Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Night Reflection

-- Had another great service today. I seriously, absolutely love what we do. I love the early Sunday mornings. I had a GREAT devotional time this morning and really felt God helped me in some areas.

-- I had struggled all week with my message. Not struggled to get it done but just struggled to "feel" it. I really felt last night as I was going through it in bed that God was telling me it was the right message. I really felt like maybe the enemy was trying to stand in the way of the message. I woke up at 3 AM this morning still just not feeling right about it. This morning when I sat down to study it, it just felt right. I really prayed for the Lord to remove any opposition to the message if there was any.

-- The Scripture I read this morning in my devotions that really helped me was in 2 Kings 6:16. Elisha said "Don't be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!" It spoke right to my heart. I literally felt freed to preach the message after that verse. It's actually a REALLY cool Bible story too. Check it out here.

-- We had 127 this week. It was a great return week after 200 for launch and about 160 of those from Cheyenne. Our offering was $1349. We had five more individuals indicate today that they prayed to receive Christ into their heart. How cool is that? Please pray that we can connect with those people and that God would bring them to a church where they can be discipled.

-- Our volunteers again knocked it out of the park. I need to get some pictures of our whole set up. The band did incredible and we had some very cool creative elements on the platform. We built some giant Lego's this week to illustrate how we are made to connect. We missed a couple of our core families. It's neat to have people already that we "miss" when they are gone. They are a vital part of who we are.

-- We've utilized all five senses in worship the last 2 weeks. For our launch series we are talking about core values of Element Church. For us we feel our core values rise up out of the cravings of our soul. So, last week we had popcorn popping as people came in, and we gave out free popcorn in the service. So you get smell, taste, touch (of popcorn), sound and sight. This week we gave out candy bars since many of us crave chocolate. We actually had chocolate scented candles burning too. Then we gave out 2 connected Lego's to each person at the end of the service to illustrate our longing to belong. To connect. I love utilizing all the senses. Brings everything together. Got some other cool ideas to use through this series.

-- We are already discussing what to do WHEN we outgrow the theater. Actually had 2 people ask us today what we were going to do. We looked at a building on Thursday here in town. It's an empty store front. Too expensive at this time but a possibility down the road.

-- Tomorrow morning (Monday) Element Church is going to be the feature article on the front page of the newspaper. A great young man from the paper has been following all our previews through launch. He has written the feature article. He was in church today.

-- Can't wait to get started tomorrow. We have prayer and planning session first thing tomorrow morning. Staff meeting at 11:30 AM. (We are reading a GREAT book as a staff. It's a total business book but it is AWESOME on getting organized with systems and checkpoints) Tuesday we have our creative team meeting and then the rest of the week is accomplishing what those meetings produce.

Thanks for following. Keep praying for people to come who are hungry in their soul.

Following Christ,


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