Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Four Months Ago...

Four months ago we held our first service at the theater. We did ALL that we could to make it the biggest and best worship experience we could as a young fledgling church. I watched our first service on video tonight and MAN have we come a long way. I am definitely glad we did previews cause...well, just believe me when I say it's good we practiced. I chuckled at the set up we did and where we are at now. I think we'll keep laughing at our progress. Check out the difference in appearance from July 1st to Oct. 28th.

What a GREAT God we serve that allows us to be creative and expand our ideas and ministry. God doesn't want us to remain the same. I think God LOVES seeing his people create and innovate in His church. I think His heart swells when His people can try and connect the Gospel with their culture and new ways that they can relate too. The Gospel NEVER changes. The presentation and methods will ALWAYS change. And hopefully at Element Church, they will always get better. That last picture is our surfboard Sunday. (They are supposed to be stain glass windows) That's what we get for trying to be creative.

1 comment:

Kelly & Rhonda said...

I would like to make a suggestion; have a link on each pastors blog page to the other pastors page. That way you don't have to close and go back to the home page. I enjoy reading each pastors blog.