Thursday, November 29, 2007
Simple Church and Missions Philosophy
Simple Church: We have chosen to pursue three main programs at Element Church. The Worship Experience, Life Groups, and Servant Evangelism (missions, outreach). Now there are a few exceptions of things that we do which revolves around these three things. For example: We have First Friday (prayer night for ministry of Element Church and the Cheyenne area on the first Friday of each month), The Tour (our connecting point for first time guests once a month), etc. Pretty much other than our three essentials we are going to say "NO" to everything else! There are lots of great ministries that we will probably never do because we don't feel that's what God has us here for. For instance: I don't know if we'll ever do MOPS program. Why? There are several churches doing great jobs with them already. Why don't we support THEM in what they are doing. VBS: What if we volunteered our services to another churches VBS instead of adding another one to the PLETHORA already happening. It amazes me how many VBS' the same week were doing the same curriculum. Nothing wrong with doing those ministries, and it doesn't mean we NEVER will, we just are choosing to focus on three main ministries. This allows our time, energy, and finances to be focused in three areas. It hopefully will help us maximize our impact.
Missions: In Acts 1 Jesus tells his disciples "...and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the world." Now, I'm not saying this is Jesus' missionary strategy but it is ours. We want to be good missionaries to Cheyenne (Jerusalem) first before we ever take our message and serving around the globe. I've said several times that if we aren't good missionaries to our city FIRST we'll never be good ones to another country. Our first calling is Cheyenne. That's why we will put money and effort into organizations such as Life Choice Pregnancy Center, Needs Inc., and into serving the City of Cheyenne. Notice the scope of what Jesus said. Jerusalem (home city), Judea (area or state), Samaria (region, country), ends of earth. If each of us would work from that circle the ends of the earth will be reached. For far too long I think we've placed our major missionary efforts on overseas missions while the whole time the spiritual health of our countries, states and towns were fast deteriorating. SO, we as Element Church are going to pour efforts, finances and time here in Cheyenne. Please don't tell me I'm not concerned about overseas works. My wife and I financially support missionaries in Brazil each month. WE WILL NOT NEGLECT OUR CITY. PERIOD! That is our missions strategy.
Our goal is to do one major outreach/service/serving project once a quarter to our city. We will fill in monthly things and things as they arise as well to serve Cheyenne.
There it is. Simple church and missions strategy. You maybe didn't even want to know, but now you do. HA!
Following Christ,
Christmas Outreach and outreach thoughts
We are not supporting these ladies to get them to Element, or even to get them to Christ. We ARE doing this to BE Christ to them. To be the hands and feet of Jesus. That's all. Would we welcome them at Element? YES! Do we want them to receive Christ? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! Simply put, this is part of going to our Jerusalem. Being missionaries to our city. I'll be posting tomorrow on my missions philosophy.
This outreach may not be a gas-buydown in which hundreds of people are served and the news airs it and the city reads about it, but that doesn't make it any less outreach. We are meeting a practical need for some moms who are IN need. Sometimes our serving the city will be a big project. Other times it will be smaller. EVERY TIME it will help bring life to individuals and to our city.
Starting in January we are going to be on the ground floor of a new program to help keep the food pantry stocked at "Needs Inc." here in Cheyenne. Needs is a community non-profit serving the needy of Cheyenne. I'm not sure I'm at liberty to share details but I will when I can. We are the first church in on this program and it will be a HUGE service to this community group and to the needy of Cheyenne. NEEDS also knows they can include us in any service needs they may have.
We are continuing to develop our relationship with the City of Cheyenne. We have asked to be involved in the Easter Egg hunt again this year and even added an idea of our own, that if pulled off, would seriously be the BIGGEST Easter egg hunt this city has every seen. (Not sure the city is on board with the idea...we'll see) We have offered our service to the city, not only at events, but to clean parks, clear brush, paint over any vandalism (graffiti), etc. We want to serve... just to serve.
