Monday, November 19, 2007

Laughing Before Life Group

I'm sitting here waiting for Life Group to begin. We host a group on Monday's here at our house. I was getting the place ready for group had the front door open and I stood there looking out the door and began to laugh. Why? Because I remember 8 months ago (March) doing the same thing only I was wondering "Will anyone show up to this thing we're doing?" There were 6 of us then. Grand and Terri, Keenan and Katrina and my wife and I. Our first Life Group no one we invited came. I think our second Life Group (maybe more), a lady came that we all had made a connection with. It was hilarious. "SOMEONE ELSE IS HERE!" We all started whispering. 7 of us. Then 10, 12, 14.

In June we decided to start Unplugged. We DESPERATELY did NOT want people to think we had started our church. Unplugged was NOT how we wanted to do church but we knew it was necessary because we were multiplying into three different Life Groups from our original one and we needed that large group time to begin building our team. So, that second Sunday in June we begin, and again I'm watching the door "Will anyone come to this thing?" 34 people came to that first Unplugged.

July 1st, our first "real" service as a preview. August 5th, Sept. 9th, October 7th (launch). Still that same question. "Will anyone show up to this thing we're doing?" And now, December 2nd is coming. What is December 2nd? Our launch into 2 services. And that same question.

Around the office and with the team, it feels almost like we're launching again. We're making this next step. Taking this big risk. It would be comfortable to stay at one. We can know everyone, we know people will come. We financially, volunteer, energy and time wise could do it. BUT that's not why we are here. I don't know if I'll ever stop asking that question. Literally every week I wonder if people will come. I don't know why I'm like that. I know this is God's thing and not mine, and maybe that's why. The fact that I get to lead this amazing thing God is doing blows me away. I get to be a part of GOD'S church. "Will anyone show up to this thing I get to do?"

I don't ever want to lose the sense of anticipation, wonder, awe, amazement at what God does and what He allows me to be a part of. Elementers, I love you guy's. Thanks for coming. Because of you I can answer every week "Someone came!" As long as someone comes, I'll keep doing what I do. lol

Following Christ,


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