Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday Night Rumination (11-11-07)

I'm posting this Monday morning following my devotions. I once again forgot to ruminate on Sunday night. (Ruminate means to think deeply about things. It's where we get the phrase "I'll have to chew on that for a while") lol

What a great day Sunday was. Another GOD day. I am serious when I say that each week I wonder of anyone is going to show up. I am blown away every week that God bring people to our church. Absolutely blown away. The fact that I get to be a part of what is going on is humbling. Elementers, you are as much a part of what God is doing as I am. Way to go!

Adam has a great Sunday Afterthoughts post on his blog. Check it out.

--- 202 in attendance today. We hit our ceiling for sure. We cannot put anymore people in that theater. 6 weeks old and outgrown our facility. How cool is that. We had 1 guy and his son on the very front row and I felt bad for him. For three consecutive weeks we've been over 200. 206, 201, 202.

--- That led to our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Due to the fact that God has blessed us with a full house, we excitedly announced to our people that we are multiplying ourselves into two services starting Dec. 2nd, so as to enable ourselves to keep growing. We have sought the face of God on this issue, and feel we've exhausted all options. We love the theater and want to remain there if possible, so two services seemed to fit. We will be meeting at 9 AM and 10:30 AM starting the 2nd. This means we would love to have more volunteers. If you attend Element and do not volunteer yet, I encourage you to step up and serve. Help us connect people with the Life in Christ. There is nothing like it.

--- Our offering was over $6000 today. Yes, a 6 with 3 zeros. GO GOD!

--- The most important # is that 8 people raised their hand, acknowledging that had prayed to cross the line of faith and become followers of Jesus today. To have their sins forgiven, and Christ to dwell in their hearts. What a moment! That is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we do. We try to offer some kind of invitation each week. It is amazing (as Adam says) that we just invite, and people are ready to come running. I think God is faithful to bring us ripe souls just ready to be harvested each week.

--- The band I think sounded the best today. Adam is doing a GREAT job leading them. Worship seemed to be open and natural for the congregation. Not everyone worships the same way, and I wouldn't want them to, but it just felt like there was some freedom in the room today. Check out Adam's blog (link above) for a set list.

--- We planned this sermon as a part of this series about 2 months ago. We didn't realize at that time that it fell on Veterans Day. God worked it out though, and we talked about our core value of Allegiance. IT WAS PERFECT! We had a veterans tribute video, then played taps as lights revealed two fallen solider memorials we had placed on the platform. We also had a simple set design with 1 giant flag centered on the bag of the stage, and two small flags waving from the speakers. It was very cool to honor the veterans, and those who are currently serving.

--- We are starting a "mini series" this week called Thanks:Giving. Then we launch our two services with a Christmas series called "Believe". Looking forward to the creative planning on that. Also this week we are having a child dedication AND taking communion for the first time. It is going to be a very cool service!

--- Our first baptism is coming up this Sunday as we celebrate what God is doing in the hearts of people. 4 PM at Calvary Chapel this Sunday we will have the privilege of baptizing people in the name of the Lord!

--- That's about it! I love Element Church. Thanks everyone who follows along. We have a full and exciting week of planning for the what God has next.

Following Christ,


1 comment:

Element Worship said...

Dude isnt God just amazing! I love that this is the fruit of our sundays, and not discouraging things. God is just proving himself faithful, AWESOME! as Grant would say