Anyway, I don't want to just give from our church during the Holidays, but all year long! We are starting our ability to do that. We are 8 weeks old and we have provided inflatable games for the city Easter Egg Hunt (snowed out), held one gas buy down (2 hours, 200 vehicles), provided free inflatable games at the city SuperDay, held anther gas buy down (4 hours, over 400 vehicles), provided prizes to the city Goblinwalk, Sponsored three tables at the Life Choice fundraiser, adopted 4 moms and families to provide for Christmas, and starting in January, this new NEEDS Inc. food pantry deal. I'd say we are building this into our DNA. Wouldn't want it any other way. And we're not done yet. Still developing other ideas and always open to knew opportunities to serve.
Following Christ,
Excited, scared and pumped!
I am very nervous (scared is more accurate) about two services. Just being honest. This week has felt like a launch week. We did a 10,000 piece mailer to the community for our "Believe" series in which we're launching the 2 services. We also put a large full color ad in the newspaper on three days this week for the "Believe" series. There feels to me more variables in this launch than there were in the beginning. Oct. 7th launch feelings were who will show up? Now they are "I hope they don't all show up for 2nd service." Oct. 7th "Will we get everything set up?" Now "Will we get out before people watch us as the pre-movie entertainment." or "Will we get out before Enchanted begins playing on the screen."
I am pumped about our new opportunity. Even though my nerves rise, they are nerves because I know the gravity of what we do. We hold THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE known to man and I don't want to screw that up. We want to create the most ideal experience for someone to meet Christ or grow closer to Him. We want to allow ourselves to get more people to that experience so two services is what we are doing. I have said a lot recently "I don't know how to prove God to you. I can only hope to bring you to a place where you and God might meet." That's what we do.
I am nervous every time I preach. Why? Because I don't trust God. NO! But the thought that God trusts ME with HIS message floors me. I don't want to screw it up. It is of utmost importance to me to present the Gospel clearly. To be intentional, relevant and practical so that I can be effective.
I told you I had some blogging in me. I can't wait for Sunday. Nervous? YES! Scared? Out of my mind! (Ok, maybe not that bad) But I trust completely that God, once again, will see us through. The comforting thing is that REGARDLESS of how I feel, God is in control. God will rule the day. God will bring the harvest.
Ok, I gotta stop. Elementers, I'll see you Sunday!
Following Christ,
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Under The Weather
Following Christ,
Holy Spirit
Yesterday, Jonah asked Sabrina who the Holy Spirit was. That question is hard enough to explain to an adult who doesn't have much "spiritual" knowledge, let alone a 6 year old. I love that the inquisitiveness of kids.
Sabrina attempted to give her best explanation in 6 year old terms and thought she had a good way to convey this great doctrinal truth. She said "Well, the Holy Spirit is God's voice when he talks to us. When you're about to do something naughty don't you hear a little voice inside tell you not to?"
Jonah, as serious as could be said "NO, I just hear yours!"
Following Christ,
Monday, November 26, 2007
Encouraging Word
Our life group lesson in James 3 tonight was on the power of the tongue. How it is a small thing but able to start "fires" just like a small spark. In fact James says the tongue is set on fire by hell itself. WOW! Strong warning about the words we use. We had some great discussion in the group about the use of the tongue, and James 3 just has some great word pictures.
(Side Note: One of the coolest things about Life Groups to me is hearing other peoples perspective on the Scripture and on life. We're in this thing together. We need to learn from each other)
Anyway, I got an email today that was just what the doctor ordered. We had a guest in church Sunday. He's a local pastor here in town. Had no idea he was there but he had some very encouraging words that he put on his blog today and I wanted to share them with you. His name is Brian and he is the equipping pastor at Cheyenne Evangelical Free Church. Here is the link or I'll paste the text below.
"Yesterday, I was able to do something that comes about only four times per year. I was able to visit another church. I took yesterday off, but was back in town from our vacation in the mountains. So my wife and I decided to attend another church here in Cheyenne. It was the first time that we have actually been able to attend a different church in Cheyenne (except when I occasionally speak at other area churches).
Jenny and I attended a new church plant in Cheyenne called the Element Church. It meets on Sunday mornings in the movie theater at the mall.
It is good to be the visitor sometimes. You realize that visitors do not know exactly where to go or what to expect. You realize that they need some sort of direction. I'm happy to say that the Element Church's greeters where really friendly and steered us in the right direction and one lady even showed us exactly where we needed to drop off the kids and where things were. It really helped to put us at ease.
As for the service, the Element Church is only a couple of months old, so we did not know quite what to expect with them being in their infancy. After the first worship song and video introducing their next series, it was obvious that their infancy was nothing to worry about. For a brand new church, they had it together and did things very well. I was impressed. They are putting much energy and thought behind this church plant mixed with some creative thinking and problem solving.
However, the thing that I liked most about this church was their emphasis of putting an extremely high value on serving the community of Cheyenne. They are not about being content within four walls of a church (yes, a church could get internally focused even if they are meeting in a movie theater), they want to impact and serve the city. They want this city to be a better place and bring hope to those who are hurting. This is something that we are focusing on more and more as a congregation and it's exciting to see another church that has a heart for the community rather than just existing for itself.
I'm glad for this. I support this. I am thankful that the Element Church is a new addition to our community. You could call me a fan of this new church plant. This may sound weird coming from a pastor at a different church but it shouldn't. It should not be weird because we are all a part of the same Kingdom. We are all a part of the Church. We are on the same team. Thus, we need to celebrate when another church is doing something well and bringing glory to God.
Thanks, Element. I trust God will continue to bless your efforts!
Thank you Brian! You don't know how much it means for us to have the support of other pastors in town. Very encouraging words! May God bless you for that!Dudes, we are all about JESUS! We believe that JESUS is the only way for us to receive Life and to enter heaven. We believe JESUS is the only thing (element) that can make us into who we are intended to be. We believe JESUS through HIS local church is the HOPE OF THE WORLD. Folks, that should light a fire in our belly that cannot be quenched.
Will we all agree on strategy, mission, vision or even doctrine? NO! But if we can reach people with JESUS we can change the world! MAN that gets me going.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday Night Rumination (11-25-07) Post #200
Another great service today. I think it was THE HARDEST message, in fact this series contained the two hardest messages I may have ever preached. They just felt so real and personal to me. God was REALLY working on ME through these messages. It took some vulnerability and honesty to preach on being grateful and generous. Today's message just felt very heavy at times to me. The tension felt thick in the room, although some mentioned it didn't feel tense to them. Maybe it was just my struggle with the message. Anyway, we had a lot of great response and many people said how good it was for them to hear.
A couple of bullet points. The big question today was "What does a generous life look like?' "Generosity has nothing to do with how much is given but how much it costs the giver." "The key to generosity is to begin to see people as Jesus sees them. When I see people as Jesus sees them it breeds generosity because I want to give myself away." "Generosity reveals itself in more than just money. A generous life is willing to give of its time, talent and treasure."
--- Attendance today was 162. That was higher than I expected for the holiday weekend so that was cool. Actually up a bit from last week. Since launch we have been over 200 three times and only under 150 once. The next step for us is huge. How do we bust that 250 barrier. Going to 2 services will help enable us to do that.
--- Offering today was $2258.50. Giving has been very good as well. For a brand new church I feel we have had wonderful attendance and giving.
--- We announced our Christmas outreach today. I think this is going to be so much fun. We have adopted 4 moms (and their families) through LifeChoice Pregnancy Center. LifeChoice works with moms who are struggling with their "birth" choices. These 4 moms we are adopting have chosen life for their children yet need some help, especially through this Christmas season, financially. SO, we are going all out for these moms. Reagan (young lady in church) kind of spearheaded the whole thing and called each mom and asked questions for needs that I never would have thought of. From cribs, to car oil changes, to one months rent, we want to spoil these mothers with GENEROSITY from Elementers of all ages. Reagan has registered for the items in which we are allowed at Target and Wal-Mart. They are registered under (first name) Element (last name) Church. We will have a list of un-registered items at church on Sunday, and I'll post it on our blog and web-site as well.
I would love to do this for more than four families, and if the response is big enough then perhaps we can do more. Elementers, it's time to step it up. Lets shower these moms with Gods love in a practical way. One thing I want to be made REAL clear. I DON'T CARE IF THESE LADIES EVER COME TO ELEMENT CHURCH!!! That is not the goal. The goal is to be generous. To think of others better than ourselves. And to show God's love in a practical way. I want to be able to do this, not just at Christmas, but all year round. That's the kind of church I want to be.
--- I'm pumped about our Christmas series. "Believe" We are doing some cool stuff during the series. Set design. Effects. And Adam is putting together some AWESOME music sets, including some remade Christmas favorites.
--- We have been blessed, as a two month old church, with an UNBELIEVABLE praise band. Adam, well, lets just say it takes a world class leader to find a guy like Adam. HA! God brought us that dude. Adam is phenomenal. Can't imagine this without him. We have two OUTSTANDING drummers. Seriously, GOOD drummers are hard to find and we have two, count em, TWO KILLER drummers. One of them played for the first time today. What a blessing! Morgan has been playing bass guitar since day 1. Setting up and tearing down from the beginning. Morgan, you ROCK! Can't imagine this without you either bro!
Bryant, Morgan, Nate, Ben, Grant, Matt, Curtis, Terri (wow, Terri does so much), Keenan, Katrina, all you guys have been setting up and tearing down for MONTHS now. Seriously, you guys are amazing.
--- Wow, two services this week. That's crazy! Be praying for God to bring us new people to fill those empty seats.
--- Today we cut it close. The movie in our auditorium literally started as we were throwing stuff out the door to get out in time. We have some MAJOR issues with time in going to two services. We'll need to talk to the management this week. Be praying for us that they will move the early showtime movies to the other wing of the theater.
--- MY FAMILY IS BACK! The quiet house gets to me real quick. I'm glad Sabrina and the kids got to go spend time with her family. I got some stuff done around the house and chilled with friends. I would have loved to go, I just couldn't miss the whole week. I love my wife and kids. Missed them a ton!
--- I am tired! I have more on my mind and will begin posting regularly again this week. Sundays wipe me out man, BUT MY DO I LOVE IT! Thanks Elementers! You guys are the best!
Following Christ,
Monday, November 19, 2007
Laughing Before Life Group
In June we decided to start Unplugged. We DESPERATELY did NOT want people to think we had started our church. Unplugged was NOT how we wanted to do church but we knew it was necessary because we were multiplying into three different Life Groups from our original one and we needed that large group time to begin building our team. So, that second Sunday in June we begin, and again I'm watching the door "Will anyone come to this thing?" 34 people came to that first Unplugged.
July 1st, our first "real" service as a preview. August 5th, Sept. 9th, October 7th (launch). Still that same question. "Will anyone show up to this thing we're doing?" And now, December 2nd is coming. What is December 2nd? Our launch into 2 services. And that same question.
Around the office and with the team, it feels almost like we're launching again. We're making this next step. Taking this big risk. It would be comfortable to stay at one. We can know everyone, we know people will come. We financially, volunteer, energy and time wise could do it. BUT that's not why we are here. I don't know if I'll ever stop asking that question. Literally every week I wonder if people will come. I don't know why I'm like that. I know this is God's thing and not mine, and maybe that's why. The fact that I get to lead this amazing thing God is doing blows me away. I get to be a part of GOD'S church. "Will anyone show up to this thing I get to do?"
I don't ever want to lose the sense of anticipation, wonder, awe, amazement at what God does and what He allows me to be a part of. Elementers, I love you guy's. Thanks for coming. Because of you I can answer every week "Someone came!" As long as someone comes, I'll keep doing what I do. lol
Following Christ,
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday Night Rumination 11-18-07
--- 155 today in church. I knew the day was coming when we'd be down in attendance. This was the first time in 3 weeks we've been under 200. I know it's ALL about #'s but there isn't a pastor in the world who doesn't look at the attendance each week and sometimes fret over it. (I'm not fretting and if a pastor says they don't, they are lying)
--- 155 in today in church. (I know I'm repeating) Know what? I am thankful for those 155. 6 weeks ago we were launching this thing and didn't know if 50 would show up. I'll take 155 but I know there are thousands more out there who don't go to church. How will we get them? I will not be satisfied with 155, or 255, or 355. Not sure where God will take us but I know He's a big God and has a bigger heart for Cheyenne than any of us do.
--- $3180 in the offering today. Our giving has been solid. God has been good and taken care of us all along the way. He won't stop. I think when we are generous AS a church, people will be generous TO the church.
--- Great worship service today. The band was again amazing. I think they get better every week. Adam blogged about it here. We spend a lot of time planning our services and really didn't know what to expect time wise this week with dedications and communion. I think we let out of service at 11:18 so it worked out great.
--- We dedicated 10 kids today. It was AWESOME! From 15 years old to a 5 week old. It was a special time. It was so cool to see a mom stand there with her 15, 13 and 7 year old and say "I want to raise them in the way of the Lord."
--- We baptized 2 people today. One 12 year old young lady, and our Elevate kids teacher (don't know her age and wouldn't share if I did). We met at Calvary Chapel (thanks Calvary) and used their baptistery and sanctuary. Pastor Shaun (thanks Shaun), who has been AWESOME to and for us, and his family came to the service. Shaun has been a huge blessing. Just a Kingdom guy, supportive and willing to help wherever he can. As I thanked him he said "I hope we see lots more of these."
--- Grant got in the water and helped me out with the baptisms. What a turn in life that dude has seen. From a mormon home, baptized at 8 years old into the mormon faith, saved in the back of his Frito Lay truck, now standing waist deep in a baptistery, helping baptize his across the street neighbor that he helped lead to the church and Lord. How stinkin' cool is that. Grant, I love you bro! You're doing so good!
--- We are plugging people into serve more and more. I love seeing people commit to what we do. We've had some new help setting up and tearing down each week. We had a young lady start taking pictures for us today (she is a professional photographer) and will also help on the video side of things. Another young lady is spearheading our Christmas outreach event (which is going to be off the charts awesome)
--- Christmas outreach. I can't share yet what we are doing, but it is going to be so much fun. I love being able to bless people and we are going to get to do that. Elementers, get ready to be a blessing. Not only do I love blessing people but it's even greater that we are going to get to do it for some people who made a "right choice" in life. Difficult I'm sure, but right. We will announce it this Sunday.
--- Two services in two weeks. That blows my mind. It feels like we're launching again. I'm getting nervous. "Who will come to the 9 AM service?" We actually had someone show up today for the 9 AM service. We had a news brief in the paper about it yesterday but the family didn't see the date for the start of it that was in the article.
--- Looking forward to our Christmas series "Believe". We didn't do any set design for this mini series but are planning some cool stuff for "Believe".
--- My wife is leaving me! lol, she leaves tomorrow with the kids to go to Oklahoma to her dads for Thanksgiving. All her dads family is going to be there which will be a first in a while they've all been together. She wanted to go and I said "Go for it!" So it will be Doritos, diet pepsi, bologna for the next few days around here. I never like it when my family is going. It's cool for the first night or so, then it's just WAY to quiet. I'll miss them!
--- Got a lot to get done this week on the short week. This weeks message is a tough one again as I talk about generosity.
--- Whether your an Elementer, family, friend or just a casual onlooker. Thanks for following along. I say this too much but I seriously LOVE what I do.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Blog Links
Adam has a couple of new posts up as well. He's trying to blog more now cause he wants to be like me. I really hope some other worship leaders start reading his blog. We have gleaned so much from other pastors blogging, I think some of the things Adam does and talks about guys could learn from. GOOD JOB ADAM!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
We are taking the two words, Thanks and Giving, for our two week mini series called "Thanks:Giving". Here is the graphic for that series.
We are doing a five week sermon series for Christmas entitled "Believe". John 20:30-31 says "Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." So we are going to take 5 of the miracles of Jesus recorded in John and attempt to answer some questions. "Why did Jesus come?" "What did he do?" "Why should I believe?" The two graphics below are for our invite cards and we are doing a direct mail similar to those cards. I wanted a "non-traditional" approach to our Christmas series, so we aren't really going to talk about the birth, shepherds, angels, wise men or "no room in the inn". We're going to look at the life of Jesus and we'll know why he came by his actions.

Following Christ,
Sunday Pictures
Here is the pictures from Sundays service. You can click on the slide show to view them in our online web album as bigger files.
Following Christ,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Four Months Ago...

What a GREAT God we serve that allows us to be creative and expand our ideas and ministry. God doesn't want us to remain the same. I think God LOVES seeing his people create and innovate in His church. I think His heart swells when His people can try and connect the Gospel with their culture and new ways that they can relate too. The Gospel NEVER changes. The presentation and methods will ALWAYS change. And hopefully at Element Church, they will always get better. That last picture is our surfboard Sunday. (They are supposed to be stain glass windows) That's what we get for trying to be creative.
Thanksgiving, Dedications and Communion
This Thanks:Giving series has been good for me. I LOVE learning. I love studying for sermons because I get challenged before I ever bring the challenge. In looking at what it means to be thankful and giving. We're going to use two different words, grateful and generous. Anyone can say "Thank you" but not everyone is grateful. Anyone can give but not everyone is generous. Generosity has nothing to do with what is given but what it costs the giver. A grateful heart produces a generous life. There is a teaser for you.
This Sunday is going to be very cool. We are having child dedications as part of our service for the first time. We have 5 families getting kids dedicated. And check this out, they range in age from newborns to 15 years old. Yep, 15. Several of the kids being dedicated are by parents that are new to church or returned to church after a hiatus and they want to make a public declaration and commitment that they are raising their kids in the way of the Lord. I am so excited for this moment on Sunday when we as a church rally around these families to say "We are with you in raising these children for God".
We have two people being baptized at 4 PM on Sunday afternoon at Calvary Chapel. Thanks to Pastor Shaun for opening the church doors for us to use.
Also, on Sunday we are going to be taking communion together for the first time as a church. It is going to be a very full service but one of the most memorable ones to date for me. A lot of firsts coming up for Element Church. Don't miss it!
Following Christ,
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday Night Rumination (11-11-07)
What a great day Sunday was. Another GOD day. I am serious when I say that each week I wonder of anyone is going to show up. I am blown away every week that God bring people to our church. Absolutely blown away. The fact that I get to be a part of what is going on is humbling. Elementers, you are as much a part of what God is doing as I am. Way to go!
Adam has a great Sunday Afterthoughts post on his blog. Check it out.
--- 202 in attendance today. We hit our ceiling for sure. We cannot put anymore people in that theater. 6 weeks old and outgrown our facility. How cool is that. We had 1 guy and his son on the very front row and I felt bad for him. For three consecutive weeks we've been over 200. 206, 201, 202.
--- That led to our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Due to the fact that God has blessed us with a full house, we excitedly announced to our people that we are multiplying ourselves into two services starting Dec. 2nd, so as to enable ourselves to keep growing. We have sought the face of God on this issue, and feel we've exhausted all options. We love the theater and want to remain there if possible, so two services seemed to fit. We will be meeting at 9 AM and 10:30 AM starting the 2nd. This means we would love to have more volunteers. If you attend Element and do not volunteer yet, I encourage you to step up and serve. Help us connect people with the Life in Christ. There is nothing like it.
--- Our offering was over $6000 today. Yes, a 6 with 3 zeros. GO GOD!
