus and with a deeper understanding and conviction of what we believe and where we stand with these subjects.

Second, I wanted to share the order in which we are taking on these topics. I know some of you have specific subjects you want to invite people to hear. So here they are.

June 1st: Abortion
June 8th: Drinking
June 15th: Homosexuality
June 22nd: Divorce
June 29th: Q&A (we'll be setting up an email address for you to send in questions to) That will be a fun Sunday.

There ya go. Have an AWESOME day. Working on my messages right now. I'm getting pumped.


1 comment:

PastorMax said...

Boy Jeff, I really think you should challenge yourself more. You start the year with Sex & Money and now these Untouchables?

Be Blessed my friend, I will pray that God truly uses you to open dialogue on such complex issues.