--- The most important # is that 8 people raised their hand, acknowledging that had prayed to cross the line of faith and become followers of Jesus today. To have their sins forgiven, and Christ to dwell in their hearts. What a moment! That is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we do. We try to offer some kind of invitation each week. It is amazing (as Adam says) that we just invite, and people are ready to come running. I think God is faithful to bring us ripe souls just ready to be harvested each week.
--- The band I think sounded the best today. Adam is doing a GREAT job leading them. Worship seemed to be open and natural for the congregation. Not everyone worships the same way, and I wouldn't want them to, but it just felt like there was some freedom in the room today. Check out Adam's blog (link above) for a set list.
--- We planned this sermon as a part of this series about 2 months ago. We didn't realize at that time that it fell on Veterans Day. God worked it out though, and we talked about our core value of Allegiance. IT WAS PERFECT! We had a veterans tribute video, then played taps as lights revealed two fallen solider memorials we had placed on the platform. We also had a simple set design with 1 giant flag centered on the bag of the stage, and two small flags waving from the speakers. It was very cool to honor the veterans, and those who are currently serving.
--- We are starting a "mini series" this week called Thanks:Giving. Then we launch our two services with a Christmas series called "Believe". Looking forward to the creative planning on that. Also this week we are having a child dedication AND taking communion for the first time. It is going to be a very cool service!
--- Our first baptism is coming up this Sunday as we celebrate what God is doing in the hearts of people. 4 PM at Calvary Chapel this Sunday we will have the privilege of baptizing people in the name of the Lord!
--- That's about it! I love Element Church. Thanks everyone who follows along. We have a full and exciting week of planning for the what God has next.
Following Christ,
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Tour
Well, we had planned a great event for tomorrow following church called The Tour. We invited all the first time guests from October to come to a free lunch where we would share about the mission, vision and strategy of Element Church. We were going to provide opportunities to sign up for Life Groups and volunteering as well. Due to some BAD communication on some other parties, and some extenuating circumstances, we are not going to be able to do the event this week. We are currently in the process of re-scheduling and we may just combine October and Novembers guests into one Tour.
I believe The Tour is going to be a great tool in connecting people into Element Church and making the next step for them very clear. Anyway, don't know if any Tour attenders read the blog, but if so, there ya go.
It's about us WITH Him!
When I ask Jonah to help me mow the lawn, it has nothing to do with his lawn mowing ability. He's 6. The lawn looks horrible when he helps to mow it. But why do I ask him? To be with him. When Sabrina paints, why does she allow the kids to help? Because of their superior painting ability? No, to be with them. Why do I take them to the dump with me...get oil fix things around the house? Because I want to be with them.
God does the same. Yes, He wants things accomplished, and as I said in my previous post He chooses us to do those things, but His ultimate goal is to be with His children. Do we want to be with Him? That is the ultimate goal of working for God. But do we just want to "accomplish" things? Anyway. I love the fact that God wants to be with us, and I hope that my main goal is to be with Him.
To close, here is a quote from Oswald Chambers: "A man with the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue; he is devoted to God himself."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT COMING! and a few random thoughts.
I've said this before (and heard it from someone else) that being a leader is as simple as listening to God and doing what he says. The decision we made to announce this week wasn't easy, but it was necessary. There are lots of decisions like that.
Doing church isn't easy but its necessary. I firmly believe that the local church is the hope of the world. God, in His sovereignty, has chosen us, US, as frail, imperfect, human beings to carry the message of Jesus Christ to the world. It isn't easy, but it's necessary.
Serving at church isn't always easy, but it's necessary.
Loving your spouse isn't always easy, but it's necessary.
Giving isn't always easy, but it's necessary.
Sacrifice isn't always easy but it's necessary.
Doing things with excellence isn't always easy, but it's necessary.
Giving up a habit, starting a new one...reading the Bible...praying...discipline...confrontation...going to work...I could go on, those things aren't easy yet they're necessary.
At Element Church we are ALWAYS going to make decisions, do things, spend money on things, challenge things AND people, challenge the status quo, advance, move forward, and storm the stinkin' gates of HELL. Why? NOT because its easy but because its NECESSARY.
This will mean that people sometimes won't like what we do. Some people will resist what's done. Some may get angry. Hmm, its not easy, but it's necessary.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Conference Close Out
Following Christ,
Monday, November 5, 2007
...And we just watched Heroes and it was WICKED crazy. MAN. One of the 2 best shows on tv right now.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday Night Rumination (11-04-07)
It's been a VERY long day. Adam and I are in Billings tonight, heading to Great Falls, MT tomorrow morning to attend the Evangelical Church's Western Conference annual meetings. The Western Conference is the one that Element Church is in and they gave is $50,000 to start Element. That's right. 50 followed by 3 zeros. This will be Adam's first time to denominational meetings so we'll see if he can make it through a full session. We'll both be blogging through the week from the conference. We'll be back in Cheyenne on Thursday to put the finishing touches on this coming Sunday.
--- I'm tired!
--- 201 in church today. That's actually a net gain since last week wad had 206 and 17 of them were out of town family of mine. We did have a few out of town guests today too, but not 17 of them.
--- Not sure what the final offering #'s are but Terri informed me over the phone that it is around $2200. It was good to see 2 weeks in a at the $2000 mark. I love seeing God's people give and as people get more committed I believe we'll see more people give. I cannot wait to teach on giving. Lots of pastors avoid it but it is a concept that will bless us in return if we really get it and do it.
--- I love seeing the theater full of people worshiping God and being connected with Life. We are moving quickly toward a major decision we'll have to make in the meeting space of Element Church. We literally cannot grow any more with how we are currently doing things. That means we have to make some changes. More on that coming soon.
---We are wrapping up our "IT" series this week and am already excited about the message. Since we are gone most of this week we worked to get 2 weeks of work done last week. We will have some things to tie up on Thursday and Friday (typically our day off) but most of it is done.
--- Today I talked on our core value of significance. We all long to be worth something. I get worked about stuff like this. I truly believe that God has designed each of us for God sized purposes, and somewhere along the line we settle for mediocrity and apathetic living. We are not made just to survive but to thrive. We're made to advance, to grow, to pursue, to dream, to have ambitions and I believe our churches are too. I got a little worked up today. Like I said, I get worked up about this.
--- The devil wants us to stay apathetic and remain the same, why? We are no bother to him. He doesn't have to work when we don't work, don't fight, don't defend. (today's three points) When we realize our unique value in Christ, we are able to live out a risk taking faith making a difference in our world. (part of Element core value)
--- I'm tired!
--- Grant is AWESOME! We are tweaking his role and limiting him (bad words, RELEASING HIM) to some specific things that he REALLY excels in. He is growing so much as a leader, it's really cool to see. He is truly being a "pastor" and he still works wicked crazy hours for Frito Lay. Grant is one of the most teachable men I know. He's been my right hand man since before Element days. Can't imagine ministry without him.
--- Adam. All I can say is someone from our team asked me the other day "How did we get him?" God. That's how. Having a worship leader you trust, nothing like it.
--- Curtis and Heather are rockin' the house as youth leaders. Had 10 at sr. high/college group last night. They are a godsend.
--- Katrina just had their first child. Ethan. He's a cutie. She is expanding e:kidz and stepping up more and more each week. Can't wait to see where she takes e:kidz over the next several months. Keenan has been running sound for us and doing an awesome job. Those two have put in countless hours of work for us. They too are growing, and blossoming into their ministry.
--- I'm blessed! Can't imagine doing anything but this. I know I say that a lot but I mean it. I really do.
--- Elementers, I love you guys. PEACE
Following Christ,
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Time Change
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Blog Link
Adam has blogged recently as well.
I need to get Curtis and Katrina blogging. Our team ROCKS. I don't have the time to talk about the growth I've seen in those guys. GO TEAM